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Basic knowledge of tuples

2022-07-05 03:17:00 Programming is too difficult

Definition of tuple

Tuples :tuple
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If you want to create an empty tuple , Don't write anything in brackets .
If there is only one data in the tuple , Then remember to add a comma .
If there is more than one data in the tuple , Data are separated by commas , There is no need to add a comma after the last data .

Access to tuple elements

Access to elements in tuples and list equally , Can be accessed by subscript .
Fill in brackets with -1 Indicates access to the last data ,list The same in China .
list And tuples can be sliced . Write... In brackets [ Start subscript : Terminate subscript ( But does not contain ): Step value ].

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Basic operations on tuples


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You can connect two tuples with a plus sign , Open up a space to store the content after the connection .


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use del After deleting tuples , The entire variable will be deleted , An error will be reported when using this variable next time , Indicates that this variable has not been defined .


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Data in tuples cannot be modified , however list Data that can be used as tuples ,list The data in can be modified .


The search operation is to traverse the data in tuples , By subscript operation .

Other operating

Tuples can also be like list Same count ,tup.count()
To turn a variable into a tuple , Write the variable name directly in tuple() In parentheses .


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