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Moco V2 literature research [self supervised learning]

2022-07-05 02:30:00 A classmate Wang

Personal profile :

Nanjing University of Posts and telecommunications , Computer science and technology , Undergraduate

A foreword 《MoCo v1 Literature research [ Self supervised learning ]》

A foreword 《SimCLR v1 Literature research [ Self supervised learning ]》

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Original paper address :https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.04297.pdf
Code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/moco

Ⅰ. Abstract

Theoretical contribution :MoCo v2 Integrated MoCo v1 and SimCLR v1 Algorithm , It is the epitome of the two , And comprehensively surpass SimCLR. It absorbs SimCLR Two important improvements of :
  ① Use one MLP Projection head [using an MLP projection head]
  ② More data enhancements [more data augmentation]

Additional explanation : No need for image SimCLR Use oversized 『 Batch size (batch size)』, Ordinary 8 Zhang gpu Ready to train .

experimental result :MoCo v2 With 『 iteration (epochs)』 and 『 Batch size (batch size)』 All ratio SimCLR Small , But the accuracy is higher than it .

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Ⅱ. Introduction

● Introduction( Preface ) yes Abstract( Abstract ) An extension of . Here slightly .

Ⅲ. Background

● Here is a simple restatement in the paper MoCo v1.

Ⅳ. Experiments

4.1 Parameter setting [Settings]

Data sets 1.28 M 1.28M 1.28M ImageNet

Follow two common evaluation protocols
  ① ImageNet Linear classification : Freeze feature , Training supervised linear classifiers . And record the single cutting (224×224) after ,Top-1 The accuracy of .
  ②『 transfer (Transferring)』 To VOC Object detection : Use COCO『 Measurement Suite (suite of metrics)』 Yes VOC 07 The test set is evaluated .

● They use with MoCo The same super parameter ( Unless otherwise noted ) And the code base . All results are in standard size ResNet-50.

4.2 “MLP Projection head ”[MLP head]

● They will MoCo Medium f c fc fc Replace the header with 2 layer M L P MLP MLP head ( Hidden layer is 2048-d, Use ReLU). Be careful , This only affects the unsupervised training stage . Linear classification or 『 transfer (Transferring)』 Phase does not use this M L P MLP MLP head .

● They first look for one about the following I n f o N C E InfoNCE InfoNCE『 Compare the loss function (contrastive loss function)』 The best “ Temperature parameters τ τ τ”: L q , k + , { k − } = − l o g e x p ( q ⋅ k + / τ ) e x p ( q ⋅ k + / τ ) + ∑ k − e x p ( q ⋅ k − / τ ) \mathcal{L}_{q,k^+,\{k^-\}}=-log\dfrac{exp(q·k^+/τ)}{exp(q·k^+/τ)+\sum_{k^-}exp(q·k^-/τ)} Lq,k+,{ k}=logexp(qk+/τ)+kexp(qk/τ)exp(qk+/τ)

give the result as follows
 Insert picture description here

● Then they use the best τ τ τ, Let its default value be 0.2 To do follow-up experiments :

 Insert picture description here
Description of the above table
  ① The gray line is the accuracy of self-monitoring (Top-1).
  ② The second line is “ Intact MoCo v1”.
  ③ Next “(a)、(b)、、(d)、(e)” It's different comparative experiments .
  ④ Sinister “unwup. pre-train” Aiming at “ImageNet Linear classification ”.
  ⑤ Dexter “VOC detection” Aiming at “VOC Object detection ”.
  ⑥ “MLP”: Contains a multi-layer perceptron [with an MLP head].
  ⑦ “aug+”: Image enhancement with additional Gaussian blur [with extra blur augmentation].
  ⑧ “cos”: Use cosine learning rate [cosine learning rate schedule].

● You can find ,“ImageNet Linear classification ” Than “VOC Object detection ” The benefits are greater .

4.3 Image enhancement [Augmentation]

● They expanded the original 『 Data to enhance (data augmentation)』 methods , New 『 Blur enhancement (blur augmentation)』. And they also found that SimCLR Used in the 『 Color distortion (color distortion)』 In their model, the return performance will decrease .

● Detailed results can be found in “4.2” That kind of picture . The last thing to say is :“ Accuracy of linear classification ” And “ Performance of migrating to target detection ” Not monotonically related . Because the former gains more , The latter is not very profitable .

4.4 and SimCLR Compare [Comparison with SimCLR]

● Obvious ,MoCo v2 Perfect victory SimCLR.

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4.5 Calculate the cost [Computational cost]

● MoCo v2 Yes, it is 8 individual “V100 16G GPU” , And in Pytorch Implemented on the . It and “ End to end (end-to-end)” The required “ Space / Time cost ” Here's a comparison :

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Ⅴ. Discussion

● There is no discussion in the paper . Write a personal opinion here . He Kaiming's team is great , Every time I read their MoCo A series of documents , I feel like I'm “ To see only one spot ”, Clear logic 、 The method is novel 、 The algorithm is concise 、 The results are eye-catching 、 Summarize in place . EH , Though not to , However, my heart is yearning for it .

Ⅵ. Summary

● MoCo v2 Is in SimCLR Published one after another , It's a very short article , Only 2 page . stay MoCo v2 in , The authors integrate SimCLR The two main promotion methods in... Are MoCo in , And verified SimCLR The effectiveness of the algorithm .SimCLR The two ways to raise points are
  ① Use powerful 『 Data to enhance (data augmentation)』 Strategy , Specifically, additional use 『 Gaussian blur (Gaussian Deblur)』 Image enhancement strategies and the use of huge 『 Batch size (batch size)』, Let the self supervised learning model see enough at every step of training 『 Negative sample (negative samples)』, This will help the self supervised learning model to learn better 『 Visual representation (Visual Representation)』.
  ② Use prediction header “ Projection head g ( ⋅ ) g(·) g()”. stay SimCLR in ,『 Encoder (Encoder) 』 Got 2 individual 『 Visual representation (Visual Representation)』 Re pass “ Projection head g ( ⋅ ) g(·) g()” Further features , The prediction head is a 2 Layer of MLP, take 『 Visual representation (Visual Representation)』 This 2048 The vector of dimension is further mapped to 128 dimension 『 Hidden space (latent space)』 in , Get new 『 characterization (Representation)』. Or use the original to ask 『 Contrast the loss (contrastive loss)』 Finish training , Throw it away after training “ Projection head g ( ⋅ ) g(·) g()”, Retain 『 Encoder (Encoder) 』 Used to get 『 Visual representation (Visual Representation)』.

This article refers to appendix

MoCo v1 Original paper address :https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.04297.pdf.

[1] 《Self-Supervised Learning Super detailed interpretation ( 5、 ... and ):MoCo Series interpretation (2)》.

[2] 《7. Unsupervised learning : MoCo V2》.

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