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Eight days of learning C language - while loop (embedded) (single chip microcomputer)

2022-07-05 02:39:00 Late night taverns don't drink

When the conditions are met ,if Statement execution after statement , Otherwise, do not execute .
But this statement will only be executed once .
Because we find that many practical examples in life are : We need to finish the same thing many times .
So how do we do it ?
C Language introduces us : while sentence , It's possible to loop .

// Print... On the screen 1 - 10 The number of 
//int main()
//	int i = 1;
//	while (i <= 10)
//	{
//		printf("%d ", i);
//		i++;
//	}
//		return 0;

break and continue Introduce

// stay while In circulation ,break Used to permanently terminate the loop ;
// stay while In circulation  ,continue The purpose of this is to skip this cycle 
//( Code behind )
// Go directly to the judgment part , See if the next cycle ;
//int main()
//	int i = 1;
//	while (i <= 10)
//	{
//		if (i == 5)
//			break;
//		continue;
//		printf("%d ", i);
//		i++;
//	}
//	return 0;

getchar Introduce

//EOF - end of file -  End of file flag ;
//int main()
//	int ch=getchar(); 
//	//printf("%c\n", ch);
//	putchar(ch);// Output a character 
//	return 0;

//int main()
//	int ch = 0;
//	while ((ch = getchar())!=EOF)
//	{
//		putchar(ch);
//	}//ctrl + z - getchar  End of read ;
//	return 0;

//int main()
//	int password[20] = { 0 };
//	printf(" Please input a password :>");
//	scanf("%s", password);
//	// Clean buffer 
//	//getchar();// Can only handle \n;
//	// Method 2 : Clean up multiple characters in the buffer 
//	int tmp = 0;
//	while ((tmp = getchar()) != '\n')
//	{
//		;
//	}
//	printf(" Please confirm the password (Y/N)");
//	int ch = getchar();
//	if (ch == 'Y')
//	{
//		printf(" Confirm success \n");
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		printf(" Confirmation failed \n");
//	}
//	return 0;

//int main()
//	int i = 1;
//	while (i <= 10)
//	{
//		i = i + 1;
//		if (i == 5)
//			continue;
//		printf("%d ",i);	
//	}
//	return 0;
//}//2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

//int main()
//	int i = 1;
//	while (i <= 10)
//	{
//		if (i == 5)
//			continue;
//		printf("%d ", i);
//		i = i + 1;
//	}
//	return 0;
//}//1 2 3 4

// The purpose of this code is :
// Print only numeric characters , Skip other characters .
//int main()
//	char ch = '\0';
//	while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
//	{
//		if (ch < '0' || ch > '9')
//			continue;
//		putchar(ch);
//	}
//	return 0;

//int main()
//	int ch = 0;
//	while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)// Get any character ;
//		putchar(ch);// Output any character ;
//	return 0;


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