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Can you really learn 3DMAX modeling by self-study?

2022-07-05 02:11:00 banxiajianmo

3dmax It is a professional product based on pc The system's 3D animation rendering and production software , Without any foundation at all , There is a certain difficulty in completely self-study . It's not difficult to study by yourself , The difficulty is to succeed in self-study . If you just want to learn to play and relieve boredom , Then you can watch online teaching videos to learn by yourself , But if you want to be successful in this area , Become the boss of this neighborhood , Then we really need to sign up for classes and learn systematically by teachers .

Why self-study 3dmax It's hard to succeed ? Because the current industry for 3d The technical system and thinking system of modeling are particularly demanding , And a lot of things , It's not easy to read a few teaching videos or buy a few books on the Internet . And most of us have poor self-discipline , In the process of self-study , There will be all kinds of problems , After a few rounds , Most people will raise their hands and surrender . Indeed, it is not difficult or easy in essence , But simply rely on their own blind exploration , There is always a feeling that there is no light in the night , Like a Headless chicken .

therefore , If you just put 3dmax As an interest , Then it's OK to study by yourself , If it is learning 3dmax As a skill for eating later , Then it is suggested not to teach yourself .

I've sorted out some from zero foundation to mastery 3dmax Teaching video , Need to click :https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=bdP95DLT

