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Advanced conditional statements of common SQL operations
2022-07-05 01:46:00 【stitchshaw】
List of articles
topic 1
user_info left join exam_record using(uid) # user_info Master table
left join practice_record as p_r using(uid)
achievement between 1200 and 2500
and nick_name like " Cattle guest % Number "
and (start_time like "_____09%" or month(p_r.submit_time)=9 )
group by
select uid,
from user_info
where nick_name like ' Cattle guest % Number '
and achievement between 1200 and 2500
and (
uid in(
select uid
from exam_record
where date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m') = '202109')
or uid in(
select uid
from practice_record
where date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m') = '202109')
topic 2
round(avg(score), 0) as avg_score
user_info left join exam_record using(uid)
left join examination_info using(exam_id)
(nick_name like " Cattle guest % Number " or nick_name rlike "^[0-9]+$" )
and tag rlike "^(c|C).*"
and score is not null
group BY
order by uid,avg_score
select uid, exam_id, round(avg(score), 0) as avg_score
from exam_record
uid in (select uid from user_info
# Regular expressions
where nick_name rlike '^ Cattle guest [0-9]+ Number $'
or nick_name rlike '^[0-9]+$'
and exam_id in (select exam_id
from examination_info
# wildcard
where tag like 'C%'
or tag like 'c%'
and score IS NOT NULL
group by uid, exam_id
order by uid, avg_score;
select uid, exam_id, round(avg(score), 0) as avg_score
from exam_record
group by uid, exam_id
uid in (select uid from user_info
# Regular expressions
where nick_name rlike '^ Cattle guest [0-9]+ Number $'
or nick_name rlike '^[0-9]+$'
and exam_id in (select exam_id
from examination_info
# wildcard
where tag like 'C%'
or tag like 'c%'
and avg_score IS NOT NULL # Notice if score is not null, Then newspaper "Unknown column 'score' in 'having clause'"
order by uid, avg_score;
topic 3
with…as Create a temporary table
WITH t_tag_count as (
SELECT uid, `level`,
COUNT(start_time) - COUNT(submit_time) as incomplete_cnt, -- Outstanding
ROUND(IFNULL(1 - COUNT(submit_time) / COUNT(start_time), 0), 3) as incomplete_rate, -- This person's unfinished rate
COUNT(start_time) as total_cnt -- Total number of answers
# FROM exam_record RIGHT JOIN user_info USING(uid)
FROM user_info LEFT JOIN exam_record USING(uid) #user_info Master table
SELECT uid, incomplete_cnt, incomplete_rate
FROM t_tag_count
SELECT uid FROM t_tag_count WHERE `level` = 0 AND incomplete_cnt > 2 ) AND `level` = 0
SELECT uid, incomplete_cnt, incomplete_rate
FROM t_tag_count
SELECT uid FROM t_tag_count WHERE `level` = 0 AND incomplete_cnt > 2 ) AND total_cnt > 0
ORDER BY incomplete_rate;
Sub table method :
SELECT uid, incomplete_cnt, incomplete_rate
ui.uid uid, level, ### Must be ui.uid Talent and level One-to-one correspondence
count(start_time)-count(submit_time) incomplete_cnt,
round(ifnull((count(start_time)-count(submit_time))/count(start_time),0),3) incomplete_rate,
COUNT(start_time) as total_cnt
from exam_record er
right join user_info ui on er.uid=ui.uid
group by uid
) as a
WHERE EXISTS ( # Judgment for There is any one 0 The number of uncompleted test papers of level 1 users is greater than 2
ui.uid uid, level, ### Must be ui.uid Talent and level One-to-one correspondence
count(start_time)-count(submit_time) incomplete_cnt,
round(ifnull((count(start_time)-count(submit_time))/count(start_time),0),3) incomplete_rate,
COUNT(start_time) as total_cnt
from exam_record er
right join user_info ui on er.uid=ui.uid
group by uid
) as a
WHERE `level` = 0 AND incomplete_cnt > 2 )
AND level = 0 # Output 0 Unfinished number and unfinished rate of level users
union all ## In both cases union all Connect
SELECT uid, incomplete_cnt, incomplete_rate
ui.uid uid, level, ### Must be ui.uid Talent and level One-to-one correspondence
count(start_time)-count(submit_time) incomplete_cnt,
round(ifnull((count(start_time)-count(submit_time))/count(start_time),0),3) incomplete_rate,
COUNT(start_time) as total_cnt
from exam_record er
