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Wechat applet; Gibberish generator

2022-07-05 01:14:00 Sakura oh

This is a pure Front-end Generator applet source code

The applet source code does not need a server and domain name , There is no need to set a legal domain name

There are many kinds of generation styles in the applet

But when Xiaobian tested the small program , Opening the partially generated interface is blank, which may be the wrong way for Xiaobian to open it

Those who have the ability can see for themselves , Of course, most of them are normal , As for those who don't have the ability, just delete the blank part

Easy to install , Just use wechat developer tool to open the source code

Applet source code download address :  Wechat applet ; Nonsense generator - Applet document class resources -CSDN download This is a pure Front-end Generator applet source code. The applet source code does not need a server and domain name , There is no need to set up a legal domain name for the applet to download more resources 、 For learning materials, please visit CSDN Download channel .https://download.csdn.net/download/m0_62049880/85847152


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