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Privatization lightweight continuous integration deployment scheme -- 01 environment configuration (Part 1)

2022-07-05 02:24:00 Don't ask about today

Tips : This series of notes all exist in Github, Can be directly in Github View all notes


Docker summary

Docker It's a kind of Containerization Technology , Used to isolate boundary problems between applications .
Docker The two most common concepts are : Mirror image (Image) Containers (Container).

Mirror image (Image)

Mirror image (Image) Is all the file resources used by the current program running . It can be simply understood as Mirror image (Image) It contains all the file resources needed for the program to run ( File resources including system programs ).

For example, a front-end application image , Need to rely on Nginx The server , Nginx Dependent systems .

Therefore, a front-end application image contains the operating system file resources 、Nginx File resources .

So mirroring can be done at will “ Carry ” , Not affected by the host environment ( The local system ) influence .

Mirror image (Image) The design scheme is designed in layers , A large number of basic images are provided in the community , You can use these basic images to build images .

For example, front-end application mirroring , Use it directly Nginx Mirror build mirror , It's equivalent to Nginx Another layer is added to the mirror layer . and Nginx Mirror image is also in System image layer A layer added to .

Layering brings many benefits .

PS: Docker Not completely unaffected by the system environment ,Docker The container is running on the host environment , Isolation at the software level , Instead of the direct isolation of virtual machines on hardware

PS: Mirror image (Image) The hierarchy is actually more elaborate . stay Dockerfile In file , A statement is a layer .

Containers (Container)

Containers (Container) It's based on Mirror image (Image) A process created in the system , It's just some special treatment for this process . for example : Isolation limit (Namespace) and Resource constraints (Control Group)

It can be simply understood as Containers (Container) It's a restricted process .

Docker and Containerization There are many things in it , If you are interested, you can learn by yourself

Docker Deploy


Docker Installation needs HTTPS Protocol installation , Generally, the first step is to install apt-transport-https

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

Tencent cloud server already has HTTPS Package of agreement , So omit this step directly , If not, use the above statement to install

add to Docker Repository key

curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -

add to Docker The repository apt Source

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

  • [arch=amd64] Express amd64 framework , Others have armhfarm64 And so on
  • $(lsb_release -cs) stable Stable version . also edge( Experience )test( test )

apt After the source is added successfully, it can be added in /etc/apt/sources.list The file to view

And then update apt The configuration file

sudo apt update

install Docker CE

Docker Version is divided into Docker EE( Enterprise Edition ) and Docker CE( Community Edition ).
Docker EE Provides some advanced features for charging .

have access to apt View the currently available Docker CE edition

apt list -a docker-ce

In the latest version at the time of writing this article Docker-CE 20.10.12, Install... Here Docker-CE 20.10.12

sudo apt install docker-ce=5:20.10.123-0ubuntu-focal

After successful installation, you can cancel Docker Automatic update of , Prevent version updates from causing errors .

sudo apt-mark hold docker-ce

Docker Startup and setup

start-up Docker service

service docker start

After successful startup, you can execute Docker command

Add users to Docker Group

In Africa root User execution Docker The command must use sudo, It's a tedious process , You can add a specified user to Docker The group solves this problem

Add users to Docker Group

sudo usermod -aG docker [USER]

After adding, you need to log in again to take effect

Set up Docker Mirror source

Docker The default image source address is abroad , Image pulling will be slow , You can change the image source to a domestic image source

modify Docker The default source is modification /etc/docker/daemon.json( There is no such document , You can create it yourself )

Add a domestic image to this file , You can add one or more .

Added here Netease image source Mirror source of China University of science and Technology Docker Official China mirror source

	"registry-mirrors": [

After adding, you need to restart Docker service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl restart docker

After successful restart, you can use docker info Command to view the result of modification

among Registry Mirrors Is the image source attribute .

Docker Compose

Docker Compose summary

Docker Compose It's a Docker Layout tools ( Container group management ). It can be for many Containers Merge into one group for management .

In the real world , A project often has multiple applications , A project may consist of multiple containers , That is to form a container group .Docker Compose Is to provide management tools for this group .

PS: A container is an atomic unit , Although multiple applications can be directly ( Multiple processes ) Packed in a container , But this is not recommended , The container should keep single process execution

Docker Compose Used YAML Markup language as configuration file , So use Docker Compose management Containers Another advantage is to organize container configurations in a file form , Not just the command line

Container choreography tools and other tools , Like the famous kubernetes(k8s), also Docker SWARMK3s etc. .

At the enterprise level, they usually use kubernetes(k8s), But I'm still small 4G Forget about the server .

At first I wanted to choose K3s, But the deployment of that thing is also a little troublesome , It takes up a lot of resources , After thinking about it, there is no need to use the cluster scheme for a single machine , Finally, I directly chose Docker Compose.

Docker Compose Deploy

Docker Compose The installation package can be directly from github download , The latest version is v2.2.3.

It can be used directly in the server curl download

sudo curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.2.3/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

But domestic visits github It's really super slow , Therefore, it is recommended to download directly locally ( Using accelerators ), Then upload the server

Pay attention to the system version when downloading , In general, it's Linux x86_64, If you don't trust, you can use uname -sm Command view

After the local download is complete , Rename the file to docker-compose And upload it to the server /usr/local/bin/ Directory is equivalent to successful installation .

PS: When uploading, please pay attention to the user who logs in , General users do not have permission to upload this directory , All my upload operations are done using root user .

After installation , The average user does not perform Docker Compose Authority , Need to set up Docker Compose Read and write permission of .

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Here directly Docker Compose The execution permission of is set to all users , If you need detailed settings , Use chmod Command specific parameter settings

After setting, you can execute docker-compose The command

Docker Compose command

docker-compose Command to view online information , I'm not familiar with specific orders , They all use online cash check , Generally, another management tool is also used Portainer To execute .


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