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Design and implementation of high availability website architecture

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Design and implementation of high availability website architecture .rar- Internet document resources -CSDN download The content includes detailed design documents word edition , Attached with opening report and related PPT Other documents , For your reference . You can also find more download resources on the home page of this blog 、 For learning materials, please visit CSDN Download channel .https://download.csdn.net/download/u013253075/48595338?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503


Objective   record

Abstract - I


1  The introduction - 1

1.1  Research background - 1

1.2  Development significance - 2

1.3  The organizational structure of the paper - 3

2  Introduction to key technologies - 4

2.1  Server cluster - 4

2.2  The classification of cluster technology - 4

2.3  Apache Introduce - 4

2.4  Keepalived Introduce - 5

2.5  HAProxy Introduce - 5

2.6  MySQL database - 5

2.7  Mycat Introduce - 6

3  Systems analysis - 7

3.1  Feasibility analysis - 7

3.1.1  Technical feasibility - 7

3.1.2  Economic feasibility - 7

3.1.3  Legal feasibility - 7

3.2  Functional requirements analysis - 7

3.3  Performance analysis - 9

4  System outline design - 11

4.1  Selection of load balancer - 11

4.1.1  LVS 11

4.1.2  HAProxy 11

4.2  Choice of server architecture - 11

4.2.1  Apache+Nginx Reverse proxy - 12

4.2.2  MySQL+Mycat Read / write separation - 12

4.3  Build a system environment - 12

5  Detailed design of the system - 15

5.1 To configure Apache 15

5.2  To configure Nginx 16

5.3  To configure Keepalived Realization Nginx High availability - 17

5.3.1  To configure Keepalived 17

5.3.2  Write a script - 18

5.4  To configure MySQL 19

5.5  To configure Mycat Read and write separation - 20

5.6  HAProxy Deployment installation for - 21

5.7  Keepalived Realization Mycat High availability - 22

5.7.1  Write scripts to implement - 22

5.7.2  edit Keepalived The configuration file - 22

5.8  establish Web page - 23

6  The system test - 25

6.1  Test purpose - 25

6.2  The test method - 25

6.3  test Nginx Use of services - 25

6.3.1  The test passed Apache visit Web Web page - 25

6.3.2  The test passed Nginx Access the service - 26

6.4  test MySQL Use of services - 28

6.4.1  test MySQL Double master replication - 29

6.4.2  The test passed Mycat visit MySQL service - 29

6.4.3  The test passed VIP visit MySQL service - 30

6.5  test MySQL High availability cluster for - 30

6.6 test Apache High availability cluster for - 31

7  Summary and prospect - 34

reference - 35

thank - 37

pick   want

High availability website architecture design is one of the indispensable tasks in the process of website architecture . At the beginning, the website system adopted the traditional architecture , Can meet the basic use . With the increasing number of users and access requests , The load resistance of the server is not enough , Cause the problem of slow service access , There is even the risk of user data loss . Most websites ( Especially Jingdong 、 TaoBao 、 Tmall and other e-commerce websites ) You must provide 7×24 24-hour service , Any service interruption or loss of critical data will lead to direct business losses . Users have put forward requirements for high performance and reliability of application services . therefore , Deploy an efficient and reliable high availability platform architecture , Make the server and application services run reliably 、 Stable , It is particularly important for enterprises .

The work to be done in this paper is as follows :(1)HAProxy The scheduler forwards the client access request to the back-end device through the scheduling algorithm ;(2)Nginx Do a reverse proxy server to forward client access requests ;(3)Keepalived Make the highly available cluster of the scheduler , Avoid single point of failure ;(4)Mycat Separation of reading and writing , Improve MySQL Operating efficiency ;(5)MySQL Do double master replication , avoid MySQL The server becomes a single point of failure .

