当前位置:网站首页>[PHP features - variable coverage] improper use, improper configuration and code logic vulnerability of the function

[PHP features - variable coverage] improper use, improper configuration and code logic vulnerability of the function

2022-07-05 03:47:00 Black zone (rise)


One 、 executive summary

Find the way :

The reasons causing :

utilize :

Use scenarios :

Two 、extract function

grammar :

Example :

3、 ... and 、parse_str function

grammar :

Example :

Four 、import_request_variables function

grammar :

Example :

5、 ... and 、 Improper configuration

Premise :

Example :

6、 ... and 、 Code logic vulnerability

$$ The resulting variable overrides

Example :

One 、 executive summary

Find the way :

Code audit

The reasons causing :

Improper use of functions 、 Improper configuration 、 Code logic vulnerability

utilize :

Overwrite local variables or global variables in the program through the value passed in from the front end , So as to achieve variable coverage

Use scenarios :

$$ Improper use

extract() 、parse_str() Improper use of functions

import_request_variables() Improper use , Global variable registration is enabled (PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5 < 5.4.0)


Two 、extract function

grammar :


Parameters describe
array It's necessary . Specify the array to use .

Optional .extract() The function checks that each key name is a valid variable name , It also checks whether it conflicts with the existing variable names in the symbol table . Handling illegal and conflicting key names will be determined by this parameter .

Possible value :

  • EXTR_OVERWRITE - Default . If there is a conflict , Overwrite existing variables .
  • EXTR_SKIP - If there is a conflict , Do not overwrite existing variables .
  • EXTR_PREFIX_SAME - If there is a conflict , Prefix variable names  prefix.
  • EXTR_PREFIX_ALL - Prefix all variable names  prefix.
  • EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID - Prefix only illegal or numeric variable names  prefix.
  • EXTR_IF_EXISTS - Only when a variable with the same name already exists in the current symbol table , Override their values . Nothing else .
  • EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS - Only when a variable with the same name already exists in the current symbol table , Create variable names with prefixes attached , Nothing else .
  • EXTR_REFS - Extract variables as references . The imported variable still references the value of the array parameter .

Optional . Please note that  prefix  Only in  extract_type  The value of is EXTR_PREFIX_SAME,EXTR_PREFIX_ALL,EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID or EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS The need when . If the result after prefixing is not a legal variable name , Will not be imported into the symbol table .

An underscore is automatically added between the prefix and the array key name .

Example :

        $a = false;
        if ($a) {
        echo "flag{...}";
        } else {
        echo "……";

extract Function will GET The incoming data is converted into variable name and value
Input ?a=1 Can be $a The value of a true-----> get flag

3、 ... and 、parse_str function

grammar :


Parameters describe
string It's necessary . Specify the string to parse .
array Optional . Specifies the name of the array where the variables are stored . This parameter indicates that the variable will be stored in the array .

Not set array Parameters , The variable set by this function will overwrite the existing variable with the same name

parse_str The() function parses a string and registers it as a variable

The existence of the current variable will not be verified before registering the variable , Directly overwrite the existing variables

That is to change the input string into a variable

Example :

        $a = false;
        if ($a) {
        echo "flag{...}";
        } else {
        echo "……";

Input ?a=1

Four 、import_request_variables function

grammar :

bool import_request_variables ( string $types [, string $prefix ] )

Parameters describe
$types Specify the variables to import , It can be used Letter G、P and C respectively GET、POST and Cookie, These letters are case insensitive , So you can use g 、 p and c Any combination of .POST It includes passing through POST Method to upload file information . Notice the order of the letters , When using gp when ,POST Variables will be overridden with the same name GET Variable . whatever GPC Letters other than will be ignored
$prefix Prefix of variable name , Before all variables that are imported into the global scope . So if you have one called userid Of GET Variable , It also provides pref_ As a prefix , Then you will get a name $pref_userid Global variable of . although prefix Parameters are optional , But if you don't specify a prefix , Or specify an empty string as the prefix , You will get a E_NOTICE Level error

PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5 < 5.4.0

Example :

        $a = false;
        if ($a) {
        echo "flag{...}";
        } else {
        echo "……";

The first character will overwrite the value of the parameter passed in by the last character , if “GP”, And GET and POST It's also passed in a Parameters , be POST Incoming a Will be ignored

5、 ... and 、 Improper configuration

Premise :

When PHP To configure register_globals=ON when , utilize register_globals Characteristics of , Duplicate global variable coverage vulnerability

Example :

        if ($a) {
        echo "flag{...}";
        } else {
        echo "……";

Parameters passed in by the user auth=1 You can enter if Sentence block

If in if Initialization before statement $a Variable , It won't trigger

6、 ... and 、 Code logic vulnerability

$$ The resulting variable overrides

$$( Volatile variables )

The variable name of a variable can be set and used dynamically

This variable gets the value of a common variable as the variable name of this variable


        // assignment


        // send a The value of the variable is used as the variable name

echo "$a ${$a}";

        // Output :hello everybody

echo "$a $hello";

        // The same output :hello everybody

Example :

        $a = false;
        foreach($_GET as $key => $value){
        $$key = $value;
        if ($a) {
        echo "flag{...}";
        } else {
        echo "……";

adopt foreach Loop through groups ( Such as ,$_GET、$_POST etc. ), There will be GET The passed in parameters are registered as variables , User input “?auth=1” Successfully bypassed the judgment , To obtain the flag


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