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"Xiaodeng" domain password policy enhancer in operation and maintenance

2022-07-04 23:29:00 There is Xiao Deng in operation and

A strong password policy is the cornerstone to ensure password security and protect users from intrusion . If your users are safe , Then your enterprise is also safe . Almost all cloud applications have more or less deployed password policy controls to protect password security . The specific password policy rules depend on each application , But they all have one thing in common — Too fragile . The current password strategy implemented by many service providers has no chance to prevent the complex password cracking methods used by hackers today . Recent cyber attacks are proof .

  Password policy

therefore , How can you improve the security of Cloud Applications ?ADSelfService Plus It can be done .

working principle

ADSelfService Plus Provides fine-grained password policy enhancer function , It seamlessly implements strong password policy controls in multiple Cloud Applications .ADSelfService Plus The password synchronization function in ensures that the user accounts of cloud applications and local systems are protected by the same reliable password policy control measures .

 ADSelfService Plus

Advanced password policy rules to improve security

ADSelfService Plus There are some password policy rules , Used in many cloud applications rather than native . These rules are specifically designed to prevent hackers from some of the most common password attacks , Including dictionary attacks 、 Rainbow table attack and brute force cracking .ADSelfService Plus The password policy rules of include :

Dictionary rules : It is forbidden to include the entries in the language dictionary and Hacker Dictionary in the password .

Keyboard mode : Reject common keyboard modes , for example QWERTY、12345、ASDFGH etc. .

Repetition mode : It is forbidden to include consecutive repeated characters in the password 、 Consecutive characters and palindromes from user names .

Multiple repetitive miscellaneous enhancements : Force both lowercase and uppercase , Specify the exact number of characters and numbers required , There has to be Unicode character , The first digit of the password must be letters .

Password support : The password is longer than the password , And there are spaces between words . They are different from regular passwords , Easier to remember and harder to break . With ADSelfService Plus, You can enable passwords for Cloud Applications .

Password history check for password reset : Prevent users from bypassing the minimum password age and using old passwords in password reset . By default , The password history check is only performed when the user changes his password .ADSelfService Plus Password history will also be checked during password reset .

  Dictionary attack

Centralized password policy management for multiple Cloud Applications

With ADSelfService Plus, You can create and manage password policies for multiple cloud applications from the central console . Every time your enterprise IT When the security policy changes , No need to run between multiple Cloud Applications .ADSelfService Plus From a window , Configure and implement strong password policies in multiple Cloud Applications .

And Active Directory Password policy integration

ADSelfService Plus The password policy enhancer of can also be applied to the user's local account , These include Windows Active Directory、IBM iSeries、Oracle Database and HP UX. stay ADSelfService Plus Password policy rules configured in , Even when administrators use native tools ( for example ,Active Directory Users and computers (ADUC) Console ) It can also take effect during password reset . Pass will be used to regulate Active Directory Granular password policy control measures are extended to Cloud Applications , You can ensure that passwords for all accounts have the same complexity rules 、 Expiration date, etc . For end users and administrators , Password management becomes easier , And minimize password related problems .

 Active Directory

Convenient custom password policy messages

ADSelfService Plus It can also replace the password change operation during Ctrl+Alt+Del Outdated password policy rules displayed on the interface . By default ,Windows It will not specifically point out what rules the user's password fails to comply with .ADSelfService Plus The correct password requirements can be displayed to the end user , Including special characters 、 Numbers 、 The exact number of items such as lowercase letters . This helps users easily choose strong passwords during their first trial .

Fine grained implementation of different policies for different users

take AD Extending password policy controls to cloud applications has another advantage , That is, it allows users to require privileged accounts with stricter password policies , And implement a relatively loose password policy for ordinary user accounts . You can use it. Windows Active Directory Enterprise units and groups built in , Apply the password policy to the user's cloud account . This will help reduce the number of password reset work orders received by helpdesk technicians .

ADSelfService Plus Other advantages of - Self service reset password management


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