The main purpose of the high availability architecture design of the website is to ensure that the service is still available when the server hardware fails 、 Data is still stored and can be accessed . The main means to realize this high availability architecture are redundant backup and failure transfer of data and services .

key word : High availability   colony   Load balancing   hot standby


The design of high available website architecture is one of the indispensable tasks in the process of website architecture.At the beginning, the website system adopts the traditional architecture, which can satisfy the basic use.With the increasing number of users and access requests, the server is not able to resist the load, causing the problem of slow service access speed, and even the risk of loss of user data.Most websites (especially e-commerce sites such as JD.com, Taobao and Tmall) have to provide round-the-clock service, and any interruption of service or loss of critical data will result in a direct loss of business. Users demand high performance and reliability of application services for websites. Therefore, it is particularly important for enterprises to deploy a set of efficient and reliable high-availability platform architecture to make the server and application service run reliably and stably.

The work required in this paper is as follows :(1) HAProxy acts as the scheduler to forward the client access request to the back-end device through the scheduling algorithm.(2) Nginx does the reverse proxy server to forward the client access request.(3) Keepalived makes scheduler highly available cluster to avoid single point of failure.(4) Mycat does read-write separation to improve the running efficiency of MySQL. (5) MySQL does double master replication to avoid MySQL server becoming a single point of failure.

The main purpose of the high availability architecture design of the website is to ensure that the service is still available, the data is still saved and can be accessed when the server hardware fails. The main means of implementing this high availability architecture are redundant backup and failover of data and services.

Keywords: high availability  cluster  load balancing  double hot standby

The introduction

This chapter mainly introduces the development background and significance of high availability website architecture design and implementation . With the increasing number of enterprise servers and application services , The server faces the sea ..............

1.1  Research background

With the rapid development of science and Technology , Various branches of the computer industry continue to appear , Cloud computing 、 Artificial intelligence 、 The embedded 、 The Internet of things 、 Software defines the network, etc , And these industrial branches are inseparable ..................

With the continuous improvement of server business , The rapid growth of data access traffic , The anti load ability of some websites is gradually insufficient . meanwhile , With the emergence of various applications , clothing ...........................

However , The performance of the server in processing and storing access data is compared with the performance of the router in sending data , The ability of the server to process data is far from enough . The growth of users and database information .......................

Due to the development of information technology and centralized storage of user data , Increased the total amount of data , So that users have higher and higher requirements for business continuity . existing IT The system mainly faces the following problems :.................

Improving the availability of business services has become an inevitable trend in the development of the Internet industry . High availability architecture in business service system through cluster 、 Improve the availability and reliability of physical servers by means of system redundancy . After the server adopts the high availability cluster architecture , In case of single equipment failure , Does not affect business continuity access ...................

1.2  Development significance

On the basis of Cluster Technology , Various resources on a computer server , Such as hard disk 、 network card 、 Memory, etc. are fully called , Able to handle clothes with high performance .....................

The high availability cluster increases the stability of the computer server system by providing the same service through multiple servers , It improves the long-term online ability of computer servers . The high availability cluster adopts the technology of automatic switching between the primary and standby servers , Realize automatic server failover 、 System 7×24 Hours of uninterrupted operation , Avoid enterprises' insufficient anti load capacity of system servers , Economic losses caused by single node downtime . Working hours ,Master The server is in service .....................

1.3  The organizational structure of the paper

This article describes the design architecture of a highly available website , Development ................

The structure of the paper is mainly divided into seven parts .

The first chapter is the introduction , This paper mainly introduces the research background and development significance of high availability architecture , analysis ......................

The second chapter is the key technology , Introduce the... Used in architecture development .....................

The third chapter is system analysis , Mainly through some basic investigation methods to understand Gaoke ...............

The fourth chapter is the outline design of the system , Mainly the cluster architecture design of the system 、 Some groups .....................

The fifth chapter is the detailed design of the system , Mainly the design and implementation of system components , Through various components ................

The sixth chapter is system testing , Test the functions of each cluster , To verify each group .................

The seventh chapter is a comprehensive summary of this paper , Reflect on your shortcomings and sufferings ....................


key technology

This chapter mainly introduces the design and implementation of high availability website architecture .................

2.1  Server cluster

Server cluster refers to the centralized management of multiple servers , For users, there is only one server . The cluster can integrate multiple computer resources , Such as memory , Hard disk , Network card, etc , this ..................

2.2  The classification of cluster technology

High availability cluster : also called HA colony , Such clusters can improve the reliability of services , Avoid service interruption caused by single point of failure .

