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A real day for Beijing programmers!!!!!

2022-07-05 04:02:00 Blue92120

Someone is always angry
Why are programmers paid so high
What's more :
When will the state rectify the phenomenon of high salaries for programmers ?

The programmer :
It's all in Hair change !!!

Bo Niu sighs

It seems that he is still inexperienced , Don't understand the depth of the Jianghu

It's too early

It is said that , This is the day of Beijing programmers

6:49 Get up to work

Commuting time should be 1 Hours of me
It is necessary to get up every day
Self discipline is an excellent quality of a programmer
Just as bug It will never be night

My colleagues living in Yanjiao always tell me

“ I'm not tired at work , I'm tired of going to work ”

I really don't understand

The only slot is

Beijing subway is too cold in summer , It's too hot in winter

9:30 Start working

There are three benefits of eating breakfast with pay
One 、 receive off-post payment
Two 、 Keeping in good health
3、 ... and 、 How can you have strength without breakfast ……

How strong ( work ) Follow the product Wang battle demand ?
“ Your strength determines the volume of the other person talking to you ”

I was with the product manager as soon as I went to work “ friendly ” Discuss requirements

You see how harmonious our relationship is

originally decided 1 An hour's meeting
There was another delay 1 Hours 50 minute 59 second
Accurate card to the rice point

After lunch break

Is to complete the needs of the morning
Write code ,debug

Don't laugh at programmers bug
Write code and write bug It is one thing
Which programmer doesn't write bug?

Going to work is to survive
Life is after work
Programmers after work , Will do something ?

Work overtime ?
hum ~
wet behind the ears !!!

