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[swagger]-swagger learning

2022-07-05 01:22:00 Pacifica_

Swagger Study

See video link
Official document link

SpringBoot Integrate Swagger

1. Import dependence

<!--Swagger jar package -->
<!--Swagger ui Interface jar package -->

2. establish Swagger Configuration class

@EnableSwagger2  // Turn on Swagger2
@Configuration   // Mark that this class is the configuration class of the project 
public class Swagger2Config {

3. Visit the project swagger-ui.html Namely ui Interface
swaggerui figure
You can see ui The interface can be roughly divided into four parts : Selection box ,api Information , The control layer requests interface information and project model Entity class information

To configure swagger

swagger The configuration of requires a Docket Class bean. and Docket Class has only one constructor :

public Docket(DocumentationType documentationType) {
    this.apiInfo = ApiInfo.DEFAULT;
    this.documentationType = documentationType;

DocumentationType There are three in the class static final Embellished DocumentationType Variable :

public class DocumentationType extends SimplePluginMetadata {
    public static final DocumentationType SWAGGER_12 = new DocumentationType("swagger", "1.2");
    public static final DocumentationType SWAGGER_2 = new DocumentationType("swagger", "2.0");
    public static final DocumentationType SPRING_WEB = new DocumentationType("spring-web", "1.0");

therefore Docket The constructor of only needs to be passed in DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2 that will do . Constructed in this way Docket The latter attributes are all default , You can use one of these methods to configure properties
Such as apiInfo Methods can be configured api Information ;enable Method can specify whether to open Swagger;groupName Method can specify this docket The interface of api Group name ;tags Method can configure some tags , It can be used when describing the name or description information of the controller ( Follow up @Api annotation );forCodeGeneration Method can set the format of generics when encoding , The specific description in the document is as follows :
forCodeGeneration Method official website description

To configure api Information

Docket Medium apiInfo Methods can be configured api Information about . This method needs to pass in a ApiInfo Class object , This class includes the following information :

private final String version;                         // Project version No 
private final String title;                           // Project title 
private final String description;                     // Description of the project 
private final String termsOfServiceUrl;               // Terms of service url
private final String license;                         // certificate 
private final String licenseUrl;                      // certificate url 
private final Contact contact;                        // Contacts  
private final List<VendorExtension> vendorExtensions; // Other extended information 

ApiInfo Class only provides full parameter constructors and properties get There is no way set Method , So you can use full parameter constructors to construct ApiInfo Class object . In addition, you can use ApiInfoBuilder Class to construct ApiInfo, With the help of ApiInfoBuilder It can be set by a single method ApiInfo The properties of , Than calling directly ApiInfo The full parameter constructor of class is more flexible and concise , After setting the property, call build Method can return a ApiInfo object , This method is actually calling ApliInfo All parameter construction method of

Configure tags

adopt Docket Medium tags Method can set labels , The method receives one Tags object , In general use Tag(String name, String description) Construction method construction , Appoint tag The name of and the tag Information to describe . Whether or not the constructed tag is used on the class or method, it will be in ui Displayed on the interface
When using, you only need to add @Api annotation , And then put one of them tags Attribute is specified as a Tags Of name Property to bind this class to this tag
Of course, the request method can also be related to a tags Bind together , But in this way, there will be no hierarchical relationship between methods and classes, but a parallel relationship , Readability is reduced

Configure interface information

Interface scan

adopt Docket Of select Method will get the Docket Of ApiSelectorBuilder Class object , This object is used to configure api Interface information
adopt apis Method specifies how to scan the interface , The method accepts a generic type RequestHandler Interface type Predicate Interface parameters ,RequestHandlerSelectors There is a specific implementation of this in the class :basePackage Method can specify to scan the request interface under a package ;any Scan all interfaces ;none No scanning ;withClassAnnotation Scan the interface in the class with the specified annotation ;withMethodAnnotation Scan the interface on the method with the specified annotation
adopt paths You can specify which request paths to scan , Be similar to apis Method , This method calls PathSelectors Methods in the class as parameters :any Specify to scan all request paths ;none Do not scan any paths ;ant Method to receive a string path pattern ( Such as "/**"), Specify the path that the scan conforms to the specified mode ;regex Method to receive a regular expression , Specify the path that scans for regular expressions
After the interface scanning is specified , call build Method can get the original Docket
@ApiIgnore Used on classes or methods or parameters , Indicates that the annotated item is to be ignored

Add interface description information

@Api Used on classes , Add the description information of all interfaces in the whole class ( Use tags attribute )
@ApiOperation Used in methods , Add method ( Request interface ) Description information of
@ApiParam Used in method parameters ( Request parameters ) front , Add the description information of the parameter and whether the parameter is necessary

To configure api grouping

A project can Set multiple Docket, Every Docket Configure your own group name , Interface api Information and other properties , Different Docket The interfaces of are different groups , stay ui The selection box of the interface can select different groups for display

Configure entity class information

As long as the return value of the control layer request interface exists in the entity class , It will be scanned to swagger in
stay On entity class annotations @ApiModel You can add the description information of the entity class
stay On member variables in entity classes annotations @ApiModelProperty You can add the description information of the field ( If the member variable is public Decorate directly so that , If it is private Decoration needs to be added get and set The method works )

Code example

swagger Configuration class

public class SwaggerConfig {
    public Docket docket(){
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                .groupName(" Here is GroupName")
                .tags(new Tag(" This is the name of the tag "," This is the information to be described corresponding to the tag "))
                .tags(new Tag(" This tag was created but not used "," It will still show "))
    public Docket docket2(){
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                .groupName(" This is the second one GroupName");
    public ApiInfo apiInfo(){
        return new ApiInfoBuilder()
                .title(" Here is title")
                .version(" Here is version")
                .description(" Here is description")


@Api(value = " It's kind of ",tags = {
    " This is the name of the tag "})
public class TestController {
    @ApiOperation(value = " This is the interface description ")
    public List<String> test(List<String> result) {
        return new ArrayList<String>();

ui Interface
ui Interface example


It should be closed when it is officially released swagger, For safety reasons , Avoid exposing interfaces , At the same time, save the resources needed for operation
swagger Configuration is required at the code level , Annotations etc. , It has certain code implantability

