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Comparison of advantages and disadvantages between platform entry and independent deployment

2022-07-05 02:35:00 ICONZ

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages between platform entry and independent deployment , Let's look at the brief introduction below .

One 、 Advantages of the platform

①. Low threshold

The third-party platform has its own mature operation mode , Sellers only need to understand the mode and process of opening a store , You can use it directly at first .

②. Take traffic

Third party platforms generally form their own fixed consumer groups , Sellers can use the brand effect of the platform to introduce traffic .

③. Cost savings

The seller does not need to maintain and promote the website when entering the third-party platform , The platform itself has the functions of payment and logistics , The labor and time costs of the initial team are relatively saved .

Two 、 Disadvantages of platform entry

①. Homogeneous competition is fierce

The traffic of third-party platforms not only brings opportunities to sellers , It also leads to fierce competition among sellers of the same type . Especially for the weak brand 、 For small and medium-sized sellers with insufficient product functions , Products are easily submerged in a large number of products , It is difficult to get the attention of consumers .

②. Limited marketing methods

Third party platforms have their own rules and constraints , Sellers will be limited to a certain extent in the choice of marketing methods , It is difficult to realize differentiated marketing .

③. Unable to obtain primary data

The consumers of the platform only belong to the platform , Sellers can get a lot of public domain traffic through the platform , However, the detailed data and contact information of these consumers are not available , Nor can it be converted into private domain traffic , Therefore, it is difficult to establish secondary sales .

3、 ... and 、 Advantages of independent deployment and construction

①. Create private traffic

An independent station is equivalent to the private domain traffic of the seller , Can be 100% The data is in your own hands , Realize the secondary development of data , Increase the repo rate , Constantly tap the value of data .

②. Build brand image

Sellers build their own independent mall , Can completely control and accumulate their own brands , Can flexibly design and promote marketing activities .

③. Operate in a flexible way

Sellers can establish their own independent mall , Not subject to the rules of third-party platforms , With a high degree of autonomy and a more flexible choice of marketing activities .

Four 、 Disadvantages of independent deployment and construction

①. High traffic costs , Low conversion

Do not have Taobao 、 Advantages of third-party platforms such as jd.com , Have your own traffic , An independent mall , You can only rely on your own drainage . But in recent years , The competition of cross-border e-commerce itself is becoming increasingly fierce , Media resources are almost monopolized by several giants , There are similar audiences in the tools for going to sea , Resulting in increasing traffic costs , The continuous cost of traffic is the reason why many independent stations cannot survive . Apart from the cost , Return on investment is also a major factor in determining the value of traffic , If the return on investment is high , The cost of traffic will be relatively reduced , vice versa .

②. It's hard to operate

From the establishment to operation of independent mall 、 maintain , And then to the delivery of products , The whole process requires the seller's own design and decision . Consumer groups 、 Platform properties 、 User shopping experience . This means that enterprises need both operating platforms , Also need to operate products , This puts forward high requirements for the operation of enterprises . But in recent years , More and more sellers begin to pay attention to the independently deployed mall system , Because it has good data management and personalized functions .

Both methods have particular advantages and disadvantages . The advantage of the third-party platform is that it has its own brand , Don't worry about the source of traffic , The advantage of independent deployment is that it can make personalized operation more free , Don't abide by the terms and restrictions of the platform . meanwhile , The important point of independent mall is , Can rely on their own accumulation to achieve secondary marketing and secondary transformation , Sellers can go in and out with them . The above is the relevant introduction of the comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of platform entry and independent deployment , If you need to know more about the solutions of the mall system , It is recommended to consult online customer service .


