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Structure of ViewModel

2022-07-05 02:24:00 hxa12345


abstract class , There are mainly clear Method , It is final level , Do not modify the ,clear Method contains onClear hook , Developers can rewrite onClear Method to define the emptying of data


Internal maintenance one HashMap To manage ViewModel


Interface ,ViewModelStore Scope of action , The implementation class for ComponentActivity and Fragment, Besides, there are FragmentActivity.HostCallbacks


Used to create ViewModel, The construction methods are Two parameters :

The first parameter is passed in ViewModelStoreOwner , To determine the ViewModelStore Scope of action ;

The second parameter is ViewModelProvider.Factory, For initialization ViewModel object , The default is getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory() Method acquired factory.

5、 Several ways to implement two-way binding

At present, several mainstream mvc(vm) The framework implements one-way data binding , And the two-way data binding that I understand is nothing more than to give input elements on the basis of one-way binding (input、textare etc. ) Added change(input) event , To dynamically modify model and view, Not so deep . So there's no need to worry too much about one-way or two-way binding of implementation .

There are several ways to implement data binding :

Publisher - Subscriber pattern (backbone.js)

Dirty value check (angular.js)

The data was hijacked (vue.js)

Publisher - Subscriber pattern :  Usually by sub, pub Data and view binding monitoring , The usual way to update data is  vm.set('property', value), Not familiar. Ask Du Niang

This way, after all, is too low 了 , We prefer to pass  vm.property = value Update data this way , Automatically update the view at the same time , So there are two ways

Dirty value check : angular.js It is to compare whether there is any change in data through dirty value detection , To decide whether to update the view , The easiest way is through  setInterval()  Regular polling detects data changes , Of course Google Not so low,angular Enter dirty value detection only when the specified event is triggered , As follows :

  • DOM event , For example, users input text , Click button, etc .( ng-click )
  • XHR Responding to events ( $http )
  • browser Location Change event ( $location )
  • Timer event ( $timeout , $interval )
  • perform $digest() or $apply()

The data was hijacked : vue.js Data hijacking combined with publishers - How subscriber mode works , adopt Object.defineProperty() To hijack the setter,getter, Publish messages to subscribers when data changes , Trigger corresponding listening callback .

Train of thought

I have learned that vue Data binding is done through data hijacking , The most important way is through Object.defineProperty() To achieve the hijacking of properties , To monitor data changes , No doubt this method is the most important in this article 、 One of the most basic elements , If you're not familiar with defineProperty, stab here   Sort it out , To achieve mvvm Two-way binding of , We must realize the following points :

  1. Implement a data listener Observer, The ability to listen for all attributes of a data object , Updated values are available and subscribers are notified of any changes
  2. Implement an instruction parser Compile, Scan and parse the instructions of each element node , Replace the data according to the instruction template , And bind the corresponding update function
  3. Achieve one Watcher, As the connection Observer and Compile The bridge , The ability to subscribe and receive notification of each property change , Executes the corresponding callback function for the instruction binding , To update the view
  4. mvvm Entry function , Integrate the above three
