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French scholars: the explicability of counter attack under optimal transmission theory

2022-07-04 23:17:00 Zhiyuan community

This article shares papers 『When adversarial attacks become interpretable counterfactual explanations』, The explicability of counter attack under optimal transmission theory .


The details are as follows :

The author is from the third University of Toulouse in France and IRT Saint-Exupéry Research institute, .

Thesis link :https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.06854.pdf


This paper is a theoretical article on countering attacks , The author provides a very reliable explanation for countering attacks . At present, the optimal transmission theory is a very popular direction in the deep learning theory , The author analyzes the phenomenon of anti attack from the perspective of optimal transmission theory . When learning a neural network with dual loss of optimal transmission problem , The gradient of the model is the direction of the optimal transmission scheme , It is also the direction closest to the confrontation sample .
Moving along the gradient to the decision boundary is no longer a counter attack , It's a counterfactual explanation , That is, it can be seen as explicitly transferring from one class to another . Interpretable by AI A large number of experiments on measurement can find , The simple saliency mapping method applied to the optimal transmission network is a reliable explanation , And it is superior to the latest interpretation method in the unconstrained model .


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