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The performance of major mainstream programming languages is PK, and the results are unexpected

2022-07-05 00:48:00 Dotnet cross platform

Produce | OSC The open source community (ID:oschina2013)

“ What is the fastest programming language ”, To answer this question ,The Benchmarks Game Specially designed performance test for mainstream programming languages . The test items include ( You can click the end of the text to read the original text to view the details ):

  • fannkuch-redux

  • n-body

  • spectral-norm

  • mandelbrot

  • pidigits

  • regex-redux

  • fasta

  • k-nucleotide

  • reverse-complement

  • binary-trees

According to The Benchmarks Game A visual chart is made of the test data of , As shown below , Grey reflects time efficiency , Shorter means better performance , Brown is a weighted value based on execution time and memory overhead .


You can see , Some of the results were somewhat unexpected , such as Python, Although it is well known that its performance is relatively backward , But I didn't expect to be the bottom in terms of execution time .C、C++ and Rust The execution time of shows a leading edge , The following ones include C# and Julia,Go and Java Performance is quite , But it's more behind .

And then there will be Node.js、Swift and Dart, as well as PHP, These languages also present different performance gaps .

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