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[download white paper] does your customer relationship management (CRM) really "manage" customers?

2022-07-05 02:04:00 Li Xiaoyao


In the last century 90 years , Foreign enterprises began to introduce CRM, Customer relationship management . It is used to manage the interaction records between enterprises and users , For example, user information 、 consulting 、 Transaction records .

CRM In fact, it is the oldest platform or technology for dealing with customer relations . Every village in our previous generation had a supply and Marketing Cooperative , People in supply and marketing cooperatives will record what you bought , For example, the Li family bought soy sauce today , The day after tomorrow, Zhang Jia bought a bag of sugar . In fact, this is the earliest CRM.

In today's market , Enterprises can obtain multiple systems and tools relatively easily , Each software package has specific functions 、 User interface and specific ways to interact with other marketing technologies .

This issue introduces 《CRM 4.0 Redefinition harmony but not sameness —2021 CRM marketing white paper 》( Scan the code below to get ), Through to CRM Conduct in-depth research from the perspective of combining with Marketing Application , The new annotation of its development is given .

With the enterprise to CRM Continuous deepening of use , the CRM The system also has more personalized requirements , This leads to CRM System 5 The evolution of two stages


CRM In the embryonic period, it is mainly reflected in the customer service end , Start with solving customers' differentiated needs , Gradually evolved into customer classification and management , So as to strengthen the cognition and understanding of both parties , Enhance customer experience and improve customer service efficiency .


At this time CRM Mainly reflected in the marketing of the operation end , Designed to maintain customer and retention needs , To realize the subdivision rights and interests protection of new and old customers . Communication is mostly in text messages or emails , Content uses activities to stimulate and guide consumption .


With the growth of regular passenger flow, there is a bottleneck ,CRM This extends to potential customers and new customers , It aims to do a good job in infrastructure construction and maintenance , So as to get through the whole consumption path , At the same time, identify the advantages of differentiated competition , And then form an integrated system model .


The core of e-commerce is retail , The essence is the Internet ; and CRM The core of is commodities , The essence is experience . At this time CRM It aims to mine data and bring the experience of business intelligence , So as to improve the reaction speed and sensitivity of the brand .


At this stage CRM It will be a new integration , The core is to provide full path demand solutions closely around customer behavior . It will focus on customer needs and experience , Launch whole brand marketing .


Today, , Many enterprises have successfully deployed CRM System , A large number of user data assets have been deposited in the accumulated applications . Facing the expanding market demand , Tradition CRM The system needs to be changed in order to become a solution to enterprise marketing in the era of digital transformation “ is ”.

With CRM The continuous evolution of , Based on it “ Customer focus ” The true nature of the concept does not change , In addition, the pace of application practice keeps moving forward , When another new normal of drastic changes in consumer behavior is coming ,CRM It also needs to be redefined .

A new definition of CRM 4.0 The era should be for enterprises to meet the needs of marketing and sales management 、 It can fully integrate data and integrated application suite or technology stack , Its function must have enough depth and breadth , At the same time, it also needs an open application platform .

From a practical point of view , A new definition of CRM 4.0 The following four points should be met :


“ Big marketing ” pattern | High synergy between sales and market

CRM 4.0 It should meet the needs of both marketing and sales departments . Use a set of tools or technology stacks that integrate market and sales needs to manage the work of the two departments , It is the key to achieve sales collaboration . Through the establishment of an integrated customer management system 、 Establish unified and measurable goals , Let the salesperson and the market support each other , To form a “ Big marketing ” or “ Big sales ” pattern .


Customer focus | More comprehensive enterprise customer relationship management

If you want to “ Customer focus ”, First of all, we should know enough about customers .CRM It can be said to be an information center for customer data analysis and management , All customer service and marketing reach should be based on the use of customer data informatization . Customer relationship management , It's not just the collection of customer data , It is also the management of communication , Establish accurate and effective communication strategies , The existing CRM Upgrade the management mode


automation + Intelligent | Realize personalized communication , Improve the customer experience

In the current environment of rapid development of service diversification , Customers can search almost all products they think are more suitable through the Internet , This leads to challenges to user loyalty , Enterprises have been dynamic rise , and CRM The existence of the system provides customers with an effective way of communication .


efficiency + Benefits | Two wheel empowering tool

current CRM No longer one-way output , It is a two-way interaction starting from the needs of customers , In order to meet customers' personalized needs, we must make personalized recommendations 、 Precise touch “ One thousand thousand ”, With the blessing of the integrated application of different technologies , Personalization with scale is easier , The cost will also be reduced .

Dividends are tight on public domain platforms , The cost of getting customers continues to rise , And difficult to achieve “ Privatization ” Emotional connection ,CRM 4.0 Sure :

  • Complete the comprehensive integration of internal and external data within the unified platform

  • Use data analysis and insight into all customer behaviors , Formed in multiple scenes of all-round 360° User portrait

  • Use intelligent data analysis means to deeply recognize and understand customers

  • Generate real-time traceable data Kanban , Combined with business understanding, identify and evaluate the potential value and promotion means of each type of customers ,

  • Targeted content marketing and activity stimulation , Improve customer consumption transformation

meanwhile ,Convertlab United Microsoft Dynamics 365 Launch new solutions , Set up a set from CRM Mature marketing application system to marketing automation , Effectively improve the data governance level of enterprises , Rapidly improve the effect of digital marketing , From sales to marketing , Full life cycle customer relationship management from front link to back link .



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