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Richview trvunits image display units

2022-07-05 01:48:00 lyhoo163

RichView TRVUnits Image display unit

    stay RichViewk in , There are many kinds of units used , Make sure that , Otherwise, in case of deviation , You still don't know the source of the problem . 

    RichViewk Statement of :

  TRVUnits = (rvuInches, rvuCentimeters, rvuMillimeters, rvuPicas, rvuPixels, rvuPoints);

    value Value                    Meaning Meaning   

    rvuInches                  Inch ,1 Inch = 2.54 centimeter
    rvuCentimeters        centimeter
    rvuMillimeters           mm
    rvuPicas                  pica ( Print letter size and line length unit )
                                    1 pica = 1/6 Inch = 12 points.
    rvuPixels                  Pixels
                                    1 pixel = 1/TRVStyle.UnitsPerInch of an inch.
                                    ( Usually it is 1/96 Inch , Usually 1 Inch has 96pixel)
    rvuPoints                  Point or point value ( For typesetting )

                                    1 point = 1/72 Inch

      The above units , Different occasions , Different units used . Are all European habits .

      In actual use , I usually convert it into centimeters . The proportion , For image display ,RicjView Use Pixels, In practice , The conversion is as follows :

    iH:=8;                         //  Image height cm 
    iW:=3;                         //  The image is cm wide 
    iHeight:=Trunc(96*iH/2.45);    //  Cm to pixel 
    iWidth:=Trunc(96*iW/2.45);     //  Cm to pixel 

