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Liangzai's first program life and annual summary in 2022

2022-07-05 00:33:00 liangzai2048

handsome young man 2022 The first program life in


   from 2021 year 12 Month to 2022 In the Spring Festival , Handsome boy is C There are already blog posts 80 Many articles , It's all original , among 3 This article is on the overheated list , So that I can 2021 The blog star of the year won the top 5 Good result , from 0 Fans have risen to nearly 900 fans . Seeing these data is a great encouragement to me , Since entering the campus, pretty boys have been in contact 5 More than years of programming . I think I can share my understanding of programmers from my perspective .
   Learning software technology to the present 5 In the year , Have studied C Language 、Java、javaWeb、JavaEE、HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Android、Python、MySQL Wechat applet programming and so on 、 It is worth mentioning the data structure 、 Software Engineering 、 How computers work 、 Computer network technology is really very important when we write code , This allows us to understand the underlying basis , Make the programming logic clear 、 Rigorous code 、 So gorgeous and elegant .
   Here 5 I have seen the rise of big data in the past few years 、 E-commerce craze 、 The spread of artificial intelligence , These are like levels in the game , When accumulated to a certain degree of experience ( knowledge )、 technology ( Combat effectiveness ) You can unlock the corresponding level . Nowadays, handsome people are struggling with the rise of big data , In the habit of writing every day 1~2 After the habit of blogging , These seem to have a unique charm , Let me indulge in it , this 5 Years is from a programming white to embark on IT On the way 5 year .

What is the profession of a programmer ?

   Through me 5 Years of understanding of the profession of programmer , I think programmers are an endless learning , A career that requires continuous self evolution . Just like the characters in the game , front end 、 The back end and so on can be divided into various role branches . When we left the University Village , He began to choose his own direction and start his career of painting , During this period, you will gain experience value 、 Strengthening skills 、 Then repeatedly brush a copy , introduction 、 Simple 、 senior 、 difficult , Until one by one IT copy , Realize your own wealth accumulation . However, the special nature of the programmer profession , It is necessary to keep learning new skills , Grasp the trend of new technology , It's just like our grading and abusing dishes , I wish there were many in this process BUG, When you fix these BUG When , Combat effectiveness has doubled . Everyone who can be a programmer is logical , At the same time, he has the idea of perfectionism , In a word, programmers are an elegant design profession .

Views on big data

   In my opinion, big data is a necessary skill for programmers now , Because now many industries are undergoing digital transformation , Learning this technology is popular and high salary is certain . From now on IT Development and the trend of layoffs in large factories , Only proficient Java You can't , Now the development is more inclined to technology . Whether it's the front end or the back end , When our technology is mature , We still have to develop to the whole stack , Of course, it takes a lot of energy and efforts to constantly learn and evolve yourself .

Career planning for programmers

   On the way to work 3~5 In the year , Keep on learning , Keep accumulating experience , We need to understand the whole software architecture layer by layer , Want to call IT Technology bosses don't happen overnight , Don't consider whether it's reasonable when you meet a need , What people at the top of the mountain decide , Why do people on the hillside go BB Well , If you encounter a problem, you can solve it . After these problems are solved, you learn new skills .
   When you see a problem , I don't think we should just open the compiler to write code , We have to analyze the problem ourselves , Take apart , At least be logical . I think this can improve the efficiency of programming , Reduce the error rate .

Advice for you

1、 Keep the good habit of blogging , The problems we encounter are often boring , All the problems that have been solved by yourself , Knowledge points studied , Write it down , It's convenient for you to read it at any time . I don't think those who don't keep records have a fast learning progress , But how can we guarantee that we won't forget it in a week ?
2、 Keep a good habit of reading every day 、 Brush more every day C Blog post of the station ,B Video of the station , Often the same field you have not seen the colorful problems , After reading it, it's all your experience .
3、 Don't complain about the irrationality and difficulty of the problem , Since there are problems, you still have room to improve , Be patient , Just like liangzai's attitude of writing ten thousand words blog every day .

Future article style

   In the future, I still hope to maintain the current style of the article , A knowledge point goes from shallow to inside , Include “HelloWorld” Don't let go of such a simple problem , Don't think it looks very, very simple , When you study different programming “HelloWorld” After the bottom source code , Will you still think it is the same ? Small streams can form rivers and seas !
   In the future, I don't have much expectation about whether my articles are not popular , I have always believed in the saying that time, place and people are in harmony , It should be yours. It's yours .


   Officially embark on the road of learning big data , There is more and more to learn , Personal free space is less and less squeezed by oneself , Slowly began to be unhappy , Stay up late 、 Get up early , In fact, I think it's better not to always expect a result . Want too much , Expect too much , You don't have to pay, you have to expect something in return , It's good to be open , Some extravagant hopes are slowly buried in your heart .
   That skinny guy in those days is also starting to get fat , Squeeze out time to keep fit after the new year .
   therefore 2022 Years make your life simple 、 Self-discipline , At the same time, I look forward to the arrival of happiness , Come on, handsome boy !