Load balancing cluster : also called LB colony , This kind of cluster I .......................... Ability .

2.3  Apache Introduce

Apache It is the most used in the world Web The server , Alibaba 、 Baidu 、 Netease and other companies are using , The market share reaches 60% about .Apache It has the following five characteristics :..................

The types of virtual hosts include name based virtual hosts 、 be based on IP Virtual host of address , The architecture test is based on IP Virtual host of address , Using virtual hosts ... Will be different ...................

Apache Support https, Transmit data in ciphertext ...................

2.4  Keepalived Introduce

Keepalived be based on VRRP( Virtual routing redundancy protocol ) Protocol development ,Keepalived The function of is to realize HA colony .Keepalived Judge the background service through the heartbeat information ..........................

2.5  HAProxy Introduce

HAProxy It's an open source 、 High performance 、 be based on TCP and HTTP Applied load balancing software , With the help of HAProxy Fast 、 Reliably provide services based on TCP and HTTP......................

HAProxy Realize four layers 、 Scheduling of seven tier applications .HAProxy It has the following characteristics :(1) Very good reliability and stability , Can be connected with hardware F5 Comparable .(2) Highest .........................

(3) Support multiple load balancing algorithms , It also supports session Conversation retention .(4) Support virtual host function .(5) from HAProxy 1.3 Connection rejection is supported after version 、 Completely transparent ..........................

2.6  MySQL database

MySQL It's a very fast 、 Multithreading 、 Multi user and powerful relational database server software .MySQL The server It has the following four characteristics 1、 Open source 、 Cross platform 2、 Support for multiple storage engines   3、 Support multiple master-slave replication 4、 Support multiple installation and deployment methods .MySQL Use c and c++ To write .......................................

Incremental backup 、 Differential backup , According to the result of backup ..................

2.7  Mycat Introduce

Mycat Is an open source distributed database system , Realized MySQL Protocol client , Users can regard it as a database proxy server , take MySQL Request sent to Myc.....................


Systems analysis

This chapter mainly describes the architecture design and implementation analysis of highly available websites , Lord .......................

3.1  Feasibility analysis

3.1.1  Technical feasibility

The design architecture and implementation of the high availability website designed and implemented in this paper adopts the combination of multiple software 、 Ensure its availability and stability , And it is too big for these software ..................

3.1.2  Economic feasibility

The development software needed for the design architecture and implementation of the high availability website designed and implemented in this paper is mainly Nginx、Keepalived、MySQL Open source software, etc , Open source means free , Unwanted ..................

3.1.3  Legal feasibility

The development environment required for the design and implementation of website architecture is Linux, The software used is Nginx、Keepalived、Mycat Waiting is free 、 Open source , There is no copyright dispute , And this department ...............

3.2  Functional requirements analysis

(1) Application needs 7×24 Provide uninterrupted service for hours , Ensure that users can access the application at any time . The traditional website architecture is shown in the figure 3-1 Shown , Traditional architecture client access Web service , The pressure is all in Web Rong ................

(2) Ensure the quality of user access . According to big data statistical analysis , page 2~3 Second response data is acceptable to most people , page 5 Response time of more than seconds , Page access ..........................

(3) Reliability of user data . The database realizes double master replication and read-write separation . Dual master replication avoids a single point of failure in the database ,Mycat Read write separation reduces the database ................

Design and implementation of high availability website architecture based on comprehensive investigation and analysis of current service architecture patterns , Through the comparative study of traditional website architecture and highly available website architecture , Put forward the design scheme of this architecture . According to the investigation and practical analysis, the specific functional model of the high availability website design framework is obtained ............

chart 3-1  Traditional website architecture

But this architecture also has limitations : Only suitable for medium and large enterprises , And some super large enterprises , Such as Tmall 、 TaoBao 、 JD.COM 、12306 etc. , High availability cluster services ...............


chart 3-2   High availability website architecture

3.3  Performance analysis

(1) Security . The highly available website architecture sends client requests to Nginx Reverse proxy ,Nginx Send the request to the backend ............

