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Sqoop command

2022-07-05 02:46:00 A vegetable chicken that is working hard

Data import

  • This is just for the convenience of the next command test

1.project Group data

  • database
1.create database sqooptest1
2.use sqooptest1
3.create table project(
	id int not null auto_increment primary key,
	name varchar(100) not null,
	type tinyint(4) not null default 0,
	description varchar(500) default null,
	create_at date default null,
	update_at timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,
	status tinyint(4) not null default 0
4.insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project1',1,'project1 zy','2019-07-27',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project2',1,'project2 zy','2019-07-26',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project2',2,'project2 zy','2019-07-25',0);
  • sqoop command
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1 --username root --password a --table project
  • result
     Insert picture description here

2.students Group data

  • database
1.create database sqooptest1
2.use sqooptest1
3.create table students(
	id int not null primary key,
	name varchar(100) not null,
	age varchar(100) not null
  • Data location
E:\JAVA Course \...\11.Hadoop\12.Sqoop\a.txt
  • Insert data into the database
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class AddBatchMysql {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//1. User input file location 
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
		System.out.println(" file location :");
		String path = sc.nextLine();
		//2. Read all data in the file in the form of stream , According to the line read , Press \t cut , Separate out id,name,age
		List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
		try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(path))))){
			String str;
		} catch (Exception e) {
		//3. Bulk insert data 
		System.out.println(" The total number of data :"+list.size());
		String sql = "insert into students values(?,?,?)";
		Connection con=null;
		PreparedStatement pstmt=null;
		try {
			con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC","root","a");
			con.setAutoCommit(false);// Set to manually commit transactions 
			pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
			int total = 0;
			String s;
			String[] ss;
			for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){
				s = list.get(i);
				ss = s.split("\t");
				pstmt.setString(1, ss[0]);
				pstmt.setString(2, ss[1]);
				pstmt.setString(3, ss[2]);
				// Add batch operation 
				// Add the current operation to the batch cache 
    //1000 Data processing once 
					int[] res = pstmt.executeBatch();
			int[] res = pstmt.executeBatch();
			System.out.println(" Actual number of inserted data :"+total);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			try {
			} catch (SQLException e1) {
		}finally {
				try {
				} catch (SQLException e) {
				try {
				} catch (SQLException e) {
	private static int sum(int[] res){
		int total = 0;
			return 0;
		for(int i=0;i<res.length;i++){
		return total;
  • Wait until the data insertion is completed ...

Command official website


1. Lieku

  • command
sqoop-list-databases --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --verbose
	--verbose: Print more information at work 

2. list

sqoop-list-tables --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --verbose

sqoop import-

1. Specify the path :–target-dir

  • –target-dir
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --target-dir /sqooptest/input1/project
	 Specify the directory :/sqooptest/input1/project
	 Actual catalog :/sqooptest/input1/project
  • result
     Insert picture description here

2. The table name is used as the data warehouse name :–warehouse-dir

  • –warehouse-dir
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --warehouse-dir /sqooptest/input2
	 Specify the directory :/sqooptest/input2
	 Actual catalog :/sqooptest/input2/project
	 analysis : Create a directory named table name under the specified directory , At this time, the table name is regarded as a data warehouse name (warehouse)
  • result
     Insert picture description here

3. Specify the columns and query criteria to query

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --warehouse-dir /sqooptest/input3 --columns  'id,name,type'  --where 'id>2'  -m 1
	-m: It means only one mapper, One mapper Corresponding to a slice , Corresponding to an output file 
	 Because in the --table,  So the above will be assembled automatically sql  sentence . ,  Cannot be associated with -e or -query share 

 Insert picture description here

4. Appoint sql sentence

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --target-dir /sqooptest/input4/project --query 'select id,name,type from project where id>2 and  $CONDITIONS'  --split-by project.id -m 1
	--query: Cannot be associated with --table, --columns share 
	$CONDITIONS: Indicates the partition column 
	--split-by: Table columns for splitting work units , Cannot be associated with  --autoreset-to-one-mapper Use options together 
	-m: It means only one mapper,   One mapper Corresponding to a slice , Corresponding to an output file 

 Insert picture description here


  • Failure , A pit !!!!!
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --warehouse-dir /sqooptest/input5  --direct   -m 1
	--direct Use mysqldump Command to complete the import , Because it's a cluster ,map The task is assigned to each node to run , So every node should have mysqldump command 

6. Incremental import

  • Used to retrieve only rows that are newer than some previously imported rowsets
  • Parameters
--check-column: Check the columns 
--incremental append: How to determine which values are up-to-date 
	append: Additional 
	lastmodified: Last revision 
--last-value: The maximum value retrieved from the last import 

  • insert data
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project5',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project6',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project7',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project8',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);

