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Matrixone 0.2.0 is released, and the fastest SQL computing engine is coming

2022-07-05 01:47:00 Open source China Information

After months of grinding and hard development ,MatrixOne 0.2 The version has been officially released !

Project documentation website :https://docs.matrixorigin.io/0.2.0/

Compared with 0.1 edition ,0.2 The version has obvious improvements in the following aspects .

Performance improvement

0.2 The version is in the original AOE(Analytical Optimized Engine) Based on the engine , Through factorization, it has achieved a significant acceleration , Performance obtained 10 More than times the increase , Compared with the same configuration Clickhouse Also have 50-100% The promotion of . Detailed performance report , Click here to view the .

Distributed integrity

0.2 The complete version realizes the unique distributed & Strongly consistent framework ——MatrixCube, Now you can use MatrixOne Build a small cluster (MatrixCube Please refer to the official document for details ).MatrixCube Framework help MatrixOne The database kernel has gained the ability of distributed deployment , At the same time, for our AOE The engine implements three load balancing mechanisms :

  • Realize the balance of storage space of each node , To make efficient use of the storage resources of each node ;

  • Of each node Raft-Group Leader The balance of , So as to achieve load balancing of read and write requests ;

  • Each node Table Balance of data distribution , To achieve table level request balancing .

▲ Overall implementation architecture diagram

new Feature

  • The design realizes a new SQL Parser

  • New pair of indexes Index Support for

  • New cloud SQL Interaction Playground

  • newly added SQL Support :

    a) Primary key when creating a table Primary Key Support for

    b) +, -, *, /, mod Operator support for different data types

    c) >, <, <=, >=, ==, != Support for different data types

    d) NOT, ! The operator

  • New pair DATE/DATETIME Data type support

  • New pair LIKE Operator support

Document update

  • New distributed framework MatrixCube Introduction to the architecture and use of

  • to update MySQL Syntax support for

  • newly added MatrixOne Distributed cluster installation and configuration guide

  • New York taxis benchmark Test Guide

  • newly added SSB And New York taxis benchmark Performance test results

  • New cloud Playground Operation instructions

  • newly added SQL Grammar description and case

  • Description and case of new data type

  • Add distributed system parameter configuration list

  • New system concept noun table Glossary

  • New document contribution guide And specifications

Bug Fixes

  • Fix contains sum In some cases, some columns will report errors bug #704

  • Fix the accuracy problem of calculation between different number types #789

  • Fix the identification problem of column alias in query sorting #796

  • Fix filter conditions that include OR And NOT Triggered error #850

  • Fix the disorder caused by occasionally submitting data #1075

  • Fix the related problems in the replay scenario #1103

  • (MatrixCube) Fix... Caused by inconsistent index values MatrixOne Can't restart #344

  • (MatrixCube) Fix instance crash when trying to close the copy twice #420

  • (MatrixCube) Fix the instance crash caused by applying configuration changes after splitting #422

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