
In the last article, we talked about pytest Naming rules of test cases in , So in pytest In what order are the test cases executed in ?

stay unittest In the frame , The default in accordance with the ACSII Load test cases in the order of code and execute , In sequence :09、AZ、a~z, Test directory 、 Test module 、 Test class 、 The test method / Test functions load test cases according to this rule .

and pytest The execution sequence of use cases in is the same as unittest It's different ,pytest There is a default execution order , You can also customize the execution order .

pytest Default execution order

  • Test directory 、 Test module , Execute in sort order

    The order of execution is as follows :

  • Execution sequence under the same test module

    import pytest
    class TestOrder:
        def test_e(self):
    print("test_e") def test_4(self):
    print("test_4") def test_b():
    print("test_a") def test_a():
    print("test_a") def test_2():
    print("test_2") def test_1():
    print("test_1") if __name__ == '__main__':

    The order of execution is as follows :

Custom execution order

pytest The framework supports the execution sequence of custom test cases , Need to install pytest-ordering plug-in unit .


pip install pytest-ordering


Need to use, The code is as follows :

import pytest

class TestOrder:

    def test_e(self):
print("test_e") def test_4(self):
print("test_4") def test_b():
def test_a():
def test_2():
print("test_2") def test_1():
print("test_1") if __name__ == '__main__':

The order of execution is as follows :

In the test module , First of all, to be Marking test methods / Test functions , Then perform other tasks in the default order .


although pytest You can customize the execution order of test cases , But in the process of actual test case design , Use cases should not be executed in sequence , That is, any individual test case is an independent and complete verification of function points , Not dependent on other use cases .

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