(2) reliability . The highly available website architecture is deployed through clusters , It greatly avoids single point .................

(3) High load resistance . The highly available website architecture is adjusted by setting ...................... The station will appear 503 error , Avoid paralysis of the whole service .

(4) High availability . The service is unavailable for a short time , At a machine ..................

System outline design

This chapter will discuss the architecture design and implementation of highly available websites , The selection of each component is related to ........................

4.1  Selection of load balancer

The load balancer has LVS as well as HAProxy Two kinds of .

4.1.1  LVS

LVS Is based on IP Load balancing technology , It has a strong load capacity , As L.........

4.1.2  HAProxy

HAProxy Is based on TCP and HTTP Application development of a load balancing software , With the help of HAProxy Fast 、 Reliably provide services based on TCP and HTTP Applied load balancing solutions .HAProxy................

HAProxy It has two characteristics : First, it is reliable and stable , Sure ...................... Can be up to 10Gbps.

adopt LVS and HAProxy contrast , In order to make .....................

 4.2  Choice of server architecture

This structure Web There are two options for server architecture :(1)Apa.................

The database architecture adopts MySQL+Mycat Read / write separation ,MySQL Database dual master replication .

4.2.1  Apache+Nginx Reverse proxy

Apache+Nginx Reverse proxy can realize load balancing cluster , Again ....................

Apache+LVS Realize load balancing cluster .LVS Kernel based work , Strong stability , Configurable and easy to operate , Expandability is not ...................

4.2.2  MySQL+Mycat Read / write separation

In order to avoid insufficient database load caused by accessing the database during peak hours , This leads to database paralysis , This architecture adopts Mycat Read / write separation , A database .................

4.3  Build a system environment

Through the above analysis and comprehensive consideration of environmental factors , Finally, this architecture is established . As shown in the table 4-1 Shown .

surface 4-1  Servers IP And the installed software installation table

Host name

Server parameters

IP Address

Task role


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPU:Xeon Bronze 3106


Nginx Reverse proxy

KeepalivedHA colony


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPU:Xeon Bronze 3106


Nginx Reverse proxy

KeepalivedHA colony


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPU:Xeon Bronze 3106

HAProxy Load balancing

KeepalivedHA colony


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPU:Xeon Bronze 3106

HAProxy Load balancing

KeepalivedHA colony


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPUXeon Bronze 3106

Mycat Read / write separation


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPUXeon Bronze 3106

Mycat Read / write separation


Memory 128G

Hard disk 18T

CPUXeon Bronze 3106

MySQL Double master replication


Memory 256G

Hard disk 18T

CPUXeon Gold 6240

MySQL Double master replication

Host name

Server parameters

IP Address

Task role


Memory 256G

Hard disk 18T

CPUXeon Bronze 3106

Apache Provide Web service


Memory 256G

Hard disk 18T

CPUXeon Bronze 3106

Apache Provide Web service

First two MySQL Do double master replication , Convenient for cold backup , Improve the reliability of the system . Next two Mycat Separation of reading and writing , Avoid peak visits MySQL Cause system failure ...................

5  Detailed design of the system

This chapter will give a detailed design of the architecture design and implementation system of the highly available website , Installation of various components 、 Deployment and composition , Through these introductions, you can understand the high availability network ..................

5.1 To configure Apache

Installation configuration Apache, Make sure Web Normal access to services . View the current network status , Convenient configuration is based on IP Virtual host installation configuration Apache, Need a new piece ..............................


chart 5-1  http Operation state diagram


The core code is as follows :

[[email protected] ~]# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/web2.conf


     ServerName music.linux.com // Host name

     DocumentRoot /webdata02 // Document root path location


5.2  To configure Nginx

Source code compilation and installation Nginx after , Back up and modify Nginx The configuration file . edit Nginx The configuration file , One is to make the backend entity client accept the real client IP Letter ..................