 Insert picture description here

  • command
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --warehouse-dir /sqooptest/input6 -m 1 --check-column id  --incremental append --last-value 3
  • result
     Insert picture description here

  • insert data
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project9',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project10',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project11',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project12',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);

 Insert picture description here

  • command : Note that the output directory has not changed
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --warehouse-dir /sqooptest/input6 -m 1 --check-column id  --incremental append --last-value 7
  • result : The output directory in the figure is correct input6
     Insert picture description here

  • Add the last modification time
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --warehouse-dir /sqooptest/input8 -m 1 --check-column update_at  --incremental lastmodified --last-value "2022-06-29 15:46:12" --append
	--append: Append data to  HDFS  Existing dataset in 
  • result
     Insert picture description here
     Insert picture description here

sqoop job-

1. Grammar format

sqoop job (generic-args) (job-args) [-- [subtool-name] (subtool-args)]
	 Be careful -- After space 

2. Create tasks , Import sqooptest1 In the library project The contents of the table go to hadoop

  • The original order
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC --username root --password a --table project --target-dir /sqooptest/input9/project -m 1

 Insert picture description here

  • Create task command
sqoop job --create yc-job1 -- import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC  --username root --password a --table project --target-dir /sqooptest/input10/project -m 1
  • Possible problems
1. The task already exists , Please change the task name or delete the original task . 
2.Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.JSONObject   
	 The lack of jar package (org.json.json), take java-json.jar Packages uploaded to sqoop/lib It's a bag 
  • There are two ways to view the created task
sqoop job --list
sqoop job --show yc-job1
  • Perform tasks
sqoop job --exec yc-job1
  • View the execution results
     Insert picture description here

3. Log in to the database with a password file

  • When creating tasks above , Tips MySQL Password entry for , Blocking the automatic operation
  • official 7.2.1 Prompt to configure password file
     Insert picture description here
  • Create password hidden file
echo -n "a" >/root/.mysql.password
chmod 400 /root/.mysql.password
  • List all files , Including hiding
ls -al
  • The code that creates the task
sqoop job --create yc-job2 -- import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC  --username root --password-file file:////root/.mysql.password --table project --target-dir /sqooptest/input11/project -m 1
  • View the created task
sqoop job --list
sqoop job --show yc-job2
  • Perform tasks
sqoop job --exec yc-job2
  • View the execution results
     Insert picture description here

4. Create an additional import task

  • To mysql Check out project Tabular id Maximum  Insert picture description here
  • Insert some new data
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project12',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project13',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project14',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project15',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);

 Insert picture description here

  • Create task code
sqoop job --create yc-job3 -- import --connect jdbc:mysql://node3:3306/sqooptest1?serverTimezone=UTC  --username root --password-file file:////root/.mysql.password --table project --target-dir /sqooptest/input12/project -m 1 --check-column id --incremental append --last-value 11
  • View the created task
sqoop job --list
  • Perform tasks
sqoop job --exec yc-job3
  • View the execution results
     Insert picture description here
  • Insert some new data
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project16',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project17',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);	
  • Perform tasks
sqoop job --exec yc-job3
  • View the execution results
     Insert picture description here
  • ** The output shows , This job There is one on the bottom called metastore Metabase of (sqlite, metastore) Store the current id The latest value of , So that you can import from here next time , This facilitates scheduled tasks , There is no need for programmers to record the updated data **

5. Time work

  • Three options
1.oozie,azkaban frame ***  
2. Write a timer (Thread class ,java.util.TimerTask class ,Quartz Timer frame ->cron expression )
3.centos Self contained crontab Realization ****

  • Implementation of the third scheme
  • /usr/local/bin Create sqoop_incremental.sh Scheduled task script file
cd /usr/local/bin
vim sqoop_incremental.sh
	#! /bin/bash
	/usr/local/sqoop147/bin/sqoop  job --exec yc-job3>>/usr/local/sqoop147/myjob.out 2>&1 &
		# explain 
		#/usr/local/sqoop147/bin/sqoop:sqoop Command full path , Prevent missing  
		#/usr/local/sqoop147/myjob.out: The result of the command is output to myjob.out
		#2>&1: The error log is also regarded as the correct log 
		#&: Background processes 
  • establish crontab
crontab -e
	# Every time 5 Once per minute 
	*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/bash /usr/local/sqoop147/bin/sqoop_incremental.sh
	# Format : branch   when   Japan   month   Zhou   command 
  • Insert some new data
insert into project( name,type,description,create_at,status)
values( 'project18',5,'project5 zy','2019-07-25',0);
  • Wait about five minutes
  • view log file :/usr/local/sqoop147/myjob.out
     Insert picture description here
  • View the execution results
     Insert picture description here

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