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Wechat applet: new independent backstage Yuelao office one yuan dating blind box

2022-07-05 01:14:00 Sakura oh

Recently, the blind box program of dating in Yuelao Office , Support custom access price , Traffic master , Independent background , Access the small note blind box, make friends, match friends, make friends, make friends in the same city, make friends flow , Connotation fraud function .

The front-end time editor also sent you a cloud development version of Yuelao applet

Today, this one sent to you is an independent background, which requires servers and domain names

This applet supports payment mode and traffic main mode , This can be set in the background

Support custom price , That is, you can set as many as you want

In addition, many people said that the audit is a little difficult , Then this version also supports the audit mode for everyone

Installation tutorial
Running environment :php7.3+nginx+mysql
Import back-end files and databases
Modify root .env Inside the database information and links and config In file database.php Database information for
Modify the running directory to public, Turn on SSL, Pseudo static settings are as follows
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$query_string;
Sign in : Background domain name /admin
account number :admin
password :123456
To upload, you need to turn on the audit mode in the background
Front end modification pages\request\wx.js The domain name

Applet source code download address :  Wechat applet : New independent backstage Yuelao office one yuan dating blind box - Applet document class resources -CSDN download Recently, the blind box program of dating in Yuelao Office , Support custom access price , Traffic master , Independent background , Access the small note blind box, make friends, match the interests of making friends, and download more resources 、 For learning materials, please visit CSDN Download channel .https://download.csdn.net/download/m0_62049880/85847548



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