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Asp+access campus network goods trading platform

2022-07-05 02:33:00 Salted fish brother

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ASP+ACCESS Campus network goods trading platform ( Source code + The paper + Defence PPT+ Internship report ).rar- Professional guidance document resources -CSDN download 1、 Resource content : Graduation project lun-wen; Source code, etc. 2、 Learning goals : Quickly complete the design of relevant topics ;3、 Application scenarios : More download resources 、 For learning materials, please visit CSDN Download channel .https://download.csdn.net/download/u013253075/80048947?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503

【 pick   want 】 Today, with the increasing popularity of the Internet , Network is the protagonist , It's the darling of the times . In the network family , E-commerce is a hot spot . E-commerce is Internet The direct product of explosive development , It is a new development direction of network technology , One of the most basic manifestations of e-commerce is e-shopping websites , To some extent, it is an online supermarket , That is, online sales .“ network ” Word means that it is fast and convenient in the information age . In fact, the emergence of e-commerce , Give consumers a position , Consumption concept has brought important changes . Therefore, establish a campus network goods trading platform , Bring infinite convenience to students . On this platform , All students can register to buy the items they need . The website will display this information to all visitors in the form of a list of items . Because this website is mainly for teachers and students of our college , Therefore, shopping carts and payment platforms are not provided , All visitors should look after the website items , Through the contact information left by the seller , Get in touch with , Conduct face-to-face transactions .

【 key word 】 campus   Electronic Commerce   Goods trading


Computer network as an advanced information transmission medium , It is characterized by fast information transmission 、 Wide information coverage and low cost , Therefore, we can use the Internet to carry out business activities . E-commerce .........................

1 Introduction to e-commerce

11 Overview of e-commerce

With the development of the times , Computers and Internet Has entered our lives . The advent of the information age , The expansion of knowledge economy , It is getting closer and closer to our life . adopt Internet...............

E-commerce comes from English ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, Shorthand for EC. seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , Its content includes two aspects , One is electronic mode , Second, business activities . Generally come ..................

E-commerce is the automation and electronization of the whole trade activity .Internet And the vigorous development of network computing technology , Affordable and in-depth electronic channels everywhere have become a reality ,..................

2 The role of e-commerce

Worldwide , E-commerce has not been around for a long time , But the development is very rapid . E-commerce activities in some developed countries have been realized through the dense Internet system . The majority of users 、 merchants 、 Financial institutions and intermediaries 、 Service support institutions have increased the inquiry of raw materials on the Internet 、 purchase 、 Product display 、 Order goods 、 Product storage and transportation 、 Electronic payment and other commercial trade and financial payment activities , These activities are completely or basically .......................

3. The feasibility of establishing campus shopping websites

With the increasing enrichment of college life . The material supply and demand of college students are getting higher and higher , And the amount of information also increases , Students often paste their supply and demand information on everything they can .....................

Now computers are very popular , Among the college students 90% All the above are online , The demand for information is considerable , So rely on the network to do some ....................


4. Website development tools

4.1 Web tools Dreamweaver Introduce

Dreamweaver yes Macromedia Home page editing tool launched by the company . It is a WYSIWYG web editor , Support the latest DHTML and CSS mark ...................

Dreamweaver It provides powerful design tools , Without writing a line of code , Can quickly create a variety of highly dynamic HTML Feature pages , utilize Dreamweaver Of Roundtrip  HTML technology , Users can precisely control Dreamweaver Production network ..................

Dreamweaver It's completely customizable , You can create ...................

4.2 Access Database introduction

Access yes Office The application software used to specially manage the database in the series of software . The so-called database refers to the organized 、 A collection of information about a particular topic or object . Database management system is divided into .......................

Access standards-of-use SQL(Structured Query Language, Structured query language ) As its database language , Thus providing a powerful number .................

One Access The database can contain tables 、 Inquire about 、 forms 、 newspaper ...................

4.3 Web editing Photoshop7

Photoshop yes Adobe The company's flagship product , It has undoubted authority in the field of graphics and image processing . Whether it's print advertising design 、 Interior decoration , Or deal with it ................

Photoshop Have a variety of selection tools , Great place ................

utilize Photoshop It can not only make exquisite character modeling , And it can also make complex changes to the text , Process the image . Image processing is for existing bitmap ..............

5. Function design of campus network trading platform

5.1 Preparation before the construction of the station

1). Technology Architecture

chart 5.1 Technology Architecture

ASP The program is in IIS The server works , The current end user requests from the browser .asp Home page ,WEB Server response HTTP Request and call ASP The engine executes the file and interprets the execution .................

2). Make database

utilize Microsoft Access Make database , named zhuce.......................

Guanliyuan surface :

Record the account number of the background administrator , password .

surface 5.1 guanliyuan surface

Field name

Chinese name

data type



Administrator account



Administrator password


Shangpin surface :

Record information about items on the website , In order to display , Such as item name 、 Price 、 Number 、 classification 、 Release date .

surface 5.2 shangpin surface

Field name

data type


Name of commodity


commodity price


The number


Classification of goods


Release date

date / Time

User surface :

Record the user name , User password 、QQ、 Phone number 、 Address , Administrators can delete user data directly .

surface 5.3 user surface

Field name

Chinese name

data type



user name



User password



Confirm the password



QQ number



Phone number





Xinwen surface :

Record the news information released by the administrator , In order to display , For example, the name of the news 、 date 、 Content .

surface 5.4 xinwen surface

Field name

Chinese name

data type



The name of the news



Press release date

date / Time


News content


3). Building site

(1) adopt IIS Only by establishing a website service can we Internet Publish on , open “internet Service Manager ”, stay “ Default Web Site ” Next create a Web.................

