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Behind the cluster listing, to what extent is the Chinese restaurant chain "rolled"?

2022-07-05 01:03:00 New consumer planet

in recent years , The fast food industry is developing rapidly , Besides western fast food , Chinese chain catering brands are also rising . With the outbreak of the epidemic , The Chinese chain catering brands that are just needed by high frequency have ushered in the fastest recovery , It has become the most concerned field in the catering industry and capital circles .

In recent days, , Juewei food announced , Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Shenzhen Wangju Investment Co., Ltd., is a shareholder of Jiangsu Hefu Catering Management Co., Ltd. Hefu Laomian , Plan to implement overseas listing .

in fact , In addition to Hefu noodles , Many Chinese catering brands have long attacked the capital market .

· 2021 year 11 month 4 Japan , Rural chicken plans to be listed on the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange ;

· 2021 year 12 End of month , The old lady plans to A stocks IPO;

· 2022 year 1 month 25 Japan , Rural foundation officially submitted the prospectus at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange .

There is no denying , With “ The new consumer ” The rise of , And the transformation of consumer groups , Chinese restaurant chains are becoming increasingly popular . According to the 《2021 China's Chain Catering Industry Report 》, By the end of last year 8 month , The investment and financing amount of China's catering industry is 439.1 One hundred million yuan , reach 2020 Twice as much as the whole year .

Behind the concern of Chinese chain catering brands , There is no lack of capital , Among them, what are the Chinese chain catering brands that frequently enter the market ?

Catering track tens of millions , Why does capital prefer “ Chinese restaurant chain ” This way ?

2020 The new epidemic in , Once plunged the entire catering industry into “ Darkest ” moment , The industry has encountered “ A big shuffle ”: Put up the shutters 、 Business adjustment 、 Decline in performance , The experience of many catering enterprises can be used “ boil ” To describe .

The catering industry has always been in the eyes of capital “ The bestselling ”, Catering enterprises that are not short of money have always been very cautious about capital , But the impact of the epidemic has changed the view of many enterprises on capital . Xibei, who once threatened never to be listed, also relaxed under the great pressure of the epidemic :“ Disasters teach people very much , Tell me , Their own hematopoietic ability and anti risk ability are not so strong , Cash pop industry also needs capital support ”.

According to sky eye data ,2020 In, the whole catering industry cancelled more than 32 Thousands of families , achieve 2019 Year of 3 times . In sharp contrast, it is the counter trend expansion of some chain brands , Take chain brands for example , only 2020 In the first half of , Haidilao can open up as many stores as 173 home , And this expansion trend continues ,2021 The number of new stores is expected to exceed 600 home .

Why are Chinese chain brands more marketable ? Through the polarization of traditional catering enterprises and chain brands, we can see , This has an important relationship with the competitiveness of chain brands .

According to the 《2021 Chinese chain catering brand industry report 》 Show , The scale of Chinese chain catering brands accounts for about 79.8%,2020 The annual scale is up to 3.15 Trillion yuan ; After the epidemic , Chinese chain catering brands hit the bottom and rebounded , Rapid recovery , It is expected to maintain an average annual growth rate in the next three years 8.8% High growth , The scale is expected to be 2023 Year breakthrough 4 Trillion yuan . In this context , The customer base of Chinese fast food brands is huge .

With 80、90 Then gradually become the main consumer , Pursue individuality 、 Quality 、 Healthy and enjoyable consumption has gradually replaced list consumption , And Chinese chain catering brands are complying with consumers' demand for fast 、 health 、 Personalized needs .

Cater to young groups like for unique advantages , Compared with traditional food enterprises , The health concept of major Chinese chain catering brands 、 The positioning between the meal and the traditional restaurant, such as specialty dishes , On the basis of relieving health anxiety , Let the dining scene be takeout 、 Go to the restaurant , It can also be light social 、 It is favored by white-collar groups and social consumers . Fashion vision 、 Casual and comfortable dining atmosphere and high-end restaurant style , It also fits the aesthetic and psychological needs of young consumers .

