
We will show you one in detail through a series of articles go-zero Microservice example , The whole series is divided into ten articles , The directory structure is as follows :

  1. Environment building
  2. Service split
  3. Customer service
  4. Product service
  5. Order service
  6. Payment services
  7. RPC service Auth verification
  8. Service monitoring
  9. Link tracking ( this paper )
  10. Distributed transactions

I hope this series will take you to use it locally Docker Environmental utilization go-zero Quickly develop a mall system , Let you get started with micro services quickly .

Complete sample code :

First , Let's take a look at the overall service split diagram :

9.1 Jaeger Introduce

Jaeger yes Uber Develop and open source a distributed tracking system , compatible OpenTracing API, For the following scenarios :

  • Distributed tracking information transfer
  • Distributed transaction monitoring
  • Problem analysis
  • Service dependency analysis
  • performance optimization

Jaeger The full link tracking function of is mainly completed by three roles :

  • client: Be responsible for the timing of each call point on the whole chain 、 sampling , And will tracing The data is sent locally agent.
  • agent: Responsible for collection client It's from tracing data , And thrift The agreement is forwarded to collector.
  • collector: Responsible for collecting all agent Reported tracing data , Unified storage .

9.2 go-zero  Use  Jaeger  Link tracking

go-zero  The framework has helped us realize link tracking ( See :go-zero Link tracking ), And the integration supports Jaeger, Zipkin These two link tracking and reporting tools , We just need a simple configuration , You can visually view the complete call chain of a request , And the call and performance of each link .

9.2.1 add to user api service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/user/api/etc/user.yaml
Name: User
Port: 8000 ... Telemetry:
Name: user.api
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.2 add to user rpc service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/user/rpc/etc/user.yaml
Name: user.rpc
ListenOn: ... Telemetry:
Name: user.rpc
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.3 add to product api service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/product/api/etc/product.yaml
Name: Product
Port: 8001 ... Telemetry:
Name: product.api
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.4 add to product rpc service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/product/rpc/etc/product.yaml
Name: product.rpc
ListenOn: ... Telemetry:
Name: product.rpc
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.5 add to order api service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/order/api/etc/order.yaml
Name: Order
Port: 8002 ... Telemetry:
Name: order.api
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.6 add to order rpc service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/order/rpc/etc/order.yaml
Name: order.rpc
ListenOn: ... Telemetry:
Name: order.rpc
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.7 add to pay api service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/pay/api/etc/pay.yaml
Name: Pay
Port: 8003 ... Telemetry:
Name: pay.api
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

9.2.8 add to pay rpc service Telemetry To configure

$ vim mall/service/pay/rpc/etc/pay.yaml
Name: pay.rpc
ListenOn: ... Telemetry:
Name: pay.rpc
Endpoint: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
Sampler: 1.0
Batcher: jaeger

Tips : After configuration modification , You need to restart the service to take effect .

9.3 Use  Jaeger UI  View link

  • visit /api/user/userinfoapi Interface

  • stay Chapter one Environment building We integrated  Jaeger  service , And for it Jaeger UI Port number 16686 Made the host port 5000 The mapping relation of , So enter... In the browser  visit  Jaeger UI  Interface . choice Search menu , stay Service Select from the drop-down box user.api, Finally, click Find Traces Button , You can query the just accessed /api/user/userinfo Link tracking data of the interface .

  • Click in , You can see this /api/user/userinfo Link sequence diagram of interface , And service dependencies , And time consuming .

  • Different data display styles can be selected from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner .

  • Effect drawing of other interface link tracking

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