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Complex, complicated and numerous: illustration of seven types of code coupling

2022-07-05 01:13:00 Java geek Technology

1 complex 、 multifarious 、 Miscellaneous

In the development work, we often hear : This business is very complicated , The system is very complicated , This logic is very complicated , As long as it is dealing with difficult situations , It seems that the word complex can be used to describe .

But I think the reason why difficulties are difficult , The reasons are different , The word complexity cannot be generalized , It is necessary to distinguish . In general, I think it can be divided into complex 、 multifarious 、 There are three types of miscellaneous .

Both complexity and complexity contain the meaning of more branches and more logic , But the difference is , Complex scenes can be sorted out , If you design it right , It is possible to design a very elegant system . But it is difficult to figure out the complicated scenes , In order to be compatible, you can only make various patches , Finally, the accumulated difficulties can only be reconstructed .

There is another type that can be called miscellaneous , When the quantity reaches a certain scale , Complexity and complexity can evolve into complexity . Although it is also complex , But there are also differences between complexity and complexity . This article only needs to discuss clearly the complexity and complexity , As long as the quantitative dimension is added, it is complex .

We can write complex code in development , Try to avoid complicated code , Code coupling is a typical complex scenario , The highly coupled code between modules makes it ultimately impossible to maintain , In this article, we discuss seven types of code coupling .

2 Code coupling type

The seven types of code coupling are sorted from high to low according to the degree of coupling : Content coupling 、 Public coupling 、 External coupling 、 Control coupling 、 Tag coupling 、 Data coupling and indirect coupling .

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2.1 Content coupling

One module can directly access the internal data of another module, which is called content coupling , This is the most coupling type , This is what we need to avoid as much as possible .

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Hypothesis module A It's the order module , modular B It's the payment module , If the payment module can directly access the order data table , Then it will at least bring the following problems .

The first problem is the existence of duplicate data access layer code , Both payment and order modules should write order data access code . The second problem is if the order business changes , Order data fields need to be changed , If the payment module does not follow in time change , Then it may cause business errors .

The third problem is if the order business changes , You need to split data by database and table , If the payment module is not changed in time , For example, not using shardingKey Query or stop writing the old database table , Then it may cause serious errors in the payment module .

The fourth problem is that the business entry does not converge , Access entrances are scattered everywhere , If you want to make business changes, you need to make several modifications , Very difficult to maintain .

2.2 Public coupling

Multiple modules accessing the same common data environment is called common coupling , Public data environments such as global data structures 、 Shared communication area and memory common coverage area .

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For example, use... In a project Apollo Dynamic configuration , Configuration item A The content is a paragraph JSON, Both the order module and the payment module read and parse this data structure for business processing .

public class ApolloConfig {
private String jsonConfig;

public class JsonConfig {
public int type;
public boolean switchOpen;

public class OrderServiceImpl {
public void createOrder() {
String jsonConfig = apolloConfig.getJsonConfig();
JsonConfig config = JSONUtils.toBean(jsonConfig, JsonConfig.class);
if(config.getType() == TypeEnum.ORDER.getCode() & & config.isSwitchOpen()) {

public class PayServiceImpl {
public void createPayOrder() {
String jsonConfig = apolloConfig.getJsonConfig();
JsonConfig config = JSONUtils.toBean(jsonConfig, JsonConfig.class);
if(config.getType() == TypeEnum.PAY.getCode() & & config.isSwitchOpen()) {
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2.3 External coupling

Multiple modules access the same global simple variable ( Non global data structure ) And the global variable information is not transmitted through the parameter table, which is called external coupling .

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For example, use... In a project Apollo Dynamic configuration , Configuration item A Content is a simple variable , Both the order module and the payment module read this simple variable for business processing .

public class ApolloConfig {
private int typeConfig;

public class OrderServiceImpl {
public void createOrder() {
if(apolloConfig.getTypeConfig() == TypeEnum.ORDER.getCode()) {

public class PayServiceImpl {
public void createPayOrder() {
if(apolloConfig.getTypeConfig() == TypeEnum.PAY.getCode()) {
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2.4 Control coupling

The information transferred between modules includes the information used to control the interior of the module, which is called control coupling . Control coupling may cause the control logic between modules to be intertwined , Logic interacts with each other , It is very detrimental to code maintenance .

