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2021 Li Hongyi machine learning (1): basic concepts
2022-07-05 02:38:00 【Three ears 01】
2021 Li hongyi machine learning (1): Basic concepts
B On the site 2021 Li Hongyi's learning notes of machine learning course , For reuse .
1 Basic concepts
Machine learning is ultimately about finding a function .
1.1 Different function categories
- Return to Regression—— Output is numeric
- classification Classification—— The output is in different categories classes, Do multiple choice questions
- Structural learning Structured Learning—— Generate a structured file ( Draw a picture 、 Write an article ), Let the machine learn to create
1.2 How to find functions (Training):
- First , Write a function with unknown parameters ;
- secondly , Definition loss( A function related to parameters ,MAE—— Absolute error ,MSE—— Mean square error );
- Last , Optimize , Find the loss Minimum parameters —— gradient descent
1) Randomly select the initial value of the parameter ;
2) Calculation ∂ L ∂ w ∣ w = w 0 \left.\frac{\partial L}{\partial w}\right|_{w=w^{0}} ∂w∂L∣∣w=w0, Then step down the gradient , The step size is l r × ∂ L ∂ w ∣ w = w 0 \left.lr\times\frac{\partial L}{\partial w}\right|_{w=w^{0}} lr×∂w∂L∣∣w=w0
3) Update parameters
This method has a huge drawback : Usually we will find Local minima, But what we want is global minima
1.3 Model
Linear model linear model There's a big limit , Cannot simulate polyline 、 Curve , This restriction is called model bias, So we need to improve .
How to improve :Piecewise Linear Curves
Many such sets can be fitted into curves .
1.3.1 sigmoid
It can be used sigmoid function y = c 1 1 + e − ( b + w x 1 ) = c s i g m o i d ( b + w x 1 ) y=c \frac{1}{1+e^{-\left(b+w x_{1}\right)}}=c sigmoid(b+wx_1) y=c1+e−(b+wx1)1=csigmoid(b+wx1) Fit the blue broken line :
y = b + ∑ i c i sigmoid ( b i + ∑ j w i j x j ) y=b+\sum_{i} c_{i} \operatorname{sigmoid}\left(b_{i}+\sum_{j} w_{i j} x_{j}\right) y=b+i∑cisigmoid(bi+j∑wijxj)
All unknown parameters in this , Use both θ \theta θ Express :
Use all at once θ \theta θ To calculate , Make a gradient descent , Such a large amount of data , Therefore, small batches are used batch:
every last data The number of updates depends on the total amount of data and batch Number :
1.3.2 ReLU
In front of it is soft sigmoid, That's the curve , In fact, you can use two ReLU Quasi synthesis hard sigmoid, That's the broken line :
above sigmoid The formula becomes :
1.3.3 Yes sigmoid The calculation of can be done several more times
There are many such layers , It is called neural network Neural Network, Later called Deep learning=Many hidden layers
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