This paper addresses :

1. Preface

not long ago , The company announced open source on its official website blog with a name of BumbleBee New projects . The project focuses on simplifying the build eBPF Threshold of tools and optimized use experience , By way of eBPF The program is packaged into OCI Mirror image , Bring and use Docker Construction of a consistent experience 、 Distribute and run eBPF Program .

BumbleBee The purpose is to let us focus on writing eBPF Code , It is responsible for automatic generation and eBPF Program related user space code functions , Including loading eBPF Procedures and will eBPF The data of the program is used as a log 、 Indicators and histograms are displayed .

So why do we need to BumbleBee Project to manage eBPF The procedure ? This needs to be done from eBPF Talking about the characteristics of Technology .

2. Build and distribute eBPF The challenge of tools

eBPF Technology is called near 50 The biggest change in the operating system in the past years , It's solved Linux The kernel is developed upstream 、 The dilemma of slow merger and distribution functions . eBPF Technology provides the kernel with the ability to customize the kernel without upstream implementation , Currently, it is already observable 、 Network and security have been widely used in many fields , Especially in the cloud native technology trend ,eBPF The ability of technology to play is also becoming more and more important , Such as those in the current high tide Cilium project .

But development 、 Build and distribute eBPF It has always been a high threshold job , The community has launched BCC、BPFTrace Wait for the front-end binding , Greatly reduce the writing and use eBPF The threshold of Technology , But the source code delivery of these tools , Need to run eBPF programmatic Linux Install the supporting compilation environment on the system , It brings a lot of trouble for distribution , At the same time, the problem of kernel adaptation can only be verified at runtime , It is also not conducive to finding and solving problems in advance .

In recent years , To solve problems in different kernel versions eBPF The distribution and operation of the program , The community is based on BTF Technology has launched CO-RE function (“ A compilation , Run anywhere ”), To a certain extent, through eBPF Binary bytecode distribution , At the same time, it also solves the problem of porting running on different kernels , But how to package and distribute eBPF There is no unified and concise way for binary code . except eBPF Program , At present, we also need to write for loading eBPF Program and for reading eBPF Various codes of data generated by programs , This often involves copying and pasting the source code to solve some problems .

Besides ,libbpf-bootstrap adopt bpftool The tool generates the relevant scaffold code , To some extent, it solves the problem of common code duplication , But for building 、 Distribute and run eBPF The help provided on the program is limited .

3. BumbleBee brief introduction

BumbleBee The project is exactly Solo The company in Enterprise service grid Gloo-Mesh For the convenience of application in the project eBPF Technology is born , It is used to solve the problem of building 、 Distribute and run eBPF Repetitive challenges encountered by the program ,

At present, the project is still in its early stage ( current version 0.0.9), Provided function scenarios (Network and FileSystem) Co., LTD. , But build on specific template capabilities OCI The idea of mirror image , For us in management eBPF The program provides an efficient and concise implementation , It's worth our attention .

Use BumbleBee Pre dependency of tools : Running eBPF Your operating system is turned on BTF Support , Compiling eBPF The code also needs to use CO-RE Correlation function , About CO-RE Relevant technologies can be referred to here .

BumbleBee Provided with Docker Consistent experience feeling . The picture below is Docker High level schematic diagram of ,BumbleBee The tool completely refers to this process .

3.1 structure

BumbleBee make " Just right " Of eBPF Tool chain , take eBPF The construction process of the program is automated , Let you focus on the code itself . BumbleBee Of eBPF The code is packaged into a OCI Standard image , This allows distribution in the infrastructure .

The following command can realize eBPF Program probe.c Directly compile and package into image my_probe:v1 .

$ bee build probe.c username/my_probe:v1

3.2 Release

utilize BTF and OCI Packing capacity ,BumbleBee Compiling eBPF The code is portable , And it can be embedded into the existing publishing workflow . By way of eBPF Image of code construction , Push to any match OCI Standard image warehouse , You can publish it to other users .

The following commands realize the function of publishing images to the image warehouse , It can be used directly bee run Run based on image .

#  push 
$ bee push username/my_probe:v1 # Pull
$ bee pull username/my_probe:v1

3.3 function

Use BumbleBee Provided CLI Interface and the image stored in the image warehouse , We can quickly run in other places . BumbleBee Not only built user space code , And you can use eBPF map, To show the log 、 Indicators and histogram information . BumbleBee Used BTF Format self-examination ability , Know which data types need to be displayed .

