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ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)

2022-07-05 00:09:00 DWQY

   Always before ORB-SLAM Heard in various versions of ORB, But I don't know what is ORB. Take this opportunity to learn about ORB.
  ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF). First of all, realize that ORB Not the name of the feature , It is a method to complete feature matching between images . The matching step is reflected in the naming . Here are two questions :

  1.ORB What are the advantages of ?

   It can solve two common problems of feature matching between images :(1). Scaling problem (2). Rotation problem . Here is a detailed introduction ORB Two processes of , We can learn how to solve these two common problems

  2. Introduce ORB Two processes of

  ORB There are two characteristics : Key points (Oriented FAST)、 Narrator (BRIEF, Binary Robust Independent Elementary Feature). The key point goes without saying , The reason why it is called descriptor is that it describes the image information around the key points , And use the description vector to express .
  ORB Contains two parts of improvement , Part of it is FAST, Improve to Oriented FAST. Part of it is BRIEF, Improve to Rotated BRIEF.

  ORB There are two steps : feature extraction → Feature matching
  1) feature extraction
   Feature extraction includes two steps :FAST Extract key points →BRIEF Descriptor calculation
    (1)FAST Corner point ( Key points ) extract
    FAST The determination steps of corner points are as follows :
 Insert picture description here

   Actually ORB The reason for the good effect lies in the effectiveness of feature extraction : Divide the pictures into squares , Extract... Within the grid FAST Key points . Keep dividing ( Quadtree structure ), Until it approaches the preset value . Try to ensure that each grid has one FAST spot ( It is allowed that there is no FAST spot , Multiple cells are also allowed FAST spot , Multiple situations retain the largest response FAST Key points , To avoid corner concentration ), Finally, the distribution of feature key points is uniform . The feature points are evenly distributed , Ensure the effectiveness of feature extraction .
  Oriented FAST a FAST The improvement is to increase the rotation invariance 、 Scale invariance , After improvement, it can increase the robustness of representation in different images . The embodiment of rotation invariance is in addition to FAST The position of feature points in the also increases the direction . The resolution of scale invariance is based on image pyramid .
   Understanding of image pyramid : A pair of pictures , Store with different scaling factors . According to the size of the picture to be matched , Select the appropriate level image for matching
   The above two improved strategies solve two problems of feature extraction :(1). Scaling problem (2). Rotation problem
  (2)BRIEF Descriptor calculation
   Descriptor calculation is mainly to retain the information around key points , Used for matching between key points after .rBRIEF a BRIFT The rotation invariance is maintained , Just using the calculation of the direction in the corner calculation just now .

  2) Feature matching

   Feature matching is to find the corresponding matching points between two frames ( In image processing, the basic unit is frame , Data processing is performed in two adjacent frames ). The concept of feature matching is well understood , It is mainly the matching algorithm of feature matching . Here are three , But there are more than three
  (1) Violent match
   The main idea : Calculate the descriptive sub distance of each pair of key points in two frames of images , Sort , Take the nearest as the matching point .
   The descriptor distance indicates the degree of similarity , The smaller, the more similar . The specific calculation process is no longer stated in this statement ( I don't know ~)
   The main idea : Delimit a certain area around the point to be matched , The histogram is established according to the direction of all other points in the area . Find the first three directions with the largest number of feature points , Determine the first main direction and the second main direction according to the judgment formula ( May not exist )
   The main idea : The pose is estimated according to the uniform velocity model , Project the map corresponding to the point of the previous frame to the current frame , Calculate search points ( On current frame ) Hamming distance to the previous frame point ( Used for binary distance measurement ), If Hamming distance is less than threshold , It is considered to be its matching point . After posture optimization , The matching point satisfying the condition is greater than 10 It is considered that the two frame tracking is successful
   notes : The binary corresponding bits are different , The distance between Han and Ming will increase 1. So the higher the degree of similarity , The smaller the distance between Han and Ming .

   This article is simple to ORB There's an impression ,ORB Itself is not my focus .ORB How to be in ORB-SLAM It is important to play a role in various versions of ( At present, it is not obvious ,ORB-SLAM In the description process, it seems that the specific description of the feature matching method is directly omitted , It just states the choice ORB As a feature matching method )

Reference material :
1.ORB Feature matching
2.ORB Feature point matching
3.【 Detailed explanation 】ORB Feature extraction and matching _ Bili, Bili

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