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How to effectively monitor the DC column head cabinet

2022-07-04 23:39:00 Ankerui Huanan

Encore Hua Nan

Abstract : The quality of power supply in the data center directly affects IT Safe operation of the equipment , Therefore, it is very important to monitor the incoming and outgoing power lines of DC column head cabinet in the data center , The Hall current sensor can collect the current of the main incoming line 、 Multi branch DC current and leakage current .

key word : Data Center ; DC column head cabinet ; Hall current sensor

0. summary

DC column head cabinet is an energy terminal cabinet for data center machine room , Intelligent distribution cabinet that comprehensively collects all energy data . Provide high-precision measurement data for terminal energy monitoring system , Through the display unit , Reflect power quality data in real time , And pass  RS485 The communication will upload the data to the background environmental monitoring system , In order to achieve the real-time monitoring and operation quality management of the whole distribution system . Help users optimize the network data center , Strengthen energy consumption management , Improve the efficiency of the server rack . It is mainly used in telecommunications 、 Finance 、 The government IT And other important customers such as data centers or industrial enterprises , Provide power distribution servers and other important equipment , Distribution circuit protection 、 metering 、 Manage computer grounding and other services .

1. Hall current sensor helps data center save energy and reduce consumption

DC column head cabinet adopts multi loop monitoring device , It can measure the incoming current 、 voltage 、 power 、 Electric energy parameters, etc , It can also monitor the current of multiple branches at the same time 、 Leakage current 、 voltage 、 power 、 Electric energy parameters, etc . The accumulated electric energy and incremental electric energy can be displayed at the same time , The parameters of the system operation are monitored , And pass  HMI Integrated display , It reduces the occupation of distribution cabinet space , The floor area ratio of the distribution cabinet is improved .

Hall current sensor can collect the current of main incoming line 、 DC current and leakage current of multiple branches . The Hall current sensor converts the DC current at the primary side into analog signal and outputs it to the multi loop monitoring device , The multi loop monitoring device samples the analog signal , Calculate the measured current . The primary system diagram and physical diagram of DC column head cabinet are as shown in Fig 1、 chart 2 Shown .

chart 1  Primary system diagram of DC column head cabinet



chart 2  Physical drawing of DC column head cabinet

2. Hall current sensor  

Hall current sensor is mainly suitable for ac 、 Direct 、 Isolation and conversion of complex signals such as pulses , Through the Hall effect principle, the transformed signal can be directly detected AD、DSP、PLC、 Various acquisition devices such as secondary instruments directly collect data , It is widely used in current monitoring and battery application 、 Inverter and solar power management system 、 DC panel and DC motor drive 、 electroplate 、 Welding application 、 Frequency converter ,UPS Current signal acquisition and feedback control of servo control system , It has fast response time , Wide current measurement range and high precision , Strong overload capacity , Good linearity , Strong anti-interference ability .


DC leakage current sensor

DC leakage current sensor is a kind of magnetic flux gate sensor (Flux gate) A measuring module that converts the measured DC current into a DC current or voltage signal output in proportion to the current , High insulation between primary and secondary edges . Usually output standard DC DC 4-20mA、 DC0-5V、DC0-10V Equal signal , This standard signal can be collected by a variety of acquisition devices , Such as PLC、RTU、DAS Card, etc , Used in various current monitoring occasions . The leakage current sensor is installed on the positive and negative outgoing lines of the DC circuit , When the unit is running , Real time detection of the signal output by each branch sensor , When the branch insulation is normal , The current flowing through the sensor is equal , In the opposite direction , Its output signal is zero ; When the branch is grounded , A differential current flows through the leakage current sensor , The output of the sensor is not zero . Therefore, by detecting the output signal of each branch sensor , The grounding branch of DC system can be judged . This principle has high line selection accuracy , It is not affected by the distributed capacitance of the line .

3. Conclusion   

2020 year , The construction of data center has been officially included in the new infrastructure strategy . In recent years, it has been paid more and more attention by the State , The data center is the basic guarantee for the orderly operation of the new infrastructure , Be regarded as “ The infrastructure of the new infrastructure ”.

stay “ the 14th Five-Year Plan ” Planning and 2035 The outline of the long-term goals for the year 2000 , Chapter 11 clearly states that ,“ Accelerate the construction of a national integrated big data center system , Strengthen the overall planning of computing power and intelligent scheduling , Build a number of national hub nodes and big data center clusters ”.

The DC column head cabinet equipped with ancorehall current sensor has been officially put into operation in multiple data centers , Collect the power operation parameters of the power distribution equipment and electrical equipment in the data center , Realize multi loop on-line monitoring and fault alarm , Meet the needs of most data centers .


[1]  Enterprise microgrid design and Application Manual .2020.6


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