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College degree, what about 33 year old Baoma? I still sell and test, and my monthly income is 13K+

2022-07-05 00:41:00 Two black

Marry far away for love My limited thinking keeps me doing odd jobs

Before the test , I've always been a person without confidence , Because the job is unstable , The income is not high .

I graduated from college and did 2 Hotel Management , monthly income 3500, And often work night shifts , It hurts people and their bodies , So I don't want to be a service industry anymore , I changed my profession and did telemarketing . After that, I often change jobs , insurance 、 by stages 、 Bank customer service , Chain advertising has been done , And I won't do it in three to five months . Because I can't get a good job , My limited thinking keeps me doing odd jobs .

During this period, I met my husband , In order to love , I married far away from Northeast China to Jiangsu , After having a baby , Again 3 Housewife . Gradually, children grow up and go to school , Family expenses become larger , I came out to work again . But doing electricity sales is tiring and income is unstable (4k~8k), I have to take care of my children , It's really hard to insist .

My colleagues have earned more than 10000 yuan a month in career transfer tests

Until I saw that I earned more than 10000 yuan a month as a colleague in the career change test , I'm in love , Just began to usher in a career turnaround .

At that time, I asked to sign up for a class , The husband who is a developer doesn't know that testing can be learned , He also stopped me saying that this thing is not easy to learn , At least a year .

Despite opposition , But I insist that I can , Because many colleagues around me have gone to learn , Also found a good job , I don't feel inferior to others . At my insistence , My husband accompanied me to the offline learning center to learn about the course , I think I can try . But offline is too far away from home , The cost of learning is too high , So I signed up for a line to work

Study while working

After learning , I have no time for myself . I live in Jiangsu , Working in Shanghai , Go to work across the city every day . Accompany the children for the first hour after work , Teach her something . stay 8 Take the baby to bed before class , Coax her to sleep while having class . If there is a class, it's like live broadcast , Resume without class , Learn every day 12 spot .

Fortunately, the teacher is very serious , carefully , I can keep up with Xiaobai . There are still some things I haven't thoroughly understood after the course , Just watch the video replay , Recite the question bank given by the teacher . At that time, all the notes were sorted out 70 page , In retrospect, I admire myself .

 Insert picture description here

Resign and review for half a month , Interview for a week , Get 13k offer

After learning , I quit my job and studied at home for half a month before I started looking for a job . Just started the interview , I can't answer the questions asked by the interviewer , Just record all the problems , Come back and ask the teacher to summarize the correct answer , Record 2 More than ten thousand words .

A week later , I have an interview 4 Home pass 1 home , Finally I got 13k Of offer.

I want to work harder To catch up with others

I have already 33 Year old , At this age, for enterprises , It must require a lot of testing experience , But I'm still a little white . I got the job from the exam Bank of lemon class , A lot of practice will not , When working, I also worry about making mistakes and being dismissed , You can only work harder than others , By doing project accumulation , Check online , Ask a friend 、 teacher , I stuck with it .

I always believe that the harder you work , The more fortunate ! I am honored to enter the testing industry , Now the contact circle and people are different , Income has also stabilized , Not as tired as before . In the future, we plan to lay a solid foundation for functional testing and continue to learn automated testing , Strive for a raise to 2w+!

Interview skills sharing

1、 Be prepared for the interview , Recite more questions . There are all questions in lemon class ~

2、 The interview process must be confident , smile . If you won't, just say you haven't met , It's best to record in the interview , Come back and send the summary to the teacher , Ask the correct answer , So the next interview will be .

3、 Baoma has the benefits of Baoma , Enterprises will consider childbirth , For having a baby , Baoma is an advantage . Want to do it in the testing industry for a long time , Still need to continue to learn to improve themselves , Keeping up with the skill needs of today's workplace .

Here are my summary interview questions :

Limited space , Friends who want my answers , You can get it for free by joining the group below !


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