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Class inheritance in C #

2022-07-05 02:59:00 Andy ahui

Welcome to be my reader , I hope this article can give you some help .


In daily program coding work , Our ultimate goal is to complete the development tasks assigned by the company , The core goal is to write good code .

So what is good code ?

High cohesion , Low coupling

We must be engaged in coding , I've almost heard this sentence . So what kind of code is highly cohesive , How about low coupling .

Today, let's learn about C# In this high-level language , Through those forms .

In current high-level languages , These three characteristics are common , It is also often used in our daily coding . Namely encapsulation 、 Inherit 、 polymorphic .

Let's first look at inheritance

Class inheritance

Through inheritance, we can get a new class , The new class can define a series of methods and variables by itself , It also has the properties and behaviors of the base class .

The relationship here is base class and derived class .

It should be noted that derived classes cannot delete any members of the base class .

 class Ahui:InfoBase
     public string GetInfo() 
         return this.Name+""+this.Age;

 class InfoBase 
     public int Age { get; set; }
     public int Name { get; set; }

     public string Love() 
         return " Woman ";

The above example ,InfoBase It belongs to the base class ,Ahui It belongs to a derived class , You can see that inheritance is achieved by colons .

Inherited members can be accessed , Just as they are declared by the derived class itself .

Currently, all classes are derived from object class ,object Class is the only non derived class , It is the basis of inheritance hierarchy . Classes that currently have no base class specification are implicitly derived directly from classes object.

matters needing attention

1、 There can only be one separate class in the base class specification of a class declaration , It is called single inheritance .

2、 Although a class can only directly inherit one base class , But there is no limit to the level of inheritance .

At present, derived classes cannot delete members and functions of base classes , But you can shield base class members and functions by declaring the same members in derived classes . Note here that the names must be the same .

 class Program
     static void Main(string[] args)
         Ahui hui = new Ahui();

 class Ahui:InfoBase
     public string Name = " aunt ";
     public string GetInfo() 
         return this.Name+""+this.Age;

 class InfoBase 
     public int Age=27;
     public string Name = "ahui";

     public string Love() 
         return " Woman ";

 The output name is not ahui, It's my aunt .


Life is short , I don't want to pursue what I can't see , I just want to catch what I can see .

Originality is not easy. , Pay attention .

I am a A Hui , Thank you for reading , If it helps you , Please like it 、 forward thank you .

I'm glad to be friends with you .


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