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When the low alcohol race track enters the reshuffle period, how can the new brand break the three major problems?

2022-07-05 02:22:00 Yuan Guobao

Low alcohol wine 2020 It became popular in , In just over two years, a large number of brands have poured in , Only tmall low alcohol new brands exceed 5000 home , Followed by a large number of capital integration ,2021 A total of 56 Start financing , The total investment exceeds 25 Billion . According to the prediction of AI media ,2022 The market scale of low alcohol liquor will break through 5000 One hundred million yuan , Seemingly unlimited potential , But is reality really as beautiful as imagination ?

At the low alcohol circuit , The size of the market 、 Race track competition 、 Price disadvantages are the key factors restricting its development . With the development of the industry , Offline channels 、 Supply chain 、 Product development is also becoming more and more important , The original asset light operation mode is changing to asset heavy , The industry is also accelerating into a new round of reshuffle , The opportunity for new brands to break through is very slim .

1 Annual financing 25 Billion , Seemingly unlimited potential

It's popular in recent years “ Tipsy culture ” The hot low alcohol race track .

The so-called low alcohol wine , Usually refers to alcohol level in 0.5%—20% Between , Liquors dominated by sweet wine , Broadly speaking, it includes wine 、 Yellow Wine 、 beer 、 fruit wine 、 Clear wine 、 The mixer 、 Rice Wine 、 Sparkling wine, etc . And the so-called tipsy , It refers to a state between wakefulness and unconsciousness that young people pursue when drinking . Compared with pushing a glass on a traditional wine table and getting drunk , Today's young people obviously enjoy the pleasure and comfort when they are slightly drunk .

Where there are young people, there must be a market , Where there is a market, there must be capital .2019 year ,“ Low alcohol ” Riding the east wind of capital, it began to explode .2021 year , The financing events of low alcohol racing track are as high as 56 rise , The total amount of financing exceeds 25 Billion , among , Tens of thousands of angel rounds and A Round financing is concentrated in the field of low alcohol alcohol .

The market has also given considerable feedback on low alcohol wines ,2020 In, the sales volume of low alcohol liquor in China was 51.3 One hundred million yuan , Only on tmall platform, the low alcohol brand is up to 5000 home , Among them, there are Lan Zhou 、 Meijian and other emerging brands .2021 New year tmall liquor “ double 11” period , The year-on-year growth rate of the number of low tide drinkers exceeded 50%.

besides , Traditional Baijiu brands have also entered the market for low alcohol liquor —— Maotai launch “ Youmi ” Blueberry wine ; Luzhou Laojiao also launched “ Qing language ”“ Drink between flowers ”“ Peach blossom drunk ” And other fruit wine brands ; Wuliangye launched “ Xianlin green plum wine ”“ Hundred foot pomegranate wine ”“ My tune ” etc. ; Gujing gongjiu also established Anhui baiweilu Wine Co., Ltd .

meanwhile , The farmer mountain spring 、 Consumer giants like coca cola are also grinding their fists and feet .2020 year 5 month , Nongfu mountain spring released its first rice wine + Sparkling wine products TOT Bubble drink . soon , Coca Cola has also introduced the alcoholic beverage Topaz hard soda sparkling wine …

Internet giants also cross the board , Byte skipping “ Byte castle ”“ Inspiration code ” And other low alcohol brands , And rely on Tiktok to sell wine in the form of live broadcast and short video , Netease strictly selected 、 Ali also has its own low alcohol liquor brands .

This shows the popularity of low alcohol liquor market . Analysis and Research on China's low alcohol wine industry shows ,2021 After year , China's low alcohol liquor market will enter a period of rapid growth , The market scale of low alcohol liquor is expected to be 2025 The years will reach 742.6 One hundred million yuan ,2021—2025 The compound annual growth rate can reach 30%.

However, the foam of the low alcohol frenzy was removed , It is not difficult to find its seemingly unlimited potential under the surface , In fact, it is a flash in the pan .

One side , People obviously overestimate the market space of low alcohol wine . Most low alcohol brands are targeting “Z Generations of women ”, China Z Generations of women are about 1.2 Billion , And not all Z Generations of women drink , It shows that the target audience of low alcohol liquor is not as large as expected .

On the other hand , The repurchase rate of low alcohol liquor is not high ,36 Krypton has reported , Almost all low alcohol brands 3 The repurchase rate within months is negligible . And the repurchase rate , Determines the life and death of a brand .

Now , The decline of low alcohol wine gradually revealed ,2022 It's over half a year , However, only 8 Low alcohol liquor brands have won the favor of capital . According to the market intelligence data of magic mirror ,2022 year 4-5 Moon dew 、 The whole category sales of fruit wine is about 1.4 One hundred million yuan , Year-on-year decline in 25.9%. The visible capacity of domestic low alcohol liquor is less than 200 Billion , And “ 100 billion market ” There is still a long distance between our assumptions .

Three shackles , Difficult to solve real problems

Behind the rapid development of low alcohol liquor , In fact, there are many challenges and problems .

First , Low alcohol liquor is highly replaceable .

