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Verilog tutorial (11) initial block in Verilog

2022-07-04 23:59:00 mb611f1478c9b26

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In a simulation, a set of Verilog sentence . These statements are placed in a block . stay Verilog There are two main types of blocks in –initial Block and always block .


Grammar format

initial Block can be understood as an initialization block , stay initial The starting position of the statement in 0 The moment begins to execute , After that, if there is a delay , The next statement is executed after the delay .

The syntax is as follows :

[single statement]

initial begin
[multiple statements]
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.

If initial There are multiple statements in , Then place the begin …end Between .

initial What is the block used for ?

The initial block is not integrable , So it can't be converted into a hardware schematic with digital elements . Therefore, in addition to being used in simulation , It doesn't help much . These blocks are mainly used to initialize variables and design ports with specific values .

Be careful : In chip logic design ,initial Blocks really can only be used for behavioral simulation , But in FPGA In design , Simple use initial The initialization of variables can be integrated .

for example :

reg a, b, c;

initial begin
a = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.

But we initialize more at the moment of variable definition , This is the recommended usage .

for example :

reg a = 0;
  • 1.

Or use a reset signal to initialize , But this will increase the burden of generic cabling , You can consciously reduce , Unless you have to .

for example :

reg a;

[email protected](posedge i_clk) begin
if(i_rst) begin
a <= 0;

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.

initial When the block begins and when it ends ?

At the beginning of the simulation , In time 0 Unit starts an initial block . Throughout the simulation process , This block of code is executed only once . once initial All statements in the block are executed ,initial The execution of the block ends .

If initial There's just one sentence in the block , So the beginning is the end , The statement is executed to end this initial block , Such as :

Verilog Junior course (11)Verilog Medium initial block _ Reference material

The code shown in the figure below has an extra statement , It gives the signal b Assigned some values , But this only happens when the previous statement is executed 10 After units of time . It means a First assigned to a given value , And then in 10 After units of time ,b Assigned to 0.

Verilog Junior course (11)Verilog Medium initial block _ initialization _02

How many... Are allowed in a module initial block ?

There can be multiple ( Arbitrarily )initial block .

Multiple initial Blocks are executed simultaneously , It's all from the moment 0 Start execution .

The code shown in the figure below has three initial blocks , All the initial blocks start and run in parallel at the same time . However , According to the statement and delay in each initial block , The time required to complete the block may vary .

Verilog Junior course (11)Verilog Medium initial block _ Block _03

$finish It's a Verilog System tasks , It tells the emulator to terminate the current simulation .

If the last block has 30 Time unit delay , As shown in the figure below , The simulation will be in 30 Time units end , So it killed all the others that were active at the time initial block .

initial begin
#30 $finish;
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.

Reference material

 ​ Reference material 1​

 ​ Reference material 2​

  • WeChat official account : FPGA LAB

