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Bert fine tuning skills experiment

2022-07-05 02:03:00 Necther

Background introduction

The text classification is NLP A classic task in , Generally, some pre trained models in large data sets can achieve good results in text classification . for example word2vec, CoVe(contextualized word embeddings) and ELMo All have achieved good results .Bert It's based on two-way transformer Use masked word prediction and NSP(next sentence prediction) The task of pre training , Then fine tune on downstream tasks .Bert The birth of , Swept the major lists . But has his potential been fully exploited ? This paper aims at text classification based on Bert Explore several methods that can optimize the effect .

These methods are :

  • Fine-tune Strategy
  • Deep pre training
  • multitasking Fine-tune

Strategy introduction

1. Fine-tune Strategy

Different layers of neural network can capture different grammatical and semantic information . Use Bert To train downstream tasks, we need to consider several issues :

  1. Long article of pre training , because Bert The longest text sequence of is 512
  2. Layer selection , As mentioned above , Each layer captures different information , So we need to choose the most suitable layer
  3. Over fitting problem , Therefore, we need to consider the appropriate learning rate .Bert The bottom layer of will learn more general information , Right Bert Different layers of use different learning rates . The parameter iteration of each layer can be as follows :



  •   It means the first one l Layer t Parameters of step iteration
  •   It means the first one l Layer learning rate , The calculation method is as follows .   Represents the decay coefficient , When >1 Indicates that the learning rate decays layer by layer , Otherwise, it means expanding layer by layer . When =1 Time and tradition Bert identical .

2. Deep pre training

Bert It is pre trained on the General Corpus , If you want to apply text classification in a specific field , There must be some gaps in data distribution . At this time, you can consider deep pre training .

  • Within-task pre-training:Bert Pre training on the training corpus
  • In-domain pre-training: Pre training the corpus in the same field
  • Cross-domain pre-training: Pre training the corpus in different fields

3. multitasking Fine-tune

Multitasking tuning is using Bert To train different downstream tasks, but except for the last layer , Share parameters in other layers .

experimental result

1. Data sets

This article uses IMDB, Yelp Comment data sets are used for emotional analysis ,TREC( Open domain question and answer data sets ),yahoo Q & A is used for problem classification ,AG Journalism ,DBPedia and Sougou News topic classification . Use in this paper WordPiece embeddings With ## Segment sentences . Yes Sougou News adoption ".", "?", "!" To separate sentences .

2. Fine-tune Strategy

  1. Long text processing

There are two ways to deal with long text , Truncation and segmentation .

  • truncation : Generally speaking, the most important information in a text is the beginning and end , Therefore, the long text is truncated in this paper .
head-only: Leave the 510 Characters
tail-only: After reservation 510 Characters
head+tail: Leave the 128 And after 382 Characters
  • segmentation : Divide the text into k paragraph , Input of each paragraph and Bert The general input is the same , The first character is [CLS] Represents the weighted information of this paragraph . In this paper, we use Max-pooling, Average pooling and self-attention Combine the representation of these fragments .

Here are the results of the experiment ,head+tail The representation of is better on both data sets . It should be that the long text combines the information at the beginning and end of the sentence , The information obtained is relatively balanced . However, it is strange that the splicing method as a whole is not as good as truncation , My guess is that cutting the sentence into several paragraphs may increase the instability of the model , And errors may be magnified when superimposed . and max-pooling and self-attention It also emphasizes more useful information in the text , So the overall effect is better than average.

2. Layer selection

In this paper, the effect of each layer and the results of the first four layers are spliced , The result stitching of the last four layers and 12 The results of layer splicing were tested , Found the last four layers of splicing and the 11 Layers have the same effect .

3. Catastrophic Forgetting

Catastrophic forgetting It means that the pre trained knowledge is forgotten when learning new knowledge . Right Bert Of Catastrophic Forgetting The problem is explored . The picture below is IMDB Different learning rates and error-rate The curve of , It can be seen that a relatively small learning rate has a better effect .

4. Interlayer learning rate

The influence of inter layer learning rate on the model , You can see when the initial learning rate is high , The recession rate should be relatively low . Because the deep model can learn less , A relatively low learning rate is required for fitting . Does this also mean that a relatively fixed learning at a certain level can make the model optimal ?

3. Deep pre training

1. Within-Task Further Pre-Training

Use training data for pre training , The following figure shows the pre training step And the error rate of the test , You can see the pre training 100K The effect of training after rounds has been improved .

2. In-Domain and Cross-Domain Further Pre-Training

The corpus is divided into emotional analysis , Problem classification and topic classification , On these corpora, according to the pre training of intra domain and cross domain . The following figure shows the results of pre training ,all Is to use the corpus in all fields for pre training ,w/o It's primitive bert. It can be seen that the effect of pre training is better than that of the original Bert Improved . But be careful , Small scale corpus TREC After training in the field, the effect becomes worse .

The text also uses Bert Feature input for Bilstm+self-attention To evaluate , The effect is as follows , among :

  • BERT-Feat: BERT as features
  • BERT-FiT: BERT + Fine-Tuning
  • BERT-ITPT-FiT: BERT + withIn-Task Pre-Training + Fine-Tuning
  • BERT-IDPT-FiT: BERT + In-Domain Pre-Training + Fine-Tuning
  • BERT-CDPT-FiT: BERT + Cross-Domain Pre-Training + Fine-Tuning

4. multitasking Fine-tune

Used in the paper 4 A dataset of English Classification (IMDB, Yelp.P, AG, DBP) multitask , At the same time, it uses cross domain pre training Bert Compare the models , The effect is as follows . It can be seen that multi task learning can improve Bert The effect of , At the same time, pre training in cross fields Bert Multitask on the model Fine tune The effect is the best .

5. The size of the training set

Right Fine-tune Explore the influence of the size of the training set on the effect of the model . It can be seen that when the training data set is relatively small , The error rate of the model is relatively high , As the training set increases , The error rate of the model decreases . But why abscissa from 20 here we are 100 There is a little confusion here . among Bert-Fit Express Bert Fine-tune, BERT-ITPT-Fit Express BERT + withIn-Task Pre-Training + Fine-Tuning.

6. Bert Large Preliminary training

Right Bert Large It also went on With task Preliminary training , Do wonders vigorously , Sure enough Bert large Is much better .


I feel this is a very solid article , Consider a more comprehensive experimental report , But there are few thoughts and explanations about the experimental results . In short, use Bert When fine-tuning, you can consider re pre training in the field , Let the model learn more , And deep learning is still working hard to achieve miracles as always .

Related information

How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification​arxiv.org/pdf/1905.05583.pdf

