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Observable time series data downsampling practice in Prometheus

2022-07-04 23:13:00 InfoQ

author : Zhizhen

be based on  Prometheus  In the monitoring practice , Especially when the scale is large , The storage and query of time series data is very important , And there are many problems . How to deal with long-term queries with large amounts of data , Native  Prometheus  The system does not give a satisfactory answer . Regarding this ,ARMS Prometheus  Recently, the downsampling function has been launched , A new attempt has been made to solve this problem .


The problem background

Prometheus  And  K8s  As a pair of golden partners in the cloud primary era , It is the standard configuration of many enterprise operating environments . However , In order to adapt to the business scale and the development and evolution of microservices , The number of monitored objects will increase ; In order to more completely reflect the state details of the system or application , The granularity division of indicators is becoming more and more detailed , The number of indicators is increasing ; In order to find the trend change of longer cycle , The retention period of indicator data is bound to be longer . All these changes will eventually lead to an explosive increase in the amount of monitoring data , Storage for observation products 、 Inquire about 、 Calculation brings great pressure .

We can use a simple scenario , To more intuitively feel the consequences of this data explosion . If we need to query all nodes of my cluster in recent one month  CPU  Changes in dosage , My cluster is a  30  A small cluster of physical nodes , On average, each node runs  50  Need to collect indicators  POD, By default  30  Second acquisition interval , We need to deal with the collection  target  share  30
50 = 1500  individual , Each sampling point will be captured every day  60
60*24/30 = 2880  Time , In a one month cycle , share  1500 * 2880 * 30 = 1.3  100 million index grabs , With  Node exporter  For example , A bare machine grabs and spits out  sample  on the order of 500, In a month, the cluster will generate about  1.3  Billion  * 500 = 650  One hundred million ! In real business systems , The situation is often not so ideal , The actual number of sampling points often exceeds 100 billion .

In the face of this situation , We must have some technical means , On the premise of ensuring the accuracy of data as much as possible , For storage / Inquire about / Optimize and improve the cost and efficiency of calculation . Downsampling (DownSampling) Is one of the representative ideas .

What is downsampling

Downsampling is based on such a premise : Data processing conforms to the law of Association , Combination of values of multiple sampling points , It will not affect the final calculation result , It happened that  Prometheus  The time series data of meets such characteristics . Downsampling, in other words, reduces the resolution of the data , The idea is very direct , If the data points within a certain time interval , Based on certain rules , Aggregate into one or a set of values , So as to reduce the number of sampling points , Reduce the amount of data , Reduce the pressure of storing query calculation . So we need two inputs : The time interval , Aggregation rules .

For the time interval of downsampling , Based on empirical analysis , We define two different downsampling intervals : Five minutes and one hour , Plus the raw data , Will get three different  resolution  The data of , According to the query conditions, the query requests are automatically routed to different  resolution  The data of . With the following  ARMS Prometheus  Provide longer storage duration options , We may also add new interval options .

For aggregation rules , Through to  Prometheus  Analysis of operator function of , Various operator functions can finally be summarized into six types of numerical calculations :

  • max, Used to calculate  vector  Internal maximum , Typical operators such as  max_over_time;
  • min, Used to calculate  vector  The minimum value in , Typical operators such as  min_over_time;
  • sum, Used to calculate  vector  Sum value in , Typical operators such as  sum_over_time;
  • count, Used for statistics  ventor  The number of points in , Typical operators such as  count_over_time;
  • counter, Used to calculate the rate of change , Typical operators such as  rate,increase  etc. ;
  • avg, Take the average value of each point in the time interval ;

thus it can be seen , For a series of sampling points in the time interval , We only need to calculate the aggregate eigenvalues of the above six types , When querying, you can return the aggregate value of the corresponding time interval . If the default  scrape interval  by  30  second , Five minutes of downsampling will aggregate ten points into one point ; One hour downsampling , Will  120  Points converge into a point , Similarly, query the sampling points involved , There will be an order of magnitude decline , If  scrape interval  smaller , Then the effect of sample point reduction will be more significant . On the one hand, the reduction of sampling points reduces  TSDB  Read pressure , On the other hand, the computing pressure of the query engine will also be reduced synchronously , And then effectively reduce the query time .

How to realize downsampling

His shan zhishi

Other open source / Commercial sequential data storage implementation , Some also use the downsampling function , Optimize and improve long-span queries , Let's also get to know .

  • Prometheus

Open source  Prometheus  Storage capacity , It has always been a point of criticism , Open source  Prometheus  It does not directly provide the ability of downsampling , But provided  Recording Rule  Ability , Users can use  Recording Rule  From row implementation  DownSampling, But this will create a new timeline , In a high cardinality scenario , Instead, it further aggravates the storage pressure .