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An example of control coupling code is as follows , We can see the module B Code logic heavily depends on modules A type , hypothesis A Changes in type are likely to affect B Logic :

public class ModuleA {
private int type;

public class A {
private B b = new B();
public void methondA(int type) {
ModuleA moduleA = new ModuleA(type);

public class B {
public void methondB(ModuleA moduleA) {
if(moduleA.getType() == 1) {
} else if(moduleA.getType() == 2) {
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2.5 Tag coupling

Multiple modules transfer data structure information through parameter tables, which is called tag coupling , By analogy JAVA Language reference passing .

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2.6 Data coupling

Multiple modules transmit simple data information through parameter tables, which is called tag coupling , By analogy JAVA Language value passing .

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2.7 Indirect coupling

There is no direct connection between multiple modules , The connection through the control and call of the main module is called indirect coupling , This is also an ideal coupling mode .

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Let's focus on indirect coupling . Complex business is complex , An important reason is that there are many roles or types involved , It is difficult to design plainly . If you have to do tile design , There will inevitably be a large number of if else Code block .

Let's first analyze an order placing scenario . The current is ABC Three order types :A Order price 9 fold , The maximum weight of logistics cannot exceed 9 kg , Refund not supported .B Order price 8 fold , The maximum weight of logistics cannot exceed 8 kg , Support refund .C Order price 7 fold , The maximum weight of logistics cannot exceed 7 kg , Support refund . It's not difficult to write code plainly according to the literal meaning of the requirements :

public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {

private OrderMapper orderMapper;

public void createOrder(OrderBO orderBO) {
if (null == orderBO) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Parameter exception ");
if (OrderTypeEnum.isNotValid(orderBO.getType())) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Parameter exception ");
// A Type order
if (OrderTypeEnum.A_TYPE.getCode().equals(orderBO.getType())) {
orderBO.setPrice(orderBO.getPrice() * 0.9);
if (orderBO.getWeight() > 9) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Exceeding the maximum weight of logistics ");
// B Type order
else if (OrderTypeEnum.B_TYPE.getCode().equals(orderBO.getType())) {
orderBO.setPrice(orderBO.getPrice() * 0.8);
if (orderBO.getWeight() > 8) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Exceeding the maximum weight of logistics ");
// C Type order
else if (OrderTypeEnum.C_TYPE.getCode().equals(orderBO.getType())) {
orderBO.setPrice(orderBO.getPrice() * 0.7);
if (orderBO.getWeight() > 7) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Exceeding the maximum weight of logistics ");
// Save the data
OrderDO orderDO = new OrderDO();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(orderBO, orderDO);
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The above code can fully realize the business requirements from the function , But programmers should not only meet the function , We also need to think about the maintainability of the code . If you add an order type , Or add an order attribute processing logic , Then we need to add code to the above logic , If handled carelessly, the original logic will be affected .

In order to avoid touching the whole body with one hair , The opening and closing principle in the design pattern requires us to face the new opening , Close for modification , I think this is the most important principle in design patterns .

Demand changes through expansion , Instead of modifying existing code , This ensures code stability . Expansion is not arbitrary , Because the algorithm is defined in advance , The extension is also based on the algorithm , Building framework with abstraction , Extend details with implementation . In the final analysis, the 23 design patterns in the standard sense are all following the open and close principle .

How to change the straightforward way of thinking ? We need to add analysis dimension . One of the most common is to add horizontal and vertical dimensions , In general, the horizontal expansion is the breadth of thinking , The vertical expansion is the depth of thinking , Corresponding to the system design, it can be summarized as : Isolate vertically , Arrange horizontally .

At this time, we can add vertical and horizontal dimensions to the problem analysis , Choose to use the analytical matrix method , Among them, the vertical represents the strategy , Horizontal represents the scene :

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2.7.1 Isolate vertically

The vertical dimension represents the strategy , Different strategies should be isolated in logic and business , This example includes preferential policies 、 Logistics strategy and refund strategy , Strategies as abstractions , Different order types extend this abstraction , The strategy mode is very suitable for this scenario . This paper analyzes the preferential policies in detail , Logistics strategy and refund strategy are the same .

