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Scientific research: are women better than men?

2022-07-05 02:24:00 Big data V


Reading guide : Is the new female era coming ?

author : Anders · Because of the saite

source : Economics around us (ID:jjchangshi)


01  The future is female

Although men still account for the vast majority of middle and senior managers , but 10 After year , With the development of Automation , They will gradually lose .

Why? ?

because , The direction of future development is obviously “ Part time economy ”: Freelancers and “ Small and micro entrepreneurs ” Form a temporary team for a project , Complete the task at hand ; transparency 、 Trust and effective regulation are the responsibility of Technology ; The project itself is the new director .

In the first mock exam , There is basically no need for managers to exist .

Of course , In this way , What is more important will be the leadership with responsibility and ability , This trait is much more common among women .

Colleges and universities are full of well-educated young women , In many future majors in western universities , Female students are now in the majority .

02 Brain research : Why women are more leadership ?

Mahatma Gandhi has long asserted :

It is a stigma to refer to women as vulnerable sex , It's men's unfair treatment of women . If we understand it from the perspective of bloody violence , Women are naturally inferior to men .

However , If we understand it from the perspective of moral force , The superiority of women is difficult to measure . They have stronger intuition 、 Greater sacrifice , They are more patient and brave , isn't it? ? Without them , Men are nothing . If nonviolence is the law of our actual state , Then the future will belong to women .

American psychiatrist 、 Famous doctor Daniel · Amon in his book 《 Female brain 》 From the perspective of Neurology , In terms of the needs of today's world , What are the advantages of female structure .

Yamon listed five advantages of women's obvious competence in leadership positions :

Empathy 、 cooperation 、 intuition 、 Self control and responsibility .

Why does the female brain perform much better in these areas than the male brain ?


The reason lies in gender differences in hormone reserves . The female brain was immersed in female sex hormones as early as in the womb —— Estrogen , On the contrary, the male brain is wrapped by the male sex hormone testosterone .

Current research results show : The development of prefrontal lobe or prefrontal cortex will be strongly stimulated by estrogen . Therefore, this structure of women is generally larger than that of men , Mature earlier than men .

The human brain, a newly evolved component, specializes in our cognition and decision-making .

These two qualities are critical to corporate behavior and general leadership , Especially in today's increasingly complex and rapidly changing society .

The right prefrontal lobe is particularly associated with forward thinking , This is a very important foresight related to project regulation .

All women are usually more active than men in seeking to complete their schoolwork earlier , Whether in primary or secondary schools 、 Colleges and universities , Or in the workplace .

Men are more aggressive and sexually impulsive because of testosterone . Generally speaking , Their physique is stronger than that of women , However 21 In terms of skills required by the society in the 21st century , Obviously, they are in a weak position .

Men can build bigger muscles , It can trigger confrontation and tension more violently . In terms of completing a task under time pressure , They are also better than women , Because they like to be driven by pressure : The more time is pressing , The more neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine are secreted in men .

contrary , Women can basically maintain their enthusiasm in boring work . If a job can be completed early , The level of stress hormones in the female body will drop .

Brain researchers have also claimed , Women are more likely to keep a cool head in difficult situations . It is well known that the amygdala occupies a significantly smaller area of the brain in women than in men .

This ancient organization in the brain is responsible for intuitive behavior patterns , Such as attack and rage .

In battle or escape mode , Our brain switches from prefrontal to amygdala : We turn ourselves into hunters in primitive times in a short time ( Or the fleeing prey pursued by it ).

The amygdala of men is not only larger than that of women , It also has a large number of androgen receptors , Once male hormones are released in large quantities , It will be very active .

Relatively speaking , Even if you are stuck in a difficult situation , Prefrontal cortex in female brain , That is, rational “ I ” Where , It can still defeat the ancient areas of the brain that are responsible for aggression and panic mechanisms , Keep control .

The safety device in the female brain is not easy to fuse, which is also related to the anterior cingulate cortex . This part of the limbic system, which dominates impulse suppression, is significantly larger in the female brain than in the male .

Researchers believe , This difference in human structure at least partly explains women's preference for low risk compared with men .

The combination of the smaller amygdala and the larger anterior cingulate cortex enables women to control their emotions under greater pressure , Seek the best solution .


03 women VS men : How we use our brain ?

Besides , Different “ Layout ” It's also important. . The male brain has more neurons , But women's hemispheres show a stronger correlation .

In terms of typicality , Men prefer to use supervisor rationality 、 The left brain of logic and pattern recognition , Therefore, they are better at focusing on specific goals and systematically starting to complete tasks . They can achieve self motivation , But tend to mechanically 、 Be detached from the surrounding environment to respond .

contrary , Women prefer to use the right brain . The right brain can help them empathize well 、 Connect with others 、 Shaping and acquiring social connections , And creatively find the answer .

Besides , They “ Trans hemispheric ” The ability to use the brain is also much better than men , This is the ability to use both hemispheres at the same time .

More than that , Even the insular cortex of the female brain is larger than that of the male . That's intuition , Be commonly called “ Sixth sense ” Where . Insular cortex is in charge of empathy 、 Emotional awareness and language transitive thinking .

So women ( Like other female primates ) Have stronger communication skills than men , It is easier to identify faces and express emotions more fully .

Besides , They have a stronger ability to interpret others' emotions and deep meanings , Men often cannot pay full attention to this at the first time .

and , Women usually have better memory than men .

Their hippocampus , This structure of executive memory is also larger than that of men 、 More active . That's why , They have stronger learning ability and the ability to store knowledge for a long time , Especially their auditory cortex ( Be responsible for the physiological structure of translating what you remember and learn into language ) Bigger than men .

In short ( And in “ Typical male angle ”): Just 21 For leadership positions in the 21st century , Women have excellent qualifications .

Because of brain structure , They are in love 、 Teamwork and self-control are obviously better than men .

Everything shows , In quantum economy , They will occupy a considerable share of leadership positions .

At least for sure : As far as the central hub of our economy and society is concerned , We need a lot of people with female brains .

About author : Anders · Because of the saite , Norwegians , The writer 、 Business Philosopher 、 Leading thinkers of transformation and change .

This article is excerpted from 《 Quantum economy 》, Issued under the authority of the publisher .


Extended reading


Extended reading 《 Quantum economy 》

Recommended language : Future history that everyone can read ! Break the discipline imprisonment , Foresee the future with quantum .

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