$ bee run my_probe:v1

Let's pass a complete example , To experience BumbleBee Bring us management eBPF Procedural convenience .

4. Complete experience

4.1 bee install

First, we need a running support BTF Kernel Linux operating system , It is recommended to use ubuntu 2110 edition , The installed kernel has been supported by default BTF. If you choose to use Vagrant To manage virtual machines ,BumbleBee Provided in the warehouse Vagrantfile Files can be used directly . Or you can use mulipass The tool directly launches a ubuntu 2110 Version of the system .

Here, use the script provided by the warehouse to install , Of course, you can also go directly through git clone The way of warehouse .

For a quick experience , Avoid permission problems in some scenarios , It is recommended to use root User to install .

[email protected]:~# curl -sL | BUMBLEBEE_VERSION=v0.0.9 sh
Attempting to download bee version v0.0.9
Downloading bee-linux-amd64...
Download complete!, validating checksum...
Checksum valid.
bee was successfully installed Add the bumblebee CLI to your path with:
export PATH=$HOME/.bumblebee/bin:$PATH Now run:
bee init # Initialize simple eBPF program to run with bee
Please see visit the bumblebee website for more info:

After installation ,bee The main commands of are as follows :

# bee --help
bee [command] Available Commands:
build Build a BPF program, and save it to an OCI image representation.
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
describe Describe a BPF program via it's OCI ref
help Help about any command
init Initialize a sample BPF program
login Log in so you can push images to the remote server.
run Run a BPF program file or OCI image.
version Flags:
-c, --config stringArray path to auth configs
--config-dir string Directory to bumblebee configuration (default "/root/.bumblebee")
-h, --help help for bee
--insecure allow connections to SSL registry without certs
-p, --password string registry password
--plain-http use plain http and not https
--storage string Directory to store OCI images locally (default "/root/.bumblebee/store")
-u, --username string registry username
-v, --verbose verbose output Use "bee [command] --help" for more information about a command.

4.2 Bee init Generate eBPF Procedural scaffolding

Bee init Commands can be generated through the problem Wizard mode eBPF Code scaffolding , Function and libbpf-bootstrap Some similar , But it's easier to use the wizard .

$ export PATH=$HOME/.bumblebee/bin:$PATH
# ebpf-test && cd ebpf-test
# bee init
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? What language do you wish to use for the filter: # step Choose to write eBPF The language of the code
▸ C # Currently only supported C,Rust May support in the future
--------------------------------------------- # step 2 choice eBPF Program type
INFO Selected Language: C
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? What type of program to initialize:
▸ Network # Choose to write eBPF The type of program , The current support Network and File System
File system # The generated templates correspond to tcp_connet and open function
--------------------------------------------- # step 3 choice map type
INFO Selected Language: C
INFO Selected Program Type: Network
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? What type of map should we initialize:
▸ RingBuffer
--------------------------------------------- # step 4 choice map Export type
INFO Selected Language: C
INFO Selected Program Type: Network
INFO Selected Map Type: HashMap
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? What type of output would you like from your map:
▸ print # map Presentation of data , Log printing 、 Count or index Export
--------------------------------------------- # step 5 eBPF Program save file name
INFO Selected Language: C
INFO Selected Program Type: Network
INFO Selected Map Type: HashMap
INFO Selected Output Type: print
BPF Program File Location: probe.c
---------------------------------------------- # Finally, complete the whole code generation wizard
INFO Selected Language: C
INFO Selected Program Type: Network
INFO Selected Map Type: HashMap
INFO Selected Output Type: print
INFO Selected Output Type: BPF Program File Location probe.c
SUCCESS Successfully wrote skeleton BPF program # ls -hl
total 4.0K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2.0K Feb 11 11:33 probe.c

adopt init Command generated probe.c The file format is generally as follows :

#include "vmlinux.h"
#include "bpf/bpf_helpers.h"
#include "bpf/bpf_core_read.h"
#include "bpf/bpf_tracing.h"
#include "solo_types.h" // 1. Change the license if necessary
char __license[] SEC("license") = "Dual MIT/GPL"; struct event_t {
// 2. Add ringbuf struct data here.
} __attribute__((packed)); // This is the definition for the global map which both our
// bpf program and user space program can access.
// More info and map types can be found here:
struct {
__uint(max_entries, 1 << 24);
__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF);
__type(value, struct event_t);
} events SEC(".maps.print"); SEC("kprobe/tcp_v4_connect")
int BPF_KPROBE(tcp_v4_connect, struct sock *sk)
// Init event pointer
struct event_t *event; // Reserve a spot in the ringbuffer for our event
event = bpf_ringbuf_reserve(&events, sizeof(struct event_t), 0);
if (!event) {
return 0;
} // 3. set data for our event,
// For example:
// event->pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(); bpf_ringbuf_submit(event, 0); return 0;

Based on the generated code template , We need to fill in our own logic , This is not the point , Skip the relevant code first , The complete code can be found in the official Start documentation View in .