Low alcohol liquor has the dual characteristics of beverage and wine , Its substitutability also comes from these two directions . In terms of beverages , At this stage, all major soft drink brands that are mature in China are likely to become their substitutes ; As far as wine is concerned , China's brewing industry has a long history , A stable market pattern has long been formed , Among them, the revenue of one category of Baijiu accounts for nearly 70% , beer 、 Wine 、 Rice wine and fermented alcohol together account for more than 25% Share , Other wines remaining ( Including low alcohol alcohol ) Less than 4%.

in addition , Various low alcohol liquor brands can also replace each other . Take plum wine for example , Meijian exists on Taobao alone 、 Suzhou bridge 、 Slow heat body 、 Kunzhu 、 Meinaisu and other brands . Although the selling points of these brands are different , But in the eyes of ordinary consumers, the difference is not big , It is also difficult to distinguish between good and bad , The main factor guiding the purchase is marketing .

secondly , The competition in low alcohol liquor industry is very fierce .

It is not difficult to see from the above , Whether traditional Baijiu brands or consumption giants , Or is it the Internet giant , All actively enter the low alcohol circuit , It can be seen that the entry threshold is not high , Industry insiders say investment 40 Ten thousand or so, you can find a factory to arrange the first batch of wine .2021 According to the Mid Autumn Festival big data released by tianyancha in , At present, there are 11.5 More than 10000 families are in business 、 survival 、 Move in 、 Relocated low alcohol related enterprises . near 7 The registered capital is 100 Ten thousand yuan of the following , near 200 Enterprises have financing experience .

The direct result of the large number of players is the serious homogenization of products , Which leads to fierce competition , Price war is hot . According to the wine industry : The price of a bottle of low alcohol wine ranges from tens of yuan to tens of yuan and then to a few yuan , There is even a phenomenon that a factory manufactures more than a dozen low alcohol liquor brands .

Under such fierce competition , Even if some brands have occupied a certain share in the market , But whether we can keep the market share in the future is a problem , For the latecomers who are already declining , Opportunities and market share will only be less and less .

Last , The industry supply chain is not yet mature .

at present , Including berry sweetheart 、 Lan Zhou 、 A quarter past ten 、 Drunken goose Niang and other online popular low alcohol brands adopt the OEM mode , Only a few low alcohol brands such as Bingqing have established their own factories . For many, the comprehensive strength is not strong 、 For start-up brands with tight funds , There is no excuse for adopting OEM mode , The key is to ensure that the OEM enterprises they rely on have sufficient strength , And quality control is in place .

However, in the long run , It's still a matter of time before the OEM model goes wrong . One side , The brand concentrates most of its resources on marketing , The core R & D and production are handed over to the upstream OEM , Homogenization is aggravated ; On the other hand , Brands cannot control all links of factory production , Quality control is difficult . The brand wants to get long-term development , We should also return to quality and workmanship .

The industry is speeding up the reshuffle , Can the new brand break through

There are many brands of low alcohol liquor in China , However, leading brands have not yet appeared , Predictably enough ,2022 This track will usher in the first round of reshuffle , Offline channels will become an important arena for brands to compete .

Different from other new consumer products , Wine has natural social properties , It is called social currency , This makes it impossible for low alcohol liquor sales channels to leave offline . According to the survey data of relevant reports , Take the supermarket 、 The restaurant 、 Traditional channels such as convenience stores are still the main way to buy wine ; stay 18-30 Among young people aged ,KTV、 Social occasions such as bars are still the main consumption scenes .

In terms of offline channels , Traditional wine enterprises 、 Consumer giants undoubtedly have great advantages , But for the current low alcohol brands , Emerging brands still rely too much on online and lack of offline channel layout .

At present, many well-known brands have launched offline experience stores 、 Co branded physical stores . Such as RIO Launch an offline cocktail experience store in Sinan mansion in Shanghai ; Qiandao Lake brewery spent money to build a fine brewing beer house Cheerday, Become the first offline experience store of beer life in Hangzhou .

Emerging low alcohol brands undoubtedly also recognize the importance of offline channels , It's not clear how to brew O2O Lin Yijia, the person in charge, once said , Plan the next stage with the restaurant 、 Creative linkage of offline channels such as bars , The intention is to deepen the brand impression by continuously brushing the sense of existence . at present , E-commerce channels account for only% of the total sales share 20%, And offline channels occupy 80% As much as .

2021 Lanzhou, which has won two rounds of financing in a row in, also attaches great importance to offline channels , It is reported that , Lanzhou has been laid in Sichuan and Chongqing 1 ten thousand + stores , The monthly dynamic sales rate reaches 40%+, It is estimated that twenty or thirty thousand stores will be laid this year . Xifan fruit wine has been settled 300 Home terminal , Including wanghong restaurant 、 Chain medium and high-end catering stores 、 Chain convenience stores 、 Shang Chao ( Box Ma Xian raw 、7FRESH、 Super species ) Wait for offline channels .

But the layout of offline channels is by no means a day's work , It needs long-term construction and operation . How to match channels for different target scenarios ? How to balance online and offline resource investment and achieve 1+1>2 The effect of ? Only let the product really reach the consumers , To personally perceive the user portrait , It is more conducive to the further iteration of the product . For low alcohol brands , These are particularly critical .

The market is growing rapidly 、 Homogeneous products compete to pour in 、 Industry shuffle , It is a problem that every emerging track must face . After this journey, the low alcohol industry has been a blue ocean , But the current track is still highly fragmented , Lack of head brand , Want to break through the brand scuffle smoothly and stand firm , It's not easy .


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