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Pict generate orthogonal test cases tutorial

2022-07-04 23:11:00 Wu_ Candy

Share the theme today : How to use PICT Quickly generate orthogonal test cases .

PICT brief introduction

  • PICT Full name Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Testing tool, It is a pair test case generation tool developed by Microsoft , Now it's available to the public , You can download the installation package on the Internet .
  • PICT It can effectively follow the principle of "two tests" , Design test cases . In the use of PICT when , All parameters related to the test case need to be entered , To achieve full coverage .

PICT Usage method

  1. download PICT Installation package ( The test resource sharing article has been placed in the online disk link )
  2. Prepare the model file testModel.txt
  3. take testModel.txt Model files placed in PICT Under the table of contents
  4. dos The window executes commands to generate test cases

Model file testModel.txt Content

notes : Punctuation marks are in English

PLATFORM:  x86, ia64, amd64
CPUS:      Single, Dual, Quad
RAM:       128MB, 1GB, 4GB, 64GB
HDD:       SCSI, IDE
OS:        NT4, Win2K, WinXP, Win2K3
IE:        "4.0", "5.0", "5.5", "6.0"
APP:       SQLServer, Exchange, Office

{ OS, IE } @ 2


IF [RAM]="64GB" THEN [HDD]="IDE" AND [IE]="4.0";
IF [IE] in {"4.0","5.0"} THEN [RAM] in {"1GB", "4GB"};
IF [PLATFORM] in {"ia64", "amd64"} THEN [OS] in {"WinXP", "Win2K3"};

The model file consists of three parts , As shown in the figure below

The rules between the three parts :

  • Not exchangeable ,
  • Do not overlap
  • No separator is required between parts
  • Allow blank lines
  • Allowed to pass through “#” Add notes

cmd Command to generate test cases

(1). Carry out orders

 Get into doc Under window pict Under the table of contents , Carry out orders :pict testModel.txt

D:\your_pict_directory> pict testModel.txt

(2). Execution effect ( Here testModel.txt File is pict_test_case.txt)

(3). Execute result output redirection

Redirect output to txt In the text

D:\your_pict_directory> pict testModel.txt> OutputFile.txt

Redirect output to excel In file

D:\your_pict_directory> pict testModel.txt> OutputFile.xls

dos Open the redirected... Directly in the window excel file


excel Open the rendering as follows :



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