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QT drawing network topology diagram (connecting database, recursive function, infinite drawing, dragging nodes)
2022-07-04 23:07:00 【GreenHandBruce】
Hardware :ThinkPadT590
System :Win10
database :sqlserver2014
Source connection :
qt To achieve the drawing of network topology diagram , Connect first sqlserver The database obtains all node data , Then the relationship between each node is resolved by recursive function , And calculate the position of each node to be drawn on the graph , Then by rewriting
QGraphicsPixmapItem Class to draw a node graph , By rewriting
QGraphicsItem Class to draw the line between nodes .
As long as the relationship data between nodes is correct , You can draw infinitely .
The interface is as follows :
The dragging effect is as follows :
sqlserver The data in the database table is as follows :
The key codes are as follows :
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "nodeframe.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
NodeFrame::NodeFrame(QWidget *parent) :
m_scene = new QGraphicsScene(0, 0, this->width(), this->height());
QScrollBar *horBar = this->horizontalScrollBar();
QScrollBar *verBar = this->verticalScrollBar();
// connectSqlServer();// Connect to the database and read the data , Disable here first , If you have a good database , You can drive
manulInitNoteList();// If you do not connect to the database, you can manually initialize the node queue , When connecting to the database , This line should be disabled !
void NodeFrame::manulInitNoteList()
NodeInSql node;
node.nNodeID =1; node.nParentID =1; node.strNodeName =" The root node "; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =2; node.nParentID =1; node.strNodeName =" Child node 2"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =3; node.nParentID =1; node.strNodeName =" Child node 3"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =4; node.nParentID =1; node.strNodeName =" Child node 4"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =5; node.nParentID =1; node.strNodeName =" Child node 5"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =6; node.nParentID =2; node.strNodeName =" Child node 6"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =7; node.nParentID =2; node.strNodeName =" Child node 7"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =8; node.nParentID =3; node.strNodeName =" Child node 8"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =9; node.nParentID =3; node.strNodeName =" Child node 9"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =10; node.nParentID =4; node.strNodeName =" Child node 10"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =11; node.nParentID =10; node.strNodeName =" Child node 11"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =12; node.nParentID =11; node.strNodeName =" Child node 12"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =13; node.nParentID =12; node.strNodeName =" Child node 13"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =14; node.nParentID =13; node.strNodeName =" Child node 14"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =15; node.nParentID =13; node.strNodeName =" Child node 15"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =16; node.nParentID =13; node.strNodeName =" Child node 16"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =17; node.nParentID =13; node.strNodeName =" Child node 17"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
node.nNodeID =18; node.nParentID =13; node.strNodeName =" Child node 18"; m_lstNodeInSql.append(node);
delete m_scene;
void NodeFrame::refresh()
m_scene = new QGraphicsScene(0, 0, this->width(), this->height());
void NodeFrame::connectSqlServer()
QSqlDatabase db= QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC", "dbTemp");
db.setDatabaseName(QString("DRIVER={SQL SERVER};"
"SERVER=%1;" // Server name
"DATABASE=%2;"// Database name
"UID=%3;" // Login name
"PWD=%4;" // password
).arg(",49674")// The port number on my computer is 49674
// Database connection
bool ok = db.open();
qDebug()<<"database open success";
// Database query
QSqlQuery query(db);
query.exec("SELECT * FROM Node;");
NodeInSql node;
node.nNodeID = query.value(1).toInt();
node.nParentID = query.value(2).toInt();
node.strNodeName = query.value(3).toString();
void NodeFrame::initNodeList()
// Find the root node
NodeInSql nRootID;
foreach(NodeInSql node,m_lstNodeInSql)
nRootID = node;
NodeInfoToShow rootNodeInfoToShow;
rootNodeInfoToShow.nLevel = 0;
rootNodeInfoToShow.nNodeID = nRootID.nNodeID;
rootNodeInfoToShow.nParentID = nRootID.nParentID;
rootNodeInfoToShow.ptPos = QPoint(0,100);
rootNodeInfoToShow.strNodeName = nRootID.strNodeName;
NetNode *rootNetNode = new NetNode(rootNodeInfoToShow,m_scene);
parseNodesInSql(rootNodeInfoToShow,rootNetNode);// Analyze all node relationships and locations
void NodeFrame::parseNodesInSql(NodeInfoToShow node,NetNode *netNode)
int nChildNum = 0;// At present node A node has several child nodes
int nWidth = node.nLevel%2==0?250:150;// Horizontal spacing between nodes
int nHeight = 200;// Longitudinal spacing between nodes
QList<NodeInfoToShow> lstNodeInCrtLevel;// At present node All nodes under
for(int i = 0;i<m_lstNodeInSql.count();i++)
if(m_lstNodeInSql[i].nParentID==node.nNodeID && m_lstNodeInSql[i].nParentID!=m_lstNodeInSql[i].nNodeID)
NodeInfoToShow rootNodeInfoToShow;
rootNodeInfoToShow.nLevel = node.nLevel+1;
rootNodeInfoToShow.nNodeID = m_lstNodeInSql[i].nNodeID;
rootNodeInfoToShow.nParentID = node.nNodeID;
rootNodeInfoToShow.ptPos = QPoint(0,0);// Here first 0,0 Point as initial value , Next, determine the location of each child node
rootNodeInfoToShow.strNodeName = m_lstNodeInSql[i].strNodeName;
// Determine the location of each child node
for(int i = 0;i<lstNodeInCrtLevel.count();i++)
if(nChildNum%2==1)// There are odd child nodes
int nHalf = (nChildNum-1)/2;
int nX =node.ptPos.x()+(i-nHalf)*nWidth;// Of the above node x Based on coordinates plus offset
int nY = node.ptPos.y()+nHeight;// Of the above node y Based on coordinates plus offset
lstNodeInCrtLevel[i].ptPos = QPoint(nX,nY);
else// There are even child nodes
int nHalf = nChildNum/2;
int nX =node.ptPos.x()+(i-nHalf)*nWidth+nWidth/2;// Of the above node x Based on coordinates plus offset
int nY = node.ptPos.y()+nHeight;// Of the above node y Based on coordinates plus offset
lstNodeInCrtLevel[i].ptPos = QPoint(nX,nY);
NetNode *subNetNode = new NetNode(lstNodeInCrtLevel[i],m_scene);
NodeLink *link = new NodeLink(netNode, subNetNode);
if (link) {
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