Nginx The core code is as follows :

[[email protected] ~]# vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

http {

    include       mime.types;

    default_type  application/octet-stream; // Default file type

    sendfile        on;// call sendfile Function to reduce system load

    keepalive_timeout  65;// Connection timeout

    limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:100m rate=12r/m;// Save the user IP The address size is 100M, Access every minute 12 Time

    upstream websrv {// Set the load balancing server


To configure Keepalived

Installation configuration Keepalived, modify Keepalived The configuration file has the following four purposes : One is to make Keepalived Be able to run shell Script . The second is to generate virtual IP. Third, the configuration status is ...................

chart 5-2  Port information diagram

The core code is as follows :

[[email protected] ~]# vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {         // Global configuration

  router_id nginx01    // Router id, Can be modified by yourself


vrrp_script check_nginx {  // Define where the script is stored , And sleep time

    script "/etc/keepalived/checknginx.sh"

    interval 1}


5.3.2  Write a script

In order to make Keepalived Can detect nginx state , And Keepali....................

Shell The core code of the script is as follows :

[[email protected]~]#vim /etc/keepalived/checknginx.sh



curl &> /dev/null // Text access native Web service , The message is redirected to the black hole file


Fault test , Test whether the script can execute normally . By looking at VIP Transfer and day ....................

5.4   To configure MySQL

install mariadb-server, To configure mariadb The configuration file , You need to turn on the binary log log_bin file , To configure MySQL Double master replication . Before configuring master-slave replication , You need to create a user who can log in from the master server , Ensure that master-slave replication succeeds . View the main section ....................


chart 5-3   Master slave replication thread state diagram

MySQL The core code is as follows :

// see Master Binary log file status of the server

MariaDB [(none)]> show master status;


| File          | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |


| mast..........................

5.5  To configure Mycat Read and write separation

Source code compilation and installation JDK,Mycat be based on Java Language writing , need JDK Environmental Science . stay MySQL Create on the master server that can be used in Mycat Users running on , Ensure that the read-write separation can be divided into .............



chart 5-4  Mycat Service state diagram

Mycat The core code is as follows

[[email protected] ~]# vim /usr/local/ mycat /conf/schema.xml

<schema name="jiaowu" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="dn1">

</schema> // Logical database , according to dataNode Connect the logical database with the real database ,sqlMaxLimit Restrict data return

        <dataNode name="dn1" dataHost="dh1" database="jiaowu" />// Real database

        <dataHost name="dh1" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="1"// All of the readhost and writeHost All involved .........................

5.6  HAProxy Deployment installation for

Installation configuration HAProxy, modify HAProxy The configuration file , Configure load .....................


chart 5-5  HAProxy Start state diagram

HAProxy The core code is as follows :

[[email protected] ~]# vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg


       maxconn 2000 // The maximum number of connections is 2000

       nbproc 1 // The number of processes is 1

       user nobody // function HAProxy user

       group nobody// function HAProxy User group

       log local0 info // The log is stored on this machine , adopt local0 Output


5.7.2  edit Keepalived The configuration file

edit Keepalived The configuration file , Make it work shell Script , And generate VIP, Set the password of the authenticated user . And ensure Keepalived start-up .

Keepalived The core code is as follows :

[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {

   router_id haproxy01


vrrp_script check_ mycat {

    script "/etc/keepalived/check mycat.sh"

    interval 1



5.8  establish Web page

establish Web page , Page maps the data in the database to the web page , Convenient data reading .

The core code is as follows :

    header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

    $con=mysql_connect('', 'martin', 'redhat'); // Connect to database

    if(!$con){// Determine whether the database connection is successful

    die('connect failed!');


    echo " Database connection successful !";


    mysql_select_db("runoob", $con);

    mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT Name,Age FROM jiaowu.students");

    echo "<table border='1'>



The system test

6.1  Test purpose

The purpose of the system test is to test the high availability cluster framework that has been completed at present .................

6.2  The test method

The design and implementation of highly available website architecture is mainly in the test . To adopt ....................

6.3  test Nginx Use of services

6.3.1  The test passed Apache visit Web Web page

test Apache visit , Through direct access to two .............


chart 6-1  Direct access Apache

chart 6-2  Direct access Apache

Pictured 6-1, chart 6-2 Shown , Through the browser, you can ..........................