  • Thanos

As a well-known  Prometheus  Highly available storage solutions ,Thanos  It provides a relatively perfect downsampling scheme .Thanos  In the implementation of  downsmpling  The functional components are  compactor, He will :

  • On a regular basis from  ojbect storage  Middle pull  block( The original  Prometheus Block,2  Hour time span ), Conduct  compaction and downsampling,downsampling  The status of will be recorded to  block metadata.
  • Compression and downsampling results , Generate a new  block, Write to  object storage.

Downsampling  The following eigenvalues include  sum/count/max/min/counter, Write special  aggrChunks  In the data block . When making a query :

  • The original aggregation operators and functions will be converted into special  AggrFunc, Corresponding to read  aggrChunks  Block data
  • Read the  block  Sort by time , Priority read maximum  Resolution  Of  block
  • M3

M3 Aggregator  Responsible for storing indicators in  M3DB  front , Flow aggregation index , And according to  storagePolicy  Specify the storage duration of the indicator and the sampling interval of the calculation window .

M3  The supported data interval is more flexible , More eigenvalues , Include  histogram quantile  function .

  • InfluxDB/Victoria Metric/Context

Victoria Metrics  At present, the downsampling function is only available in the commercial version , The open source version is not revealed .InfluxDB  Open source version of (v2.0  Before ) Through something like  Recording Rule  The way , Execute the original data that has been dropped outside the storage medium  continuous query  To achieve downsampling .Context  Downsampling is not yet supported .

How do we do

There are different downsampling schemes in the market , We briefly summarized their use costs and other concerns of users , The comparison is as follows :

ARMS Prometheus  Treatment  TSDB  How to store blocks , The original data block is automatically processed into a downsampling data block by the background , On the one hand, it can achieve a better processing performance , On the other hand, for end users , There is no need to care about parameter configuration rule maintenance, etc , Reduce the burden of user operation and maintenance as much as possible .

This function has been implemented in Alibaba cloud  region  go online , And start the directional invitation experience . In the upcoming  ARMS Prometheus  Advanced version , Integrate and provide this function by default .

The impact of downsampling on queries

After we have finished downsampling at the sampling point level , Is it easy to solve the long-term query problem ? Obviously not ,TSDB  Only the most original materials are saved in , And the curve seen by the user , It also needs to be calculated and processed by the query engine , In the process of calculation and processing , We face at least two problems :

  • Q1: When to read down sampled data ? Is the original data unavailable after downsampling ?
  • Q2: After downsampling, the density of data points is smaller , The data is more “ sparse ”, Will the query performance be consistent with the original data ? Users need to adjust  PromQL  Well ?

For the first question ,ARMS Prometheus  According to the user's query statements and filter conditions , Intelligently select the appropriate time granularity , Make an appropriate balance between data details and query performance .

For the second question , First of all, we can say the conclusion :
The density of the acquisition point has a great influence on the result calculation , but  ARMS Prometheus  The differences are shielded at the query engine level , Users do not need to adjust  PromQL.
  This influence is mainly reflected in three aspects : And query statements  duration  The impact between , With the query request  step  The impact between , And the influence on the operator itself , Next, we will explain in detail the impact of these three aspects , as well as  ARMS Prometheus  Work done in these three aspects .

duration  And downsampling calculation results

We know ,PromQL  Intermediate interval vector (Range Vector) When inquiring , Will bring a time interval parameter (time duration), Used to frame a time range , Used to calculate the results . For example, query statements http_requests_total{job="prometheus"}[2m] in , designated  duration  That's two minutes , When calculating the result , You will find  time series  In two minutes , Split into several  vector, Pass to  function  Do calculations , And return the results respectively .duration  It's a direct decision  function  The input length that can be obtained during calculation , The impact on the results is obvious .

In general , The interval between acquisition points is  30s  Or shorter , as long as  time duration  More than that , We can determine each split  vector  in , There will be several  samples, Used to calculate the results . After downsampling , The data point interval will become larger ( Five minutes or even an hour ), This may happen  vector  There is no value in , This leads to  function  The calculation results are intermittent . In this case  ARMS Prometheus  It will automatically adjust the operator  time duration  Parameters to deal with , Guarantee  duration  Not less than that of downsampling  resolution, That is to ensure that every  ventor  There will be sampling points in , Ensure the accuracy of the calculation results .

step  And downsampling calculation results

duration  Parameters determine  PromQL  Calculation  vector  Of ” length “, and  step  Parameters determine  vector  Of ” Stepping “. If the user is in  grafana  Query on ,step  The parameter is actually determined by  grafana  Calculated according to the page width and query time span , Take my personal computer for example , time span  15  Tianshi default  step  yes  10  minute . For some operators , Because the density of sampling points decreases ,step  It may also cause jump of calculation results , Let's say  increase  As an example, simply analyze .

