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About MySQL database connection exceptions

2022-07-05 03:07:00 CSDN Q & A

mysql After the computer is installed , Normal use , Click the website every other time , The website is in circles , It's OK to click on the website later , The server prompt error is
com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@133aebc0 -- APPARENT DEADLOCK!!!
This problem occurs from time to time every day . A few days after the Spring Festival , Look at the regular backup of the database , Backup failed for twoorthree days , The error message is
ERROR:2003,Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'(10060)Error in Connection
What problem caused ? Is there any application on my computer that shuts down automatically MySQL service , Or I install MySQL Time problem , Need to unload and reload

Take the answer :

This problem needs to be tracked in the log , The first thing to do is to check whether the logging is turned on :

show variables like "%log%";

see log_bin Whether the property is ON. If you feel unsure , You can execute the log opening instruction :

set global general_log = on;

And let's see mysql Error log for :

show variables like "%log_error%";--  In the result returned by this statement , There is one log_error attribute , Its value is a file path in your computer ,--  adopt notepad++  Wait for the text reading software to open this log file 


If there are many wrong messages in this file ( Take time ), You can make corresponding Baidu or Google according to the content of the error report ,
If there is no information , Then let mysql Continue operation , When there are more problems , Let's see what is output in this file

I hope I can help you .


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