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How to build a technical team that will bring down the company?

2022-07-05 01:39:00 Technical leadership

author | Mr.K    Arrangement | Emma

source |  Technology leadership (ID:jishulingdaoli)

Old readers know ,K I'm a programmer , After years of hard work , Finally from an ignorant youth , Become an ignorant middle age , Stumbled all the way to the top management of listed companies .

Nietzsche said ,"What does not kill me,makes me stronger.", All of a sudden, an English sentence , It's to look high-end , It means : I can't kill you , It will make you strong .

It is said that , Once bitten by a snake , I learned to peel snakes in ten years 、 Eat snake meat .K Brother also gradually learned to hang the business side 、 Torture product managers .

Get down to business , This article talks about a hard core topic : How to build a technical team that will bring down the company ?

You read that right , It's about building a technology team that's dragging down the company . After careful study, we found that , It's too technical : The boss is not stupid 、 The business is like a monkey , I want to do something bad under their eyes , I can't do without some real skills .

Technical people , I like to do things with technical content , It's like a shark smelling blood 、 Dry wood meets fire .


Gossip , Get to the point .

First of all, clearly define , Companies here refer to small and medium-sized companies . Because big companies have a lot of money , Even if it's wrong, there's enough time to slowly adjust , Don't worry about it .

Small and medium-sized companies are different , Small business scale 、 Development is not stable 、 Even survival is a problem , To sum up, it's a word : poor . So I can't stand it .

K I have seen many small and medium-sized companies , Because of the technical team , I fell on the way to ring the bell , Very regrettable .

From the lessons of blood and tears , This paper summarizes the common problems that drag down the technical team of the company 7 Operations . The moves are vicious , Please use with caution :

One 、 Go to BAT The best digger . Many small and medium-sized enterprises that have just raised capital , When the founders had a few stinky dollars, they began to inflate , I went to the factory and dug some screws , I want to build an aircraft carrier for my own company . It's not just that the people who dug up didn't work , And infuriated the old employees who worked together : I'm reluctant to give my brother a raise , It's for outsiders to eat and drink spicy food .

Founder, that's what it's called : You can't steal chicken , And despised by chickens , It's not worth it .

Two 、 Agile development . There's no problem with agile development , But make it clear , Agile development requires the ability and quality of team members , Unless you have experienced people on your team Scrum Master, Otherwise, it is not recommended to try easily .

The R & D process of small and medium-sized companies is very simple :

1) The product manager has a one month demand plan ( Force the business side to make plans , Don't think about it. It's one );

2)Leader Check the progress of the project every two days ;

3) Do it every two weeks Code Review;

4) Once a week , Two emergencies .

In this rhythm , It's usually not a big problem if you don't make it .

3、 ... and 、 Strictly follow the role matching . Small and medium-sized companies are short of resources , We have to follow the rules 1:5:1 To configure the product 、 Development 、 Testers , Besides wasting costs , It doesn't help R & D efficiency at all .

Developers require full stack , Both front and back , If you can't do it, don't do it , One carrot at a time , Small and medium-sized companies can't afford idlers .

Four 、 Pay close attention to technical management . Twenty or thirty , You're doing a lot of technical management ? If Leader I have spare time for technical management , It means he's not working .

The management of small and medium-sized technical teams is very simple :

1) organization : Divide the development team by module ;

2) Control and control : We have weekly meetings every week ;

3) perform : Two warnings from the incompetent employee , If you can't do it, kill it ,

4) incentive : Double pay at the end of the year , Give him a raise ;

5) atmosphere :Leader To write code .

5、 ... and 、 Advocating entrepreneurial culture . Unless the technicians are all members of the founding team , Otherwise, don't preach entrepreneurial culture , The relationship between you and your employees is about interests , It's not a partnership .

Don't always persuade technicians to calm down and write code , Without the fullness of a purse , There is no peace of mind ?

Remind programmers , The boss you talk about money with , It's a good boss ; I want to talk to you about my dream TM I don't want to give you money !

6、 ... and 、 By the number of lines of code , Implement performance appraisal . Small and medium-sized teams are not recommended to implement complex performance appraisal methods , Not to mention the whimsical salary by the number of lines of code , Otherwise, programmers will make you doubt life . Just a few dozen people , Who does much work , I haven't got a point yet B Tree Do you ?

How small and medium-sized teams motivate employees : Well done, give him a promotion and a raise , I can't do a good job . All working adults , To be simple is good for everyone .

7、 ... and 、 Go to the middle stage . Big business , Just don't play the middle stage 、 Microservice architecture , that TM It's not something you can afford . Write... In your business plan , Cheat the capital side , Don't take yourself seriously .

Business systems for the first two years , How to make it simple , The main function is heap .

Don't pursue the ultimate product experience , Just a few broken guns , It's not the best . If the boss doesn't even have this IQ , You don't have to follow me , There's a dead end ahead .

Last , I would like to advise the technical personnel of small and medium-sized companies , If life deceives you , Don't be sad, don't give up , Because tomorrow life will continue to cheat you .


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