right join user_info ui on er.uid=ui.uid
group by uid
) a
WHERE not EXISTS ( # Judgment for No one 0 The number of uncompleted test papers of level 1 users is greater than 2
ui.uid uid, level, ### Must be ui.uid Talent and level One-to-one correspondence
count(start_time)-count(submit_time) incomplete_cnt,
round(ifnull((count(start_time)-count(submit_time))/count(start_time),0),3) incomplete_rate,
COUNT(start_time) as total_cnt
from exam_record er
right join user_info ui on er.uid=ui.uid
group by uid
) a
WHERE `level` = 0 AND incomplete_cnt > 2 )
AND total_cnt >0 # Screen users with response records That is, the total answer is greater than 0 that will do
order by incomplete_rate asc
Other :
WITH target_user AS (
COUNT(1) AS incomplete_cnt
FROM exam_record LEFT JOIN user_info ON exam_record.uid = user_info.uid
WHERE user_info.level = 0 AND submit_time IS NULL
GROUP BY user_info.uid
HAVING incomplete_cnt > 2
), target_user_exist AS (
SELECT COUNT(1) AS `exist` FROM target_user)
, total_summary AS (
MAX(user_info.level) AS level,
SUM(IF(submit_time IS NULL AND start_time IS NOT NULL, 1, 0)) AS incomplete_cnt,
SUM(IF(submit_time IS NULL AND start_time IS NOT NULL, 1, 0)) / COUNT(1) AS incomplete_rate,
SUM(IF(start_time IS NOT NULL, 1, 0)) AS has_submit
FROM user_info LEFT JOIN exam_record
ON user_info.uid = exam_record.uid
GROUP BY user_info.uid
ROUND(incomplete_rate, 3)
FROM total_summary LEFT JOIN target_user_exist ON 1=1
WHERE (exist=0 AND has_submit>0) OR (exist=1 AND level=0)
ORDER BY incomplete_rate ASC
topic 4
This topic is about case…when…then…[else]…end There are many ways of writing :
(case when score<60 then ' Bad '
when score<75 then ' in '
when score<90 then ' good '
else ' optimal ' end) as score_grade
(case when score >= 90 then ' optimal '
when score >= 75 then ' good '
when score >= 60 then ' in '
else ' Bad ' end) as score_grade
(case when score>=90 then " optimal "
when score between 75 and 89 then " good "
when score between 60 and 74 then " in "
else " Bad " end) as score_grade
(case when score>=90 then ' optimal '
when score>=75 and score<90 then ' good '
when score>=60 and score<75 then ' in '
else ' Bad ' end) as score_grade
Law 1:
level, score_grade,
round(count(uid) / total, 3) as ratio
from (
select u_i.uid,
exam_id, score, level,
(case when score >= 90 then ' optimal '
when score >= 75 then ' good '
when score >= 60 then ' in '
else ' Bad ' end) as score_grade,
count(*) over(partition by level) as total
from user_info u_i join exam_record e_r on u_i.uid = e_r.uid
where score is not null
) as user_grade_table
group by level, score_grade
order by level desc, ratio desc
Law 2:
with t1 as
(select level,
case when score<60 then ' Bad '
when score<75 then ' in '
when score<90 then ' good '
else ' optimal ' end as score_grade
from exam_record join user_info on exam_record.uid=user_info.uid
where score is not null)
select t1.level, score_grade, round(count(score_grade) / ct,3) as cnt
from t1 join (select level,count(level) ct
from t1
group by level) as t2
on t1.level=t2.level
group by t1.level,score_grade
order by t1.level desc,cnt desc;
Rewrite the above method :
with t1 as
(select level,
case when score<60 then ' Bad '
when score<75 then ' in '
when score<90 then ' good '
else ' optimal ' end as score_grade
from exam_record join user_info on exam_record.uid=user_info.uid
where score is not null),
t2 as
(select level,count(level) as ct
from t1
group by level)
select t1.level, score_grade, round(count(score_grade) / ct,3) as cnt
from t1 join t2
on t1.level=t2.level
group by t1.level,score_grade
order by t1.level desc,cnt desc;
Law 3:
with t as
(select u_i.uid,exam_id,score,level,
case when score>=90 then ' optimal '
when score>=75 and score<90 then ' good '
when score>=60 and score<75 then ' in '
else ' Bad ' end as score_grade,
count(*) over (partition by level) as total
from user_info u_i join exam_record using(uid)
where score is not NULL)
round(count(*) / total,3) as ratio
from t
group by level, score_grade
order by level desc, ratio desc
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