4.3 structure eBPF Program

The build process requires Docker Or type Docker The container engine , Need to be installed in advance .

# apt  install  #  install  docker

# bee build probe.c my_probe:v1
SUCCESS Successfully compiled "probe.c" and wrote it to "probe.o"
SUCCESS Saved BPF OCI image to my_probe:v1

We don't need to involve in the whole construction process clang And other related compilation commands , Just go through bee build Command input eBPF The name of the program file and the image you want to generate , After compilation ,eBPF Binary bytecode of program probe.o Will be automatically added to the image my_probe:v1 in , We can use bee tag Complete the redefinition of the image warehouse .

4.4 Release eBPF Program

We can go through bee tag and push The subcommand completes the release of the image warehouse .

# bee tag my_probe:v1 dwh0403/my_probe:v1
# bee login
# bee push dwh0403/my_probe:v1

Take a look at the above commands , Is there a feeling of deja vu ?

4.5 function eBPF Program

After building the image , You can directly go through bee run To run the , After operation bee It will start automatically TUI Interface , To show how we write eBPF In program map Content , Automatically generated map Names have some special suffixes for bee TUI User space program to read the corresponding map Display the data in , For example, in the generated code template SEC(".maps.print"), It means that we should map For printing .

# bee run my_probe:v1
SUCCESS Fetching program from registry: my_probe:v1
SUCCESS Loading BPF program and maps into Kernel
SUCCESS Linking BPF functions to associated probe/tracepoint
INFO Rendering TUI..

5. summary

thus , We have completed the experience of the whole project function ,bee init The tool can help us generate eBPF The code framework , Although the function is still a little thin , But it is a fast and convenient way to use our specific scenes .

bee build/push/run Wait for orders , Commands that will be compiled 、 Packaging mirroring 、 The steps of publishing and running images have been greatly simplified , Very easy to use , Greatly reduces the build 、 Release and run eBPF The repetition cost of the program , I have to praise the author's ideas .

Because through bee The generated tools are based on specific scenarios , Functional richness is still limited , For writing eBPF Programs and user space programs with rich functions are not applicable , But its construction 、 The overall idea of release and operation ( Even some basic functions ) But we can use it directly or use it for reference .

6. Reference material

BumbleBee: Silky smooth construction 、 Deliver and run eBPF More articles on the program

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    brief introduction : Not long ago , Alibaba cloud technology group airborne CSDN Online Summit , Interpretation of the core technology competitiveness . among , Zeng Fuhua, senior technology expert of Alibaba cloud, shared < double 11: CDN How to ensure the smooth promotion of e-commerce > Issues . It is said that : A thousand days of military training , use ...

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  4. Vessel schedule • Docker The Internet • Continuous delivery • Run applications dynamically Diversification of deployment

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  5. Microsoft Build The conference released a large number of development tools and services ! code 、 Collaboration 、 Release , Silky smooth

    Microsoft Build 2020 The developer conference has come to a successful conclusion , For two days in a row 48 Hours of live broadcast , Developers from all over the world go to a feast , The scene is quite spectacular . In this annual party , Microsoft is also full of sincerity , It's a chain of products ...

  6. I want Android to APP Silky smooth ?

    With the increasing market share of Android phones , Just look for a few people on the street 80% It's all Android phones ! So many people use Android phones , I don't know if you've ever felt APP Carton . crash ? Whether the application is not responding . Flash back ? This article is for you ...

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  8. 【AMAD】django-silk -- by Django Provides a silky smooth performance measurement

    motivation brief introduction Personal rating motivation Django As a web frame , It's very complicated to make performance measurements , You can't use traditional programs profile Tools . because ,web app Our performance is multidimensional , It's not just code execution efficiency , It also includes network latency ...

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