(2) open Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 dynamic ..................

52 System function development

We use web page making tools to make a friendly homepage interface . The homepage interface is shown in the figure :

chart 5.2 Home page

Because this system is based on ASP The system developed to realize online operation . therefore , The completion of this system needs the help of HTML, And because of HTML Is the basis of web programming , therefore , Just leave it here ...................

1). Registration and login section

The first step for users to become sellers , Registration page . As shown in the figure :


chart 5.3 Registration page

After successful user registration , You can log in to the backstage , Launch products , Then you can open a shop .

The login page is the gate of a website . Users log in to the website through this page . The user enters the user account password on the page and submits , The system verifies the user account and password ...................

chart 5.4 Login failure page

2). Construction of each block

(1) The list of items is divided into blocks

In order to better display the items on sale for visitors , This site lists all the items sold in the form of display database . It mainly displays the item name , Release date . And according to the drop of the item date ................


chart 5.5  Sell items list page

The page layout is simple and clear , Also clearly show the information of the item . After the design is finished .................



colspan="2"><div align="center">

<%=(wupinliebao.Fields.Item(" Name of commodity ").Value)%></div></td>


colspan="2"><div align="center">

<%=(wupinliebao.Fields.Item(" Release date ").Value)%></div></td>




This code means adding “ Name of commodity ” and “ Release date ”2 Dynamic text , Used to show ..............

To show visitors the latest items on the shelves , The list is properly sorted , the ..................

 (2) Our news is divided into sections

It is used to display the latest news of the website , It mainly displays the news name and release date ..................

(3) Product release is divided into blocks

Product release is when sellers put products on the shelves ..........:


chart 5.6 Publish product page

The function of releasing goods is right shangpin The process of writing a record from a table , And in the record ................

(4) Commodity management is divided into blocks

Commodity management is that sellers buy their own goods on the shelves ................


chart 5.7 Product management page

It will show the seller all the things on the shelves , Allow sellers to enter ..................

53 Background management

A website works well , Maintenance is indispensable . Mainly the maintenance of the server ..................

1). Seller edit

Seller editing is to display the seller's registered account , Count the number of sellers registered on the website . If .....................:

chart 5.8 Shopkeeper edit page

2). Release news

Publishing news is the administrator publishing news ............

chart 5.9 Publish a news page

The function of publishing news is right xinwen The process of writing a record from a table , And the record should include news labels .................

6. The development and security of e-commerce

21 The century is — An information age with network as the core , Digitization 、 Networking and informatization are 21 The characteristics of the century . As a new form of business in the information age , Not only for business operation ..................

As a modern business model , E-commerce uses computer networks to retrieve and obtain information , Provide decision-making services for individuals and companies , Solved the problem of organization 、 The needs of businesses and customers , Reduced use for improving goods and clothing .....................

From the perspective of the goal of e-commerce , E-commerce can expand the customer base , Get higher returns , Develop target markets , Save money and expenses , Speed up the circulation of goods , Speed up customer information feedback , And improve the service quality . In a ...........................

61 The development prospect of e-commerce

The development potential of e-commerce is certainly great , The future trade direction of our country must be the development of online e-commerce . For example, the settlement of international finance and international trade now belongs to e-commerce in a broad sense . I think let's not talk about other knowledge first , If you really understand the content of e-commerce , Related industries can ............................

The development of e-commerce will gradually change our way of life and work , Originally, face-to-face negotiation 、 The management and business activities of paper communication have gradually become digital activities completed by computer remote operation . No time 、 Space and human constraints , People's life and work will become convenient 、 Flexibility and ease . Especially in obtaining information 、 Transmit information 、 Various service activities 、 payment 、 There will be fundamental changes in the way of delivery . Any legal ..............

62 The development trend of e-commerce

1). Vertical deepening trend

The infrastructure of e-commerce will be improved day by day , The supporting environment gradually tends to be standardized , The depth of enterprises' development of e-commerce is further expanded , The depth of personal participation in e-commerce is also .....................

The demand for personalized customized information will be strong , The deep participation of personalized goods is inevitable . The emergence of the Internet , The development and popularization itself is to the traditional order economic and social organization ...................

3). Specialization trend

The prospect of consumer oriented vertical websites and professional websites is promising , The professional e-commerce platform facing the industry has great development potential . First, face individuals The specialization trend of consumers . To meet the ...........................

All in all , With the rapid development of economic globalization and information technology and information industry , E-commerce ............

63 The security of e-commerce

The security of e-commerce is still the main factor affecting the development of e-commerce . because INTERNET The rapid popularity of , E-commerce has attracted widespread attention , Recognized as the future IT The most potential new growth point . However , Deal with transactions on an open network , How to ensure the security of data transmission becomes e-commerce .......................

7. summary

In a period of nearly two months , My graduation project is to learn something new ....................

From the design of the paper framework to the implementation of specific programs , It is my understanding process of e-commerce and database from scratch . In establishment “ Campus goods trading platform ” Just a basic principle of online shopping , It involves all aspects , We have not encountered or existing conditions and restrictions and failed to achieve . I'm learning ASP+ Count .........................

All in all , The graduation project produced by this website , Strengthen my independent study .. Xi Heyun ......................

If you need more information, please download it from the link below

ASP+ACCESS Campus network goods trading platform ( Source code + The paper + Defence PPT+ Internship report ).rar- Professional guidance document resources -CSDN download 1、 Resource content : Graduation project lun-wen; Source code, etc. 2、 Learning goals : Quickly complete the design of relevant topics ;3、 Application scenarios : More download resources 、 For learning materials, please visit CSDN Download channel .https://download.csdn.net/download/u013253075/80048947?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503 


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