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Tucson will lose more than $400million in the next year

2022-07-05 01:45:00 leijianping_ ce


RedI network Lotte 2 month 13 Reported Wednesday

Tucson recently released its financial report . Results show that , Tucson's future 2021 The fourth quarter of 200 Thousands of dollars , The revenue in the same period last year was 73.7 Thousands of dollars .

Tucson's future 2021 Net loss in the fourth quarter of 1.16 Billion dollars , Adjusted EBITDA by -8100 Thousands of dollars .


Tucson's future lies in 2021 The annual net loss is 4.11 Billion dollars , Adjusted EBITDA by -2.79 Billion dollars .

Tucson's future forecast 2022 Annual revenue is 900 Thousands of dollars to 1100 Thousands of dollars , Adjusted EBITDA by -4 Million dollars to -4.2 Billion dollars .


Tucson's future is expected to end 2022 year 12 month 31 Japan , The company still owns 9 $billion in cash .

Tucson's future is 2021 year 4 Listed in the United States in June , For now , Tucson's future revenue growth is not big , But the loss has never been lower .


Lei Di was founded by Lei Jianping, a senior media person , If reproduced, please indicate the source .




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