当前位置:网站首页>The most powerful new household god card of Bank of communications. Apply to earn 2100 yuan. Hurry up if you haven't applied!

The most powerful new household god card of Bank of communications. Apply to earn 2100 yuan. Hurry up if you haven't applied!

2022-07-05 02:04:00 Manon paradise

Most people's first credit card , The probability is the Bank of communications .

Why? ? Because the rights and interests of Bank of communications card are really awesome !

Recently, Bank of Communications issued a new card ,“ Tencent super V Co branded cards ”, As soon as it is launched Brush and explode the whole circlip , Steady residence Top of the hot list .


Many people call it So far, the strongest new account entry card ! Last year, Bank of communications launched a 5 Times integral “ Red Bull card ”, Very popular , It's a pity that it's off the shelf , Apply as early as possible , Missed slapping the thigh .




super V It's a Annual fee free You Yi Platinum card , Free annual fee needless to say , Various rights and interests of this card , Get all accumulated You can get :240+60+600+1200=2100 element . Equity time end 2 month 28 Japan , Desired Hold fast !

Besides, , There is no card of Bank of communications in card playing , That's definitely missing big wool .


240: Get stuck 30 Activate within days and Consume any amount , You can choose any one ; After that, the monthly consumption is full 199 You can also continue to choose one of six , Continuous collar 11 Months . There is no need to rob ! There is no limit to !

( It is recommended to get cash coupons , Highest value , Or one year Tencent video member )


60: Get stuck 90 A full brush in a day 199 Yuan wechat payment , Can receive 60 Yuan wechat immediately reduced the amount , Real gold and silver !


600: Free upon card opening , monthly 50 Yuan Li reduced , branch 12 Months issue , WeChat 、 Alipay 、 JD.COM 、 Meituan, etc Direct deduction , A real offer .


1200: This equity is the trump card activity of Bank of communications “ The hottest Friday ”.

The supermarket / Gas station / The convenience store , Every month 100 Yuan wool , One year is 1200 element .

also Big food whole 5 fold !( Hot pot 、 Barbecue 、 Afternoon tea )


additional : Free repayment limit every month 2000 element , We know that we need to use a bank card to repay the credit card before the handling fee is exempted , But with this card, you can directly Wechat payment is free of handling charges La !

0 element Get a card and go whoring in vain 2100 element , Don't say I didn't tell you !


In addition, as a platinum credit card , Platinum equity Nature can't be less :


Add : Enjoy UnionPay platinum rights , such as 1 Yuan airport / High speed railway VIP Hall 、 Unlimited convenient registration 、1 Yuan car wash / Substitute driving 、1 Yuan shopping mall / Airport parking etc. .

I'm short of money when I go home during the Spring Festival ? This card Interest free period 56 God , Tens of thousands of lines are interest free 2 Months , It's not fragrant ?

Not yet applied for Bank of communications , Or the pin card exceeds 6 Months , Or those who want welfare , You can go , After all, it's a new card , Not only is it High earnings , And personally test this card Drainage pole Big , A few Hu second batch , seize the opportunity . Red Bull has long been off the shelves , This card is currently The most worthy credit card of Bank of communications 了 , And some rights There are , Then I don't know , After all, the wool of the bank is not always there !

I put it in the official card application channel for you


Long press to identify the qr code , Start the fast card processing journey immediately

▼ Click on Read the original , Enter the official card application channel of Bank of communications


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