// Preferential policies
public interface DiscountStrategy {
public void discount(OrderBO orderBO);

// A Type preferential policy
public class TypeADiscountStrategy implements DiscountStrategy {

public void discount(OrderBO orderBO) {
orderBO.setPrice(orderBO.getPrice() * 0.9);

// B Type preferential policy
public class TypeBDiscountStrategy implements DiscountStrategy {

public void discount(OrderBO orderBO) {
orderBO.setPrice(orderBO.getPrice() * 0.8);

// C Type preferential policy
public class TypeCDiscountStrategy implements DiscountStrategy {

public void discount(OrderBO orderBO) {
orderBO.setPrice(orderBO.getPrice() * 0.7);

// Preferential strategy factory
public class DiscountStrategyFactory implements InitializingBean {
private Map < String, DiscountStrategy > strategyMap = new HashMap < >();

private TypeADiscountStrategy typeADiscountStrategy;
private TypeBDiscountStrategy typeBDiscountStrategy;
private TypeCDiscountStrategy typeCDiscountStrategy;

public DiscountStrategy getStrategy(String type) {
return strategyMap.get(type);

public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
strategyMap.put(OrderTypeEnum.A_TYPE.getCode(), typeADiscountStrategy);
strategyMap.put(OrderTypeEnum.B_TYPE.getCode(), typeBDiscountStrategy);
strategyMap.put(OrderTypeEnum.C_TYPE.getCode(), typeCDiscountStrategy);

// Preferential strategy implementation
public class DiscountStrategyExecutor {
private DiscountStrategyFactory discountStrategyFactory;

public void discount(OrderBO orderBO) {
DiscountStrategy discountStrategy = discountStrategyFactory.getStrategy(orderBO.getType());
if (null == discountStrategy) {
throw new RuntimeException(" No preferential strategy ");
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2.7.2 Arrange horizontally

The horizontal dimension represents the scene , In a broad sense, an order type can be regarded as a business scenario , Concatenate independent strategies in the scenario , The template method design pattern is suitable for this scenario .

Template method pattern generally uses abstract classes to define algorithm skeleton , At the same time, define some abstract methods , These abstract methods are deferred to subclass implementation , Such subclasses not only abide by the algorithm skeleton convention , Also implemented its own algorithm . It guarantees both the statute and flexibility , This is to build a framework with abstraction , Extend details with implementation .

// Create order service
public interface CreateOrderService {
public void createOrder(OrderBO orderBO);

// Abstract create order process
public abstract class AbstractCreateOrderFlow {

private OrderMapper orderMapper;

public void createOrder(OrderBO orderBO) {
// Parameter checking
if (null == orderBO) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Parameter exception ");
if (OrderTypeEnum.isNotValid(orderBO.getType())) {
throw new RuntimeException(" Parameter exception ");
// Calculate the discount
// Calculated weight
// Refund support
// Save the data
OrderDO orderDO = new OrderDO();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(orderBO, orderDO);

public abstract void discount(OrderBO orderBO);

public abstract void weighing(OrderBO orderBO);

public abstract void supportRefund(OrderBO orderBO);

// Realize the order creation process
public class CreateOrderFlow extends AbstractCreateOrderFlow {

private DiscountStrategyExecutor discountStrategyExecutor;
private ExpressStrategyExecutor expressStrategyExecutor;
private RefundStrategyExecutor refundStrategyExecutor;

public void discount(OrderBO orderBO) {

public void weighing(OrderBO orderBO) {

public void supportRefund(OrderBO orderBO) {
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2.7.3 Vertical and horizontal thinking

The above example business and code are not complicated , In fact, complex business scenarios are just a superposition of simple scenarios 、 Combination and interweaving , Nothing more than isolation through vertical 、 Make horizontal arrangements to seek answers .

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The vertical dimension abstracts the concept of capability pool , The capability pool contains many capabilities , Different capabilities are aggregated according to different business dimensions , For example, preferential capacity pool , Logistics capacity pool , Refund capability pool . We can see two levels of isolation , Capacity pools are isolated from each other , Capabilities are also isolated from each other .

The horizontal dimension selects capabilities from the capability pool , In line with business needs , Form different business processes . Because abilities can be combined arbitrarily , So it reflects a strong flexibility . besides , Different capabilities can be executed serially , If there is no dependency between different abilities , It can also be like a process Y Same parallel execution , Improve execution efficiency .

3 Article summary

First, this paper distinguishes between complex 、 multifarious 、 The complex group of concepts , Complex and complicated, although they are relatively difficult to deal with , But complexity can be sorted out , And the complexity will eventually accumulate . We should try to avoid complicated code . Complexity and complexity, coupled with the quantitative dimension, become complex .

Second, this paper introduces seven types of code coupling , According to the degree of coupling, the order is : Content coupling 、 Public coupling 、 External coupling 、 Control coupling 、 Tag coupling 、 Data coupling and indirect coupling . We should try to write code with low coupling .

Thirdly, this paper starts with an example of a complex order scenario , The indirect coupling type is mainly introduced , You can see even complex scenes , It can also be achieved gracefully through reasonable design , I hope this article can help you .

Out of order ! Out of order !

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