Under normal circumstances ( The sampling points are uniform , nothing  counter  Reset ),increase  The calculation formula of can be simplified as ( Tail value  -  Initial value )x duration /( Tail timestamp  -  First timestamp ), For general scenes , The first / Tail point and start / Interval of ending time , Not more than  scrape interval, If  duration  Than  scrape interval  Much larger , The result is about equal to ( Tail value  -  Initial value ). Suppose there is a group of down sampled  counter  The data points , as follows :

sample1: t = 00:00:01 v=1 
sample2: t = 00:59:31 v=1 
sample3: t = 01:00:01 v=30 
sample4: t = 01:59:31 v=31 
sample5: t = 02:00:01 v=31 
sample6: t = 02:59:31 v=32

Hypothetical query  duration  For two hours ,step  by  10  minute , Then we will get the divided  vector, as follows :

slice 1:  Starting and ending time  00:00:00 / 02:00:00 [sample1 ... sample4] 
slice 2:  Starting and ending time  00:10:00 / 02:10:00 [sample2 ... sample5] 
slice 3:  Starting and ending time  00:20:00 / 02:20:00 [sample2 ... sample5]

In the raw data , The interval between the beginning and end points and the start and end time , Not more than  scrape interval, And the data after downsampling , The interval between the start and end points and the start and end time can be up to (duration - step). If the sampling point value changes gently , Then the calculation result after downsampling will not be significantly different from the calculation result of the original data , But if one  slice  The median value of the interval changes violently , Then according to the above calculation formula ( Tail value  -  Initial value )x duration /( Tail timestamp  -  First timestamp ), Will magnify this change proportionally ,
Give Way
The curve finally displayed fluctuates more violently
. This result we think is normal , At the same time, the index changes violently (fast-moving counter) In the scene of ,irate  It will be more applicable , This is also consistent with the recommendations of the official documents .

Operator and downsampling calculation results

The calculation results of some operators are similar to  samples  Quantity is directly related to , The most typical is  count_over_time , In the statistical time interval  samples  Number , Downsampling itself is to reduce the number of points in the time interval , So this situation needs to be in  Prometheus engine  Do special treatment in , When it is found that the downsampling data is used , Adopt new calculation logic to ensure the correctness of the results .

Comparison of downsampling effect

For users , What I finally feel is the improvement of query speed , But how big is the increase , We also verify and compare through two queries .

The test cluster has  55  individual  node, share  pod 6000+, The total number of sampling points reported every day is about  100  Billion , Data storage cycle  15  God .

The first round of comparison : The query efficiency

Query statement :

sum(irate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{}[5m])*8) by (instance)

That is, query each in the cluster  node  Received network traffic , The query period is  15  God .

chart  1: Downsampling data query , The time span is 15 days , Query time consuming  3.12  second

chart  2: Raw data query , The time span is 15 days , Query timeout ( Timeout time  30  second )

The calculation of the original data timed out due to the large amount of data , Failed to return . Downsampling queries are at least ten times more efficient than original queries .

The second round of comparison : The accuracy of the results

Query statement :

max(irate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{}[5m])*8) by (instance)

That is, query each  node  On , Receive the traffic data of the network card with the largest amount of data .

chart  3: Downsampling query , The time span is two days

chart  4: Raw data query , The time span is two days

Finally, we will shorten the query time span to two days , The original data query can also be returned faster . Compare the downsampling query results ( Upper figure ) And original data query results ( The figure below ) so , The number of time lines of the two is completely consistent with the overall trend , The points with violent data changes can also fit well , It can fully meet the needs of long-term periodic query .


Alicloud on  6  month  22  The Alibaba cloud observable suite was officially released on the th (Alibaba Cloud Observability Suite,ACOS). Alibaba cloud's observable suite revolves around  Prometheus  service 、Grafana  Service and link tracking service ,  Forming index storage analysis 、 Link storage analysis 、 Observable data layer for heterogeneous data source integration , At the same time, the standard  PromQL  and  SQL, Provide data display , Alarm and data exploration capability . by IT Cost management 、 Enterprise risk governance 、 Intelligent operation and maintenance 、 Different scenarios such as business continuity guarantee endow data value , Let observable data really do more than observation .

among ,** Alibaba cloud  Prometheus  Monitoring is for multiple instances 、 Large amount of data 、 High timeline base 、 Long time span 、 Extreme scenarios such as complex queries , Gradually launched global aggregate query , Streaming query , Downsampling , Various targeted measures such as pre polymerization .

At present  15  Day free trial 、Prometheus  Monitor promotional activities such as cost reduction of basic indicators of container clusters !

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