Token The certification process

  • As the most popular cross domain authentication solution ,JWT(JSON Web Token) Loved by developers , The main process is as follows :
  • The client sends an account and password to request login
  • The server receives the request , Verify whether the account and password pass
  • After successful verification , The server will generate a unique token, And return it to the client
  • Client received token, Store it in cookie perhaps localStroge in
  • After that, every time the client sends a request to the server , Will pass cookie perhaps header Take with you token
  • Server side validation token The effectiveness of the , The data of the response is returned only after passing

be based on Token The certification process

Token Certification benefits

  • Support cross domain access :Cookie Cross domain access is not allowed , That's right Token There is no mechanism , The premise is that the transmitted user authentication information passes HTTP Head transmission
  • No state :Token The mechanism does not need storage on the server session Information , because Token It contains the information of all users who log in , Just on the client side cookie Or local media storage status information
  • More applicable : As long as it's support http Protocol client , You can use token authentication .
  • Don't need to consider CSRF: Because no longer rely on cookie, So using token The authentication method will not happen CSRF, So there is no need to consider CSRF Defense

JWT structure

  • One JWT It's actually a string , It consists of three parts : Head load And Signature . Middle point . Divided into three parts . Be careful JWT There is no line break inside .

JWT structure
  • Head / header
  • header It's made up of two parts : token The type of JWT And algorithm name :HMACSHA256RSA
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
  • load / Payload
  • Payload Part of it is also a JSON object , It is used to store the data that needs to be transferred .JWT Specify seven default fields to choose from .
  • In addition to the default fields , You can add any field you want , Generally, after the user logs in successfully , Store user information here
iss: The issuer 
exp: Due time
sub: The theme
aud: user
nbf: Not available until
iat: Release time
jti:JWT ID Used to identify the JWT
"iss": "xxxxxxx",
"sub": "xxxxxxx",
"aud": "xxxxxxx",
"user": [
'username': ' Geek flying rabbit ',
'gender': 1,
'nickname': ' Flying rabbit '
  • Signature / Signature
  • The signature part is on the above Head 、 load Data signature with two parts of data
  • To ensure that the data is not tampered with , You need to specify a key , And this key is usually only known by you , And stored on the server
  • The code to generate the signature is generally as follows :
//  among secret  It's the key 
String signature = HMACSHA256(base64UrlEncode(header) + "." + base64UrlEncode(payload), secret)

JWT Basic use

  • The client receives the JWT, Can be stored in Cookie Inside , It can also be stored in localStorage
  • then Every time the client communicates with the server , Take this with you JWT
  • hold JWT Save in Cookie Send request inside , It can't be Cross domain
  • It's better to put it in HTTP Requested header information Authorization In the field
fetch('license/login', {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'X-TOKEN' + token

actual combat : Use JWT Login authentication

  • Use here ThinkPHP6 Integrate JWT Login and authenticate for actual combat simulation

  • install JWT Expand

composer require firebase/php-jwt
  • Package generation JWT And decryption methods
* Desc: JWT authentication
* Author: autofelix
* Time: 2022/07/04
*/ namespace app\services; use app\Helper;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
use Firebase\JWT\Key; class JwtService
protected $salt; public function __construct()
// Get a unique string from the configuration information , You can write whatever you like md5('token')
$this->salt = config('jwt.salt') || "autofelix";
} // jwt Generate
public function generateToken($user)
$data = array(
"iss" => 'autofelix', // Issuer Can be null
"aud" => 'autofelix', // Face users , Can be null
"iat" => Helper::getTimestamp(), // The issuance of time
"nbf" => Helper::getTimestamp(), // Take effect immediately
"exp" => Helper::getTimestamp() + 7200, //token Expiration time Two hours
"user" => [ // Record user information
'id' => $user->id,
'username' => $user->username,
'truename' => $user->truename,
'phone' => $user->phone,
'email' => $user->email,
'role_id' => $user->role_id
$jwt = JWT::encode($data, md5($this->salt), 'HS256');
return $jwt;
} // jwt Decrypt
public function chekToken($token)
JWT::$leeway = 60; // Subtract... From the current time 60, Leave some room for time
$decoded = JWT::decode($token, new Key(md5($this->salt), 'HS256'));
return $decoded;
  • After the user logs in , Generate JWT identification
declare (strict_types=1); namespace app\controller; use think\Request;
use app\ResponseCode;
use app\Helper;
use app\model\User as UserModel;
use app\services\JwtService; class License
public function login(Request $request)
$data = $request->only(['username', 'password', 'code']); // .... Relevant logic for verification ...
$user = UserModel::where('username', $data['username'])->find(); // Verify by generating JWT, Return to front end save
$token = (new JwtService())->generateToken($user); return json([
'code' => ResponseCode::SUCCESS,
'message' => ' Login successful ',
'data' => [
'token' => $token
  • Middleware verifies whether the user logs in
  • stay middleware.php Register middleware
// Global middleware definition file
return [
// ... Other middleware
// JWT verification
  • After registering middleware , Improve the verification logic in the permission verification middleware
declare (strict_types=1); namespace app\middleware; use app\ResponseCode;
use app\services\JwtService; class Auth
private $router_white_list = ['login']; public function handle($request, \Closure $next)
if (!in_array($request->pathinfo(), $this->router_white_list)) {
$token = $request->header('token'); try {
// jwt verification
$jwt = (new JwtService())->chekToken($token);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return json([
'code' => ResponseCode::ERROR,
'msg' => 'Token Validation failed '
} $request->user = $jwt->user;
} return $next($request);

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