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TCP security of network security foundation

2022-07-05 02:26:00 Aploz

One 、TCP Packet format

Source port number (16 position ): Identify the app being sent .

Target port number (16 Number ): Identify the target application .

Serial number (32 position ): Used to support data transmission and flow and error control .

Response number (32 position ): Used to support data transmission and flow and error control .

Head length (4 position ):TCP Head length .

Keep field (6 position ): Mark the packet type .

Window size (16 position ): For flow control , In terms of security , You can use the window size , Judge OS type .

The checksum (16 position ): Use part IP Head and TCP The calculated value of the header and data .

Emergency instructions (16 position ): Used to indicate that the data package contains emergency data .

optional ( Can be up to 40 byte ): optional information

URG: The data package contains emergency data

ACK: The response number is valid

PSH: Need to push data to applications

RST: Reset packet

SYN: Synchronize packets

FIN: End packet

Two 、 be based on TCP Head attack

1. classification

Head based attacks are divided into disturbance and detection

Disturbing class : Mainly disturbing TCP Layer operation .

Probe class : Send invalid header with response , As a probe OS One way , Use it to form an attack plan

2. Disrupt the attack

TCP The most frequently attacked field is the flag field , There are two types

Type 1

Create a packet with a flag combination that is not explicitly specified in the standard , for example : Set all flags to 0 and 1, Some of the past OS There is a problem in dealing with invalid flag combinations , Will exit or abandon the connection .

Type 2

Send invalid serial number in an open connection , This attack usually only breaks a single connection .

3. Detection attack

(1) Send invalid flag combination to confirm OS How to respond to , Detect attacks using a feature list , These characteristics are important for certain OS Is the only one. .

(2) Other detection attacks use the initial serial number , Some operating systems use certain initial values that determine serial numbers , By opening multiple connections ( Or at least send multiple SYN Data packets ) The attacker can determine an initial sequence number generation mode ,. The size of the startup window can also help reduce possible OS list ,TCP The standard does not specify a value for the size of the startup window , Because it's different OS Use different values

3、 ... and 、 be based on TCP Protocol attacks

1. Basic introduction

TCP The agreement is very complicated , There are a lot of attacks against it , And it's hard to eliminate , Attacks against protocols fall into two categories . The first is the attacker at the endpoint . And make incorrect communication with the attack target , The second is that attackers can sniff traffic , And insert the packet into TCP In the protocol flow .

2. Endpoint protocol attack

(1) Introduce

It usually involves sending packets out of sequence or without a complete handshake , Sending packets out of sequence usually just disturbs the current connection , Therefore, it is not very useful for attackers . Attackers can use packets outside the sequence to help confirm OS type .

(2)SYN An avalanche

SYN An avalanche (flood) Attack is a typical endpoint protocol attack .

 SYN Avalanche attack principle

TCP The three connection protocol of uses a SYN Data packets , This forces the server to allocate buffer space . The target of this attack is to consume all TCP resources . force TCP Reject other connection attempts . As shown in the figure , The attacker sent enough SYN Packets without sending ACK Data packets , It may cause TCP The protocol stack rejects new connections , These connection attempts often refer to half open connections . An attacker may also carry out this attack from multiple locations , It increases the difficulty of elimination . Once successful SYN An avalanche attack will drop a server and deny anyone access to it .

One way to eliminate it is at the entrance of the network Install network filters that can detect such attacks , If it is a distributed attack , Then the network filter cannot distinguish between good connection attempts and malicious connection attempts .

3. Sniff traffic attacks

(1) Introduce

These attacks are different from common packet sniffing , In common packet sniffing, attackers try to read data from the network . In this attack, the attacker inserts packets into the channel protocol , The goal is either Cut off the connection , Or steal the connection .

(2)RST Connection disconnection attack

If attacker can see traffic , Then it's easy for him to forge IP Address and send reset packets to both parties (RST) Cut off the connection .

It can be seen from the figure that the attacker is connected to the network , So he can see the traffic between the victim and the server , Although the attack is on the same network as the victim , But the attacker can connect to any network where he can see this traffic . When an attacker wants to terminate a connection , He created a TCP Reset packet , And send the packet to the source IP Set the address to the victim IP Address server , The server and the victim are receiving RST Packet time , Both will terminate the connection .

The attacker needs to set the target address of the hardware to a suitable address , So that the data packet can be delivered to the appropriate device . The attacker needs to set the hardware address of the reset packet sent to the server to the router hardware address , The target hardware address of the reset packet sent to the victim needs to be set as the victim's hardware address , Attackers do not need to sniff the source hardware address , Because neither the victim nor the router will check the source hardware address .

If attacker can see network traffic and insert data into network , Then this kind of attack cannot be eliminated , If the attacker also sets the source hardware address to the victim or router hardware address , It is impossible to determine which device performs this attack . This attack can be eliminated by encryption , If in IP, But generally, the traffic in the network is not encrypted .

4. Session hijacking

(1) Introduce

Session hijacking is also an attack against protocols , This attack also requires the attacker to see the traffic between the victim and the server . The goal of session hijacking is to steal connections from one of the two parties , And forged into a party's equipment .

Pictured , The attacker waits until he sees the data signal , The attack begins . Send a message to the victim RST Data packets , By placing the source of the packet IP Set the address to server IP Address and set the destination address of the packet to the victim IP Address , Pretend to be a server . The serial number found in the traffic sniffer used by the attacker sends data to the server . The packets sent from the attacker to the server appear to be from the victim , The server responds to the victim with its own data . Attackers need to continuously sniff traffic , In order to obtain the data sent to the victim . The victim is still receiving traffic from the server , But because the connection has been closed , The server has no response .

The solution to this attack is encryption TCP load , An attacker cannot send data to the server , Even if you hijack this session , But in general TCP The load is encrypted by the application .

Four 、 be based on TCP Verified attack

TCP Authentication is not supported , It USES IP Layer provides all validation , Attacks using port numbers can be seen as authentication based attacks . Any application can use any port number it wants . Security devices cannot rely on ports to verify application traffic , Most of the OS It is strictly limited that some applications can only use ports with low values (1024 following ), These applications need to be run by administrator users , But this does not prevent malicious users from running applications on reserved ports .

5、 ... and 、 be based on TCP Traffic attack

The target of traffic based attacks is consumption TCP Layer resources . because TCP Resources are dense , A large amount of traffic can reduce service performance , Even avalanches are not caused by attacks , The server is overburdened by a popular application . Whether the avalanche is caused by attack or excessive traffic , There are technologies to eliminate avalanches . The most common method is to use network devices , Such as flow shaper , The most widely used term for these devices is quality of service (QOS), They divide the flow into different types according to various standards , Then allocate the loan .

