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How to learn to get the embedding matrix e # yyds dry goods inventory #

2022-07-05 03:04:00 LolitaAnn

This article is my note sharing , The content mainly comes from teacher Wu Enda's in-depth learning course . [1]

We talked about it earlier word embedding. But how can we learn ?

Practice has proved , Building language models is learning word embedding Good way  [2].

Now let's build a language model to try how to predict and fill sentences .

I w a n t a g l a s s o f o r a n g e . 4343 9665 1 3852 6163 5257 I \quad want \quad a\quad glass\quad of\quad orange\quad \underline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad}. \\\quad \\ 4343 \quad 9665 \quad 1 \quad 3852 \quad 6163 \quad 5257\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad

Make sentence prediction . Now we have marked each word of this sentence with a serial number .

 I  o 4343 * E * e 4343  want  o 9665 * E * e 9665  a  o 1 * E * e 1  glass  o 3852 * E * e 3852  of  o 6163 * E * e 6163  orange  o 6257 * E * e 6257 \begin{array}{llllll} \text { I } & o_{4343} & \longrightarrow & E & \longrightarrow & e_{4343} \\ \text { want } & o_{9665} & \longrightarrow & E &\longrightarrow & e_{9665} \\ \text { a } & o_{1} & \longrightarrow & E& \longrightarrow & e_{1} \\ \text { glass } & o_{3852} & \longrightarrow & E& \longrightarrow & e_{3852} \\ \text { of } & o_{6163} & \longrightarrow & E& \longrightarrow & e_{6163}\\ \text { orange } & o_{6257} & \longrightarrow & E & \longrightarrow & e_{6257}\\ \end{array}

We have one-hot vector o o Learn to get word embedding matrix E E , Re pass word embedding Matrix and one-hot Vector multiplication . Get the corresponding word word embedding vector e e .

We're going to get embedding Put the vector into the neural network language model . One more pass softmax layer . And then this softmax Layer will find the most reliable answer in your word list as output .
 How to learn to get embedding matrix E #yyds Dry inventory #_ neural network
Now analyze the dimensions .

  • [ o ] 10000 × 1 [o]_{10000\times 1}

  • [ E ] 300 × 10000 [E]_{300\times 10000}

  • [ e ] 300 × 1 [e]_{300\times 1}

  • [ h ] 6 300 × 1 [h]_{6*300 \times 1}

    h It is processed by neural network splicing , Is to predict the seventh word of the sentence , Put the first six words of the sentence together and put them into the neural network for processing .

In the process of actual operation , Due to the different degrees of protons , Therefore, not all the contents in front are spliced together every time . Instead, select a size window to predict the sliding .

For example, the setting only considers the front 4 Word . Then it comes to the step of neural network calculation ,H It will become length 1200. instead of 1800.

 How to learn to get embedding matrix E #yyds Dry inventory #_ Language model _02
In this way, the neural network is used to train it . Inspired by the algorithm , Your network will constantly adjust data . Final Orange、Apple、Durian、Strawberry、Watermelon Short words will learn similar eigenvalues .

This is learning to gain word embedding matrix E E One of the ways .

This shows that the window we use in this example is before selection 4 Word . There are other ways to select context , For example, a few words around the vacancy 、 A few words after the vacancy .

Adapt to a skip-gram The model idea of , Then we will make a detailed introduction .

  1.  AI Official website of China - The world's leading online AI education 、 Practice platform (deeplearningai.net) ︎

  2.  Neural Probabilistic Language Models | SpringerLink ︎

