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Interesting practice of robot programming 14 robot 3D simulation (gazebo+turtlebot3)
2022-07-05 01:28:00 【zhangrelay】
Before , Introduces the node 、 The theme 、 Basic concepts of service and action , as well as rqt and rosbag2 Tools such as .
Using the official version of the two-dimensional environment , Now let's play with a more realistic 3D simulation environment .
- Simulation software Gazebo
- robot TurtleBot3
TurtleBot3 Support simulation development environment , It can be programmed and developed with virtual robot in simulation . There are two development environments that can do this , One is to use a device with 3D Visualization tools RViz False nodes of , The other is to use 3D Robot simulator Gazebo.
- Pseudo nodes are suitable for testing with robot models and motions , But it doesn't support sensors .
- If it is necessary to carry out SLAM Or navigation ,Gazebo It's going to be a viable solution , Because it supports IMU、LDS And cameras and other sensors .
Environment configuration
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:/home/zhangrelay/RobSoft/turtlebot3/src/simulations/turtlebot3_gazebo/models
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
# ROS2
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/colcon_cd.sh
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Source code compilation
have access to deb Direct installation :
- sudo apt install ros-foxy-turtlebot3-gazebo
Pay attention to the whole bag .
here , Use source code to compile as follows :
- colcon build
The list of feature packs is shown above .
Simulation practice
1 Startup environment
- ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo empty_world.launch.py
The blue ray is the visualization of the laser .
empty_world.launch The code is as follows :
import os
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import ExecuteProcess
from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription
from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration
def generate_launch_description():
use_sim_time = LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time', default='True')
world_file_name = 'empty_worlds/' + TURTLEBOT3_MODEL + '.model'
world = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('turtlebot3_gazebo'),
'worlds', world_file_name)
launch_file_dir = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('turtlebot3_gazebo'), 'launch')
pkg_gazebo_ros = get_package_share_directory('gazebo_ros')
return LaunchDescription([
os.path.join(pkg_gazebo_ros, 'launch', 'gzserver.launch.py')
launch_arguments={'world': world}.items(),
os.path.join(pkg_gazebo_ros, 'launch', 'gzclient.launch.py')
cmd=['ros2', 'param', 'set', '/gazebo', 'use_sim_time', use_sim_time],
PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([launch_file_dir, '/robot_state_publisher.launch.py']),
launch_arguments={'use_sim_time': use_sim_time}.items(),
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2 Circular motion
Before and before the circular motion of two-dimensional environment instructions are very similar .
- ros2 topic pub --rate 2 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 1.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.8}}"
3 Keyboard remote control
Use the following command to start the keyboard remote control :
- ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard
The keyboard remote control code is as follows :
import os
import select
import sys
import rclpy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from rclpy.qos import QoSProfile
if os.name == 'nt':
import msvcrt
import termios
import tty
msg = """
Control Your TurtleBot3!
Moving around:
a s d
w/x : increase/decrease linear velocity (Burger : ~ 0.22, Waffle and Waffle Pi : ~ 0.26)
a/d : increase/decrease angular velocity (Burger : ~ 2.84, Waffle and Waffle Pi : ~ 1.82)
space key, s : force stop
CTRL-C to quit
e = """
Communications Failed
def get_key(settings):
if os.name == 'nt':
return msvcrt.getch().decode('utf-8')
rlist, _, _ = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1)
if rlist:
key = sys.stdin.read(1)
key = ''
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
return key
def print_vels(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity):
print('currently:\tlinear velocity {0}\t angular velocity {1} '.format(
def make_simple_profile(output, input, slop):
if input > output:
output = min(input, output + slop)
elif input < output:
output = max(input, output - slop)
output = input
return output
def constrain(input_vel, low_bound, high_bound):
if input_vel < low_bound:
input_vel = low_bound
elif input_vel > high_bound:
input_vel = high_bound
input_vel = input_vel
return input_vel
def check_linear_limit_velocity(velocity):
if TURTLEBOT3_MODEL == 'burger':
return constrain(velocity, -BURGER_MAX_LIN_VEL, BURGER_MAX_LIN_VEL)
return constrain(velocity, -WAFFLE_MAX_LIN_VEL, WAFFLE_MAX_LIN_VEL)
def check_angular_limit_velocity(velocity):
if TURTLEBOT3_MODEL == 'burger':
return constrain(velocity, -BURGER_MAX_ANG_VEL, BURGER_MAX_ANG_VEL)
return constrain(velocity, -WAFFLE_MAX_ANG_VEL, WAFFLE_MAX_ANG_VEL)
def main():
settings = None
if os.name != 'nt':
settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
qos = QoSProfile(depth=10)
node = rclpy.create_node('teleop_keyboard')
pub = node.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', qos)
status = 0
target_linear_velocity = 0.0
target_angular_velocity = 0.0
control_linear_velocity = 0.0
control_angular_velocity = 0.0
key = get_key(settings)
if key == 'w':
target_linear_velocity =\
check_linear_limit_velocity(target_linear_velocity + LIN_VEL_STEP_SIZE)
status = status + 1
print_vels(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity)
elif key == 'x':
target_linear_velocity =\
check_linear_limit_velocity(target_linear_velocity - LIN_VEL_STEP_SIZE)