Under the new pattern of industry development , Consumption demand and mode are undergoing drastic changes . Rural base 、 Local chicken 、 True kung fu 、 Old uncle and other traditional Chinese fast food brands bucked the trend , It has become a group of catering enterprises with the fastest recovery after the epidemic .

Some dinner brands are looking for new growth curves , It also began to tilt towards the field of Chinese chain catering brands , Such as 2020 year 6 month , Xibei announced that she had taken a stake in the fast-food brand little girl in charge ;2020 year 9 At the beginning of , Take a breath from the bottom of the sea and boil for eighteen times 、 Fishing pie has face 、 Fanfanlin and other fast food brands .

It's not hard to find out , For the development of chain brands , The business model has more anti risk ability and expansion potential . During the epidemic, consumers' awareness of brand reputation and food safety continued to improve , Therefore, they are more inclined to choose chain brands with certain brand awareness . Chain brands are easier to replicate in expansion , This is mainly due to its highly standardized operation and strong and effective supply chain guarantee , It is also the main reason why capital likes it .

Just under the continuous overweight of all players , The race of Chinese chain catering brands may be more intense .

Old and new players “ To win ”, A new round of Chinese catering track is rolling in

As a fast-growing track in recent years, Chinese restaurant chains , Many catering brands have begun to focus on developing this track , The entry of capital makes the Chinese fast food industry more prosperous :2022 year 1 month 24 Japan ,「 Yi Sao canteen 」 Announced the official completion of millions of angel round financing ;2021 year 10 month 27 Japan ,“ Sister Xi Fried String ” complete 2.95 RMB 100 million A Round of funding ;2021 year 7 month 14 Japan ,“ Meet Xiaomian ” Complete super 1 Brands such as RMB 100 million strategic financing have been favored by capital .

Capital began to overweight the track , Giants from all walks of life have tried the water , Cross border influx .

As early as 2014、2015 year ,MUJI MUJI flagship stores in Chengdu and Shanghai have introduced Café&Meal MUJI The restaurant ; SF entered the card slot supply chain in 2021 In, he reached a cooperation with his old uncle ;2020 Iqiyi established a new catering company in, headed by the senior management in person ...... This is undoubtedly an upsurge in the catering industry , It has also accelerated a new round of involution in the industry .

Many food enterprises choose to continuously increase peripheral products , Promote cross-border operations among various categories , Seek increment .

Near establishment 20 Axiang rice noodles in has 700 Many stores have also recently changed from “ The main dish is rice noodles ” Added “ Rice noodle 、 Diaoxiao Noodles ”; Yang Guofu joins hands Bronze Lucia Create trendy clothes 、 Sheng Xiangting xBURNIN The co branded flash store parachuted into Guojin street .


With the steady recovery of the national economy , The surging consumer demand further drives the growth of the Chinese chain catering industry . While the old players are laying out diversified products and making efforts across borders , New entrants are also joining , This also means that in the second half of the Chinese restaurant chain competition will become more intense .

In order to expand the market and business , Need more financial support , Listing is a good way . If Chinese chain restaurants can be on the capital stage , Naturally, these enterprises can also expand financing channels , Get more financial support . After all , Listing is also more conducive to the long-term development of the brand , While leveraging capital, it also improves its own product power and market competitiveness .

According to the Wind data display , At present A stocks 、 In the Hong Kong stock market , The catering sector has more than 40 companies , But the market value is 10 Enterprises with more than 100 million yuan are about 15 home . among ,A The catering enterprises with shares are mainly time-honored brands , Like Qinglou 、 Quanjude et al ; Hong Kong listed enterprises are mainly chain catering , Including Yum! China 、 haidilao 、 Ninety nine cents, etc .

From this we can see that , In the capital market, Chinese catering still has greater development potential and opportunities , And Chinese chain catering brands are easier to replicate in expansion , It is more conducive to opening up the market .

Just with the continuous influx of market players , Although it has accelerated the development of Chinese chain brands , But it also promotes the intensification of industry competition , so to speak , Chinese chain catering brands have pressed a new round of acceleration key .

source : New consumer planet


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