6.3.2  The test passed Nginx Access the service

test Nginx Can you work normally , By direct ..........

chart 6-3  adopt Nginx visit Apache

chart 6-4  adopt Nginx visit Apache

Pictured 6-3, chart 6-4 Shown , It can be accessed normally through the browser Nginx,Nginx Reverse proxy is normal .

6.3.3  The test passed VIP Virtual network access Web Web page

The test passed VIP visit Apache................

chart 6-5  adopt VIP visit Apache


chart 6-6  adopt VIP visit Apache

Pictured 6-5, chart 6-6 Shown , Through the browser, you can .........

6.4  test MySQL Use of services

Use Mariadb-server Direct connection to data ....................

chart 6-7  Database query results


6.4.1  test MySQL Double master replication

stay Slave Query on the database jiaowu.students Internal content , Such as ....................

chart 6-8  Database result

6.4.2  The test passed Mycat visit MySQL service

adopt Mycat Of 8066 Port access ...................

The test results are shown in the figure 6-9 Shown , You can find jiaow.............

chart 6-9  Database query results

Based on the above results , adopt Mycat Can visit normally MySQL service .

6.4.3  The test passed VIP visit MySQL service

adopt VIP Of 8066 Whether the port test can be accessed normally My......................

The test results are shown in the figure 6-10 Shown , You can find jiaowu.students The information in ,Keepalived The service works normally .


chart 6-10  Database query results

6.5  test MySQL High availability cluster for

Simulate a MySQL Server down , The test passed VIP Whether the virtual network can be accessed normally MySQL service .

As shown in the table 6-1 Serial number 2 Shown , At one My..................

Simulate a HAProxy The node is down , The test passed VIP Whether the virtual network can be accessed normally MySQL service .

As shown in the chart 6-1 Serial number 4 Shown , stay ..........................

surface 6-1  test result

Serial number

Test project

Testing capabilities

Predicted results

The actual result


adopt VIP visit MySQL service

MySQL Service functions are provided normally

Be able to access MySQL service

Permission denied , Unable to access MySQL service , Not in line with the predicted results


a MySQL Downtime , adopt VIP visit MySQL service

MySQL Service functions are provided normally

Be able to access MySQL service

In line with the predicted results


a MySQL Downtime , a Mycat Downtime , adopt VIP visit MySQL service

MySQL Service functions are provided normally

Be able to access MySQL service

In line with the predicted results


a MySQL Downtime , a Mycat Downtime , a HAProxy Downtime , adopt VIP visit MySQL service

MySQL Service functions are provided normally

Be able to access MySQL service

In line with the predicted results

6.6 test Apache High availability cluster for

Simulate a Nginx Server down , The test passed VI.............................. One of the sets Nginx proxy server ,Nginx Forward the request to Web Back end devices .

Simulate a Keep...........................

chart 6-11  Nginx01 NIC IP Information

chart 6-12  Nginx01 journal

chart 6-13  Nginx02 journal


chart 6-14  Nginx02 NIC IP Information

surface 6-2  test result

Serial number

Test project

Testing capabilities

Predicted results

The actual result


VIP Access virtual network

Web service function

Be able to access Web service

appear Welcome Access interface , Not in line with the predicted results


a Nginx Downtime , visit VIP virtual network

Web service function

Be able to access Web service

In line with the predicted results


a Nginx,Haproxy Downtime , visit VIP

Web service function

Be able to access Web service

In line with the predicted results

7  Summary and prospect

The success of high availability website design architecture and implementation lies in ensuring that when a server goes down , The services provided by its cluster can also be provided normally , A single point of failure is well avoided . The failure is not just MySQL When building master-slave replication, the basic environment is not built , and ...........

Highly available website architecture .............

In the framework of ECS , Highly available clusters can be accessed through Kubernetes Or other batch deployment container software batch deployment docker Container to cloud platform , coordination .................

If you need more information, please download it from the link below

Design and implementation of high availability website architecture .rar- Internet document resources -CSDN download The content includes detailed design documents word edition , Attached with opening report and related PPT Other documents , For your reference . You can also find more download resources on the home page of this blog 、 For learning materials, please visit CSDN Download channel .https://download.csdn.net/download/u013253075/48595338?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503 


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