status = status + 1
print_vels(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity)
elif key == 'a':
target_angular_velocity =\
check_angular_limit_velocity(target_angular_velocity + ANG_VEL_STEP_SIZE)
status = status + 1
print_vels(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity)
elif key == 'd':
target_angular_velocity =\
check_angular_limit_velocity(target_angular_velocity - ANG_VEL_STEP_SIZE)
status = status + 1
print_vels(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity)
elif key == ' ' or key == 's':
target_linear_velocity = 0.0
control_linear_velocity = 0.0
target_angular_velocity = 0.0
control_angular_velocity = 0.0
print_vels(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity)
if (key == '\x03'):
if status == 20:
status = 0
twist = Twist()
control_linear_velocity = make_simple_profile(
twist.linear.x = control_linear_velocity
twist.linear.y = 0.0
twist.linear.z = 0.0
control_angular_velocity = make_simple_profile(
twist.angular.x = 0.0
twist.angular.y = 0.0
twist.angular.z = control_angular_velocity
except Exception as e:
twist = Twist()
twist.linear.x = 0.0
twist.linear.y = 0.0
twist.linear.z = 0.0
twist.angular.x = 0.0
twist.angular.y = 0.0
twist.angular.z = 0.0
if os.name != 'nt':
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Easy to add Chinese, easy to use :
It's very important to read the source code .
4 node
5 The theme
6 service
ros2 service list -t
- /apply_joint_effort [gazebo_msgs/srv/ApplyJointEffort]
- /apply_link_wrench [gazebo_msgs/srv/ApplyLinkWrench]
- /clear_joint_efforts [gazebo_msgs/srv/JointRequest]
- /clear_link_wrenches [gazebo_msgs/srv/LinkRequest]
- /delete_entity [gazebo_msgs/srv/DeleteEntity]
- /gazebo/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /gazebo/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /gazebo/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /gazebo/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /gazebo/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /gazebo/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /get_model_list [gazebo_msgs/srv/GetModelList]
- /pause_physics [std_srvs/srv/Empty]
- /reset_simulation [std_srvs/srv/Empty]
- /reset_world [std_srvs/srv/Empty]
- /robot_state_publisher/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /robot_state_publisher/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /robot_state_publisher/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /robot_state_publisher/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /robot_state_publisher/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /robot_state_publisher/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /rqt_gui_py_node_4338/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /rqt_gui_py_node_4338/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /rqt_gui_py_node_4338/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /rqt_gui_py_node_4338/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /rqt_gui_py_node_4338/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /rqt_gui_py_node_4338/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /spawn_entity [gazebo_msgs/srv/SpawnEntity]
- /teleop_keyboard/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /teleop_keyboard/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /teleop_keyboard/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /teleop_keyboard/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /teleop_keyboard/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /teleop_keyboard/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /turtlebot3_diff_drive/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /turtlebot3_diff_drive/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /turtlebot3_diff_drive/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_diff_drive/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /turtlebot3_diff_drive/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_diff_drive/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /turtlebot3_imu/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /turtlebot3_imu/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /turtlebot3_imu/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_imu/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /turtlebot3_imu/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_imu/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /turtlebot3_joint_state/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /turtlebot3_joint_state/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /turtlebot3_joint_state/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_joint_state/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /turtlebot3_joint_state/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_joint_state/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /turtlebot3_laserscan/describe_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters]
- /turtlebot3_laserscan/get_parameter_types [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes]
- /turtlebot3_laserscan/get_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_laserscan/list_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters]
- /turtlebot3_laserscan/set_parameters [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters]
- /turtlebot3_laserscan/set_parameters_atomically [rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically]
- /unpause_physics [std_srvs/srv/Empty]
7 action
SLAM And navigation .
8 more
Please refer to the previous 13 The corresponding cases in this article , Practice in this 3D environment .
From two-dimensional environment to three-dimensional environment , Simulation is more cool , But the principles and instructions are almost the same , Learn one move and take control !
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