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Use of kubesphere configuration set (configmap)

2022-07-05 03:00:00 y_ bccl27

Kubernetes ConfigMap Store configuration data in the form of key value pairs .ConfigMap Resources can be used to Pod Inject configuration data into .ConfigMap Commonly used in the following scenarios :

1. Set the value of the environment variable 
2. Set the command parameters in the container 
3. Create a profile in the volume 

KubeSphere Official website ConfigMap Introduction to the use of configuration set :


According to the current use experience ,ConfigMap The use of can be divided into three different situations

The first one is : Use it directly ConfigMap Configuration set as environment variable

In this case, you can directly refer to the documents introduced on the official website to configure step by step

The second kind : stay “ Configuration center ” After adding the configuration content to the configuration module of , Edit the configuration file of related services directly , adopt envFrom Reference the relevant configuration as an environment variable and inject it into Prod in


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