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Kibana index, mapping, document operation

2022-07-05 00:23:00 Dalon_ G

This article needs to be configured elasticsearch and kibana Post consumption , See   Portal


1. Operation of index

2. Mapping operations

3. Document operation and partial update

1. Operation of index

# Index related 
# Create index 
PUT /test
# Determine if the index exists 
HEAD /test
# Look at the index 
GET /test
# View all indexes 
GET _all
# Look at the index , And you can see health information and other attributes 
GET /_cat/indices?v
# Close index 
POST /test/_close
# Look at the index again ( Mainly depends on the state )
GET /_cat/indices?v
# Open the index 
POST /test/_open
# Delete index 
DELETE /test
# Judge whether it exists 
HEAD /test

2. Mapping operations

# Mapping correlation 
# Create mapping fields   grammar 
PUT / Index name /_mapping
    " Field name ":{
      "type":" type ",
      "analyzer":" Word segmentation is "

# Create a mapping field case 

PUT /test/_mapping
# View mapping relationships 
GET /test/_mapping
GET _mapping
GET _all/_mapping
# Modify mapping relationship 
# You can only add mappings , If other operations need to be deleted, add again 
PUT /test/_mapping
# Create indexes and maps at once 
PUT /test2
  "settings": {}
  , "mappings": {
# View the map 
GET /test2/_mapping

3. Document operation and partial update

# New document 
POST /test/_doc/1
  "name":" Zhang San ",
# To view the document 
GET /test/_doc/1
# View all the documents 
GET /test/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}
# Custom return results    Appoint source Return results 
GET /test/_doc/1?_source=name,age
# to update    Full update ( Just put the created post Change it to put)
# Note here , If the original attribute value has , There is no new one , Some attributes will be deleted 
# If specified id There is , Then update , If it doesn't exist , Then create 
PUT /test/_doc/1
  "name":" Li Si "
# see    Only name 了 
GET /test/_doc/1
# Partial update 
POST /test/_update/1
  "doc": {

# see   Added age
GET /test/_doc/1
# Delete 
DELETE /test/_doc/1

# see   "found" : false
GET /test/_doc/1

# Conditions delete 
# Create a new document again 
POST /test/_doc/1
  "name":" Zhang San ",
POST /test/_doc/2
  "name":" Li Si ",
POST /test/_delete_by_query
      "name":" Zhang San "
# View all the documents   , also name For Li Si 
# Delete all 
POST /test/_delete_by_query
# See all again , Then all are deleted 
GET /test/_search
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}
# Force creation , If id There is , Error report in execution   "status" : 409
PUT /test